

单词 潜艇
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOWN〕Submarines were used to sink the enemy's supply ships. 潜艇曾被用来击沉敌方的补给船。朗文写作活用〔SP〕Submarine patrol.潜艇巡逻美国传统〔TOTAL〕There are eight submarines as well as the ships, making a total fleet of 34. 除了这些军舰外还有8艘潜艇,使舰队船只总数达到34艘。朗文写作活用〔U-boat〕A submarine of the German navy.德国海军的潜艇美国传统〔antisubmarine〕Directed against enemy submarines.反潜艇的,防潜艇的:用来反抗敌方潜艇的美国传统〔at〕The submarine lies at a depth of 6,000 feet in the Barents Sea.潜艇位于巴伦支海水下6,000英尺深处。柯林斯高阶〔blockade〕They attempted to break the blockade by using submarines.他们企图用潜艇穿越封锁线。牛津搭配〔boat〕A ship or submarine.轮船,潜艇美国传统〔boomer〕Informal A nuclear submarine armed with ballistic missiles.【非正式用语】 装备有弹道导弹的核潜艇美国传统〔bottom〕The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.潜艇潜入海底观察洋底。21世纪英汉〔branch〕He had a fascination for submarines and joined this branch of the service.他对潜艇非常着迷,因此加入了潜艇部队。柯林斯高阶〔broach〕After the depth charge exploded the submarine broached, then quickly sank.深水炸弹轰炸潜艇后,潜艇冒出水面,然后很快下沉了。21世纪英汉〔channel〕The main channels had been closed by enemy submarines.各主航道已被敌方潜艇封锁。外研社新世纪〔compartmentation〕Elaborate compartmentation in submarines makes them difficult to sink.潜艇精密的水密分舱区划使之不易沉没。英汉大词典〔deep〕The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.潜艇在冰盖下很深的地方航行。剑桥高阶〔depths〕The submarine sank slowly into the depths.潜艇缓慢地下沉至深海。外研社新世纪〔dive〕The captain dived his submarine deep to escape from the destroyers.海军上校使他的潜艇深深下潜以逃避驱逐艇。21世纪英汉〔dive〕The crew of the submarine prepared for a dive.潜艇上的全体船员准备下潜。韦氏高阶〔dive〕The submarine can dive to 3,000 feet.潜艇能深潜至3000英尺。韦氏高阶〔dive〕The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.潜艇及时下潜,刚好躲过了敌人的攻击。剑桥高阶〔dive〕The submarine dove quickly as the destroyer searched for it.当驱逐舰搜索潜艇时,潜艇迅速下潜。21世纪英汉〔drive by〕The submarine is driven by nuclear power.这艘潜艇是由核动力驱动的。21世纪英汉〔existence〕It will be much faster than any submarine now in existence.它的速度将超越任何现有的潜艇。外研社新世纪〔fairwater〕The bridge and conning tower on a submarine.潜艇的流线型指挥台外壳美国传统〔fleet〕To maintain a submarine fleet is a major commitment.保有一支潜艇舰队是一项重大的责任。牛津搭配〔fund〕The president has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new submarine.总统已经同意再拨一部分资金开发新潜艇。剑桥高阶〔hunt〕The plane was on a mission to hunt out enemy submarines.那架飞机正在执行搜寻敌军潜艇的任务。朗文当代〔hydroplane〕A horizontal rudder on a submarine.(潜艇之)水平舵:潜水艇上的水平舵美国传统〔invisibility〕The main advantage is the submarine's invisibility.主要的优点在于潜艇的不为人所见。文馨英汉〔invulnerable〕The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.潜艇在海上是不会受到攻击的。牛津高阶〔itself〕The museum has bought itself a submarine.博物馆自购了一艘潜艇。外研社新世纪〔kill〕Enemy submarines were moving in for the kill.敌人的潜艇正靠近目标准备攻击。朗文当代〔launch〕A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.船厂发言人说他们希望在两年内让第一艘潜艇下水。剑桥高阶〔life support〕There was a problem with the submarine's life-support system.这艘潜艇的生命保障系统出现了问题。韦氏高阶〔microscopic〕Inspectors discovered microscopic cracks in the hull of the submarine.检测人员发现潜艇的船身有细微的裂缝。朗文当代〔midsection〕There are 24 missiles in the submarine's midsection.在潜艇的中部有 24 枚导弹。朗文当代〔navy〕A similar submarine is used by several foreign navies.一些外国海军也使用类似的潜艇。韦氏高阶〔nuke〕Five times they ran towards the coast from deep water. Nukes every time.曾有5次从深水驶向海岸,每次都是核潜艇。英汉大词典〔overrun〕The nuclear-powered submarine can overrun any other sub.核动力潜艇比其他任何潜艇驶得快。英汉大词典〔patrol〕They maintain a continuous patrol of the oceans with three submarines.他们派出 3 艘潜艇保持不间断的海上巡逻。牛津搭配〔pen〕A repair dock for submarines.潜艇停泊检修时用的船坞美国传统〔plot〕We were trying to plot the course of the submarine.我们试图标绘出潜艇的航线图。柯林斯高阶〔poke〕Only the periscope of the submarine poked up above the water.只有潜艇的潜望镜伸出水面。文馨英汉〔pressurize〕To maintain normal air pressure in (an enclosure, as an aircraft or a submarine).使(封闭物里如飞机或潜艇中)维持正常的气压美国传统〔radar〕The submarine is impossible to detect on radar.雷达不可能探测到这种潜艇。牛津搭配〔resurface〕The submarine resurfaced.潜艇重新浮出水面。牛津高阶〔resurface〕They saw a German submarine resurfacing near their warship.他们看见一艘德国潜艇在离他们的战舰不远处重新露出水面。21世纪英汉〔riot〕Their submarines ran riot in the Atlantic.他们的潜艇在大西洋横冲直撞。英汉大词典〔seep〕Engineers said that plutonium could begin seeping from the corroded sub.工程师说钚可能会开始从遭腐蚀的潜艇往外渗透。柯林斯高阶〔service〕Some two hundred obsolete warships and submarines have been taken out of service during the past five years.在过去的五年中, 约有200艘老式军舰和潜艇陆续退役。外研社新世纪〔service〕Some two hundred obsolete warships and submarines have been taken out of service during the past five years.过去 5 年时间里,约 200 艘老式军舰和潜艇陆续退役。柯林斯高阶〔shipping〕They protected our shipping from submarines during wartime.战争期间他们保护我们的船舶不受潜艇攻击。韦氏高阶〔snorkel〕I ordered the submarine to snorkel.我命令我的潜艇潜航。21世纪英汉〔sonar〕They detected the submarine by using sonar.他们利用声呐探测到了这艘潜艇。韦氏高阶〔starboard〕He detected a ship moving down the starboard side of the submarine.他发现有一艘船正在潜艇的右侧航行。柯林斯高阶〔subchaser〕A submarine chaser.猎潜艇美国传统〔submarine chaser〕A small, fast ship equipped to pursue and attack submarines.猎潜艇:追击潜水艇的小快艇美国传统〔submariner〕A member of the crew of a submarine.潜艇乘员:一艘潜艇上全体船员中的一个成员美国传统〔submarine〕To attack by submarine, especially with torpedoes.用潜艇袭击:用潜艇袭击,尤指使用鱼雷者美国传统〔submarine〕To operate a submarine.驾驶潜艇美国传统〔submerge〕The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted.潜艇发现敌机后马上下潜。剑桥高阶〔submerge〕The submarine submerged.潜艇潜入水中。朗文当代〔submerge〕The submarine submerged.潜艇潜入水中。牛津同义词〔submersible〕A vessel capable of operating or remaining under water.潜艇:可以在水下作业或呆在水下的船只美国传统〔surface〕In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain's submarine force was relatively small.同其水面舰队相比,英国的潜艇部队规模相对较小。柯林斯高阶〔surface〕The submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast.潜艇在离海岸几英里的地方浮出了水面。剑桥高阶〔surface〕The submarine surfaced.潜艇浮出了水面。韦氏高阶〔take〕She and two sister subs took on a seventeen-ship convoy.这艘战舰和两艘姐妹潜艇与由17条舰艇组成的一支护航队接战。英汉大词典〔thing〕The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing.潜艇艇长有个潜望镜般的东西。外研社新世纪〔thing〕The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing.那个潜艇艇长有个类似于潜望镜之类的东西。柯林斯高阶〔torpedo〕Any of various submarine explosive devices, especially a submarine mine.水雷:一种水下爆炸装置,物别指潜艇水雷美国传统〔torpedo〕The battleship was sunk by a torpedo fired by a submarine.战舰被一艘潜艇发射的鱼雷击沉了。韦氏高阶〔torpedo〕The submarine torpedoed the battleship.潜艇用鱼雷击沉了战舰。韦氏高阶〔trident〕The navy plans to move its Tridents.海军计划调动其三叉戟潜艇。剑桥高阶〔underseas〕Submarines go underseas.潜艇潜入海底。英汉大词典〔wallop〕Each Trident sub is said to pack more wallop than the combined fleets of all navies in World War II.据说,每艘三叉戟潜艇配备的打击力比第二次世界大战中所有海军舰队的打击力总和还大。英汉大词典〔water〕The submarine had strayed into Russian waters.潜艇误闯进了俄罗斯海域。牛津搭配〔wolf pack〕A group of submarines that attack a single vessel or a convoy.潜艇攻击小分队:攻击一只船或一个护送队的一队潜艇美国传统A submarine submerged. 潜艇潜入水中。译典通Allied transports suffered greatly from German submarine attacks. 盟国的运输船受到德国潜艇攻击,损失惨重。译典通One of their escapades was to paint anti-war symbols onto a nuclear submarine.他们的恶作剧之一是把反战的标志刷到核潜艇上。剑桥国际The Navy's latest submarine entered service three years late and virtually unable to fire its torpedoes.海军最新的潜艇晚了三年服役,根本不能够发射鱼雷。剑桥国际The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable. 老式潜艇内的压力几乎是难以忍受的。译典通The submarine sank two ships. 潜艇击沉了两艘船。译典通There has been a lot of opposition to the government's plans to appropriate millions of pounds (=keep them to use for) for a new submarine.政府为建造一艘新的潜艇而计划拨款数百万英镑,这招致了一片反对声。剑桥国际These submarines were armed with nuclear missiles. 这些潜艇装备有核飞弹。译典通This nuclear submarine just completed a transoceanic voyage from the U.S. to Japan. 这艘核子潜艇刚完成了从美国到日本的越洋航程。译典通




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