

单词 烟瘴
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dog〕The whole place was a bit of a dog's dinner, really.整个地方乌烟瘴气的,真的。柯林斯高阶〔dog〕The whole place was a bit of a dog's dinner, really.整个地方有点乌烟瘴气的, 真的。外研社新世纪〔go out〕It's terribly smoky in here - I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.这里面乌烟瘴气的——我只是出去呼吸一下新鲜空气。剑桥高阶〔miasma〕As time went on, his ambition to be part of the U.S. Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair.随着时间的推移, 他跻身美国最高法院的雄心壮志在弥漫着酒精和绝望气息的乌烟瘴气中消失殆尽。外研社新世纪〔miasma〕As time went on, his ambition to be part of the US Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair.随着时间的推移,他跻身美国最高法院的雄心壮志在弥漫着酒精和绝望气息的乌烟瘴气中消失殆尽。柯林斯高阶〔sleaze〕Many people are tired of all the sleaze on TV.许多人对电视上所有这些乌烟瘴气的东西都厌烦了。朗文当代〔sleazy〕This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.镇上这个地区满是乌烟瘴气的酒吧和饭店。剑桥高阶〔uber-〕Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms.超级宝贝詹妮·麦卡锡暗示了在乌烟瘴气的好莱坞演艺圈内年轻女演员必须经历的种种考验。柯林斯高阶Caroline dragged us to the smokiest, dingiest dive in London.卡罗琳拖着我们去伦敦最肮脏、最乌烟瘴气的夜总会。剑桥国际The film depicts capitalist decadence, with champagne flowing into glasses, smoky rooms, promiscuity and corrupt leaders.影片用畅饮香槟、乌烟瘴气的房间、男女的滥交以及腐败的领导人等场景来描述资本主义的堕落。剑桥国际The police visited the nightclub on two occasions after complaints of unruliness by nearby residents.在被邻近居民举报其乌烟瘴气后, 那个夜总会被警方整治了两次。剑桥国际




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