

单词 暴君
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔boorish〕a boorish tyrant 粗野的暴君韦氏高阶〔contradiction〕a contradiction in terms 用词自相矛盾的说法(如“a virtuous tyrant一个有德行的暴君”) 英汉大词典〔cruelty〕a dictator/tyrant known for his cruelty 因残酷而臭名昭著的独裁者/暴君韦氏高阶〔cruelty〕the cruelty of a despotic ruler 暴君的残忍英汉大词典〔cruel〕a cruel dictator/tyrant 残酷的独裁者/暴君韦氏高阶〔deafness〕the tyrant's deafness to all pleas for mercy那个暴君对人民要求宽恕的呼声的充耳不闻外研社新世纪〔description〕a tyrant of the worst description 恶贯满盈的暴君英汉大词典〔despot〕an evil despot 邪恶的暴君剑桥高阶〔dispose〕a despot who disposed of all his enemies, real or imagined. 暴君杀死了他所有的敌人,无论是真的还是想象的美国传统〔gleeful〕be gleeful over the downfall of the tyrant 对暴君的倒台欢欣鼓舞英汉大词典〔grasp〕the task of liberating a number of states from the grasp of tyrants. 将多个国家从暴君手中解放出来的任务柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕the task of liberating a number of states from the grasp of tyrants把一些国家从暴君的控制下解放出来的任务外研社新世纪〔harvest〕the tyrant's harvest of hate 暴君所得到的仇恨的报应 英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl the tyrant from his throne 把暴君赶下王位英汉大词典〔immovable〕an immovable tyrant 冷酷无情的暴君英汉大词典〔inhuman〕a brutally inhuman tyrant 残忍的暴君韦氏高阶〔inhuman〕an inhuman tyrant 没有人性的暴君文馨英汉〔inhuman〕an inhuman tyrant 没有人性的暴君英汉大词典〔latter-day〕the evil actions of a latter-day Caligula 现世卡利古拉(古罗马暴君)的暴行剑桥高阶〔merciless〕a merciless king 暴君英汉大词典〔murderous〕a murderous villain/tyrant 凶残的恶棍╱暴君牛津高阶〔oppose〕a merciless tyrant who kills all those who oppose him 把所有反抗他的人都杀掉的残忍暴君麦克米伦高阶〔oppress〕a tyrant that oppresses the people 压迫人民的暴君英汉大词典〔overthrow〕overthrow a king [dictator, tyrant] 推翻一名国王[独裁者、暴君]文馨英汉〔pitiless〕a pitiless killer/tyrant 残忍的凶手╱暴君牛津高阶〔pitiless〕a pitiless tyrant 冷酷无情的暴君朗文当代〔power〕the power of a tyrant.暴君的威权。牛津同义词〔remorseless〕a tyrant of remorseless cruelty 残忍又毫无悔恨之意的暴君英汉大词典〔rise〕popular risings against tyrannical rulers. 反对暴君的民众起义柯林斯高阶〔roughshod〕a tyrant's roughshod rule 暴君的残暴统治英汉大词典〔stick up to〕to stick up to a despot反抗暴君21世纪英汉〔tin-pot〕a tin-pot dictator/tyrant 无足轻重的独裁者/暴君韦氏高阶〔tinhorn〕a tinhorn dictator/tyrant 自命不凡的独裁者/暴君韦氏高阶〔tirade〕probably back-formation from martirant [present participle of] martirer [to torture] influenced by mar [to one's misfortune,] tiranz [executioner, tyrant] 可能源自 martirant的逆成词 martirer的现在分词 [折磨] 受 mar的影响 [不幸地] tiranz [死刑执行者,暴君] 美国传统〔trade〕a tyrant who trades in human lives 以老百姓生命作交易的暴君英汉大词典〔tyrannical〕a tyrannical ruler.暴君。牛津同义词〔underground〕underground resistance to the tyrant. 对暴君的秘密抵抗美国传统〔unmerciful〕an unmerciful tyrant 残忍的暴君英汉大词典




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