

单词 潇洒
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BCBG.〕Bon chic, bon genre (stylish and well-to-do).潇洒别致,时髦的风格(时髦的和富有的)美国传统〔BEAUTIFUL〕She left her family to move to Argentina with her lover, a dashing polo player. 她离家去了阿根廷,是和她的情人,一个潇洒的马球运动员一起去的。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Steve was looking very dashing in a light-coloured suit. 史蒂夫穿着浅色西服,看上去很潇洒。朗文写作活用〔GRACEFUL〕He sketched her quickly, with a few graceful strokes of his pen. 他潇洒地挥挥笔,很快就给她画了一幅素描。朗文写作活用〔Nordic〕He was a handsome blond Nordic type.他属于北欧人那种类型,英俊潇洒,金发碧眼。柯林斯高阶〔UGLY〕In fairy stories the Prince is always very handsome, and the witch hideous. 在童话故事里,王子总是英俊潇洒,女巫则容貌丑陋。朗文写作活用〔attendance〕He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.他活得相当潇洒,通常带着厨师、用人、管家和司机到处游玩。柯林斯高阶〔be out of your league〕He was so good-looking and so popular that I felt he was out of my league.他英俊潇洒招人喜欢,我觉得自己配不上他。剑桥高阶〔blade〕He considers himself quite a blade.他自以为很英俊潇洒。英汉大词典〔collude〕My mother colluded in the myth of him as the stylish businessman.我妈妈和他一道, 编造了他是一位潇洒商人的谎言。外研社新世纪〔cool〕To be relaxed and cool is to be with-it.举止潇洒,态度清高,这才算合乎时尚。英汉大词典〔cuts a dashing figure〕The actor cuts a dashing figure as a young John · F. Kennedy.那个演员扮演年轻时的约翰·F.肯尼迪,一副英俊潇洒的模样。韦氏高阶〔dandy〕He was handsome and a dandy.他英俊潇洒, 衣着考究。外研社新世纪〔dandy〕He was handsome and a dandy.他英俊潇洒,还是个衣着讲究的时髦绅士。柯林斯高阶〔dashingly〕He is dashingly handsome.他风度翩翩,英俊潇洒。韦氏高阶〔dashing〕Two elegant Scotsmen travelling together wore dashing kilts at dinner.两名结伴旅行的优雅苏格兰男子就餐时穿了潇洒的苏格兰方格呢短裙。柯林斯高阶〔dash〕The Prince was driving with great fire and dash.王子潇洒威猛地驱车而行。柯林斯高阶〔date〕A black coat always looks smart and will never date.黑色外套看起来总是很潇洒,而且永远也不会落伍。柯林斯高阶〔debonair〕He was a handsome, debonair, death-defying racing-driver.他是一位英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、敢于挑战死神的赛车手。柯林斯高阶〔easy〕I don't trust that easy (= relaxed) charm of his.他那副从容自如的潇洒风度倒是让我信不过。剑桥高阶〔effortless〕He was an actor of effortless charm.他是位潇洒自如、魅力十足的演员。剑桥高阶〔figure〕He cut a dashing figure in his uniform.他穿着制服,非常潇洒。牛津搭配〔flair〕Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect.他们的作品一如既往地引人入胜、气韵潇洒、新颖别致,不会让你失望。柯林斯高阶〔flirtatious〕He was dashing, self-confident and flirtatious.他潇洒自如、自信满满、四处调情。外研社新世纪〔likeable〕He had a certain rakish air that made him immediately likeable.他某种潇洒的风度使得他一露面便招人喜欢。牛津搭配〔natty〕He is very natty in his striped jacket and white flannels.他穿着条子茄克衫和白色法兰绒裤显得十分整洁潇洒。英汉大词典〔natty〕He's always been a natty dresser.他总是整洁潇洒。剑桥高阶〔negligence〕He dressed with easy negligence.他穿得很潇洒随便。英汉大词典〔panache〕He dressed with panache.他穿着十分潇洒。剑桥高阶〔panache〕The BBC Symphony Orchestra played with great panache.BBC交响乐团的演奏潇洒自如。外研社新世纪〔post〕He rode horseback posting elegantly.他骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步节奏上下起落。英汉大词典〔post〕She rode horseback posting elegantly.她骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步的节奏上下起伏。21世纪英汉〔pretty〕He writes with a pretty turn of phrase.他行文潇洒自如。英汉大词典〔rakish〕He wore his hat at a rakish angle.他潇洒地歪戴着帽子。剑桥高阶〔rally〕After a shaky start, he rallied and won the title in style.他开局不顺,但他振作精神,最后潇洒地赢得了冠军。朗文当代〔relaxed〕He liked smart, relaxed clothes.他喜欢潇洒的家常便服。英汉大词典〔salute〕He saluted her with a graceful bend of his head.他很潇洒地低头向她表示敬意。牛津搭配〔sashay〕He sashayed his car with one hand on the steering wheel.他一只手扶着方向盘潇洒地开着车。21世纪英汉〔score points (with sb)〕He tried really hard to be funny and cool to try to score points with Amanda.为了让阿曼达喜欢他,他非常努力地显得诙谐潇洒。剑桥高阶〔smart〕You look smart in the new suit.你穿那套新西服看上去挺潇洒。英汉大词典〔snap〕A few paces from me he snapped a smart salute.在离我数步之外,他潇洒地朝我敬了个礼。英汉大词典〔spree〕He's out on a spree.他到外面潇洒去了。牛津高阶〔stick on〕He stuck the stamp on with a flourish.他故作潇洒地贴上了邮票。外研社新世纪〔swan〕He's gone swanning off to Rome for the weekend! 他周末到罗马潇洒去了!朗文当代〔swan〕They've gone swanning off to Paris for the weekend.他们周末到巴黎潇洒去了。牛津高阶A straw poll of local inhabitants in Mediterranean resorts concluded that British tourists were the worst dressed and Italians the most stylish.对地中海度假地居民非正式民意调查表明,英国旅游者穿得最差,意大利游客穿得最潇洒。剑桥国际British politicians are not renowned for their chic.英国政治家们并不以其潇洒时髦出名。剑桥国际He dressed with easy negligence. 他穿著潇洒随便。译典通He is kind, handsome and wealthy to boot.他善良,潇洒,而且富裕。剑桥国际He looks good in casual clothes --they suit him.他穿休闲装看上去挺潇洒----这和他很相配。剑桥国际He walked with a free gait. 他走路步态潇洒。译典通He was an actor of effortless charm.他是一位潇洒自如的演员。剑桥国际He wore his hat at a jaunty angle (=not straight or vertical).他潇洒轻松地歪戴着帽子。剑桥国际He wore his hat at a rakish angle.他故意潇洒地歪戴帽子。剑桥国际I think I'll wear my green suit for the wedding--it's suitably smart.我想我会穿那套绿色套装参加婚礼----它潇洒又得体。剑桥国际Relaxing by the swimming pool, he lifted his glass and said, “This is the life for me!” 在游泳池旁潇洒地躺着,他举起杯子说,“这才叫生活!”剑桥国际The cricketers all looked so elegant in their white clothes, standing about on the green grass.板球运动员们身穿白衣,站立在草地四处,显得如此潇洒。剑桥国际The young soldier cut a fine figure in his smart new uniform.这位年轻的士兵穿着潇洒的新军装,很神气。剑桥国际




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