

单词 极地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Antarctic〕The protection of the Antarctic from commercial exploitation is an important goal of environmentalists.环保主义者的一个重要目标就是防止对南极地区的商业开发。剑桥高阶〔Arctic〕A region between the North Pole and the northern timberlines of North America and Eurasia.北极地区:在北极与北美洲和欧亚大陆北部林木线之间区域美国传统〔Arctic〕No trees grow in the Arctic regions.北极地区不生长树木。剑桥高阶〔Arctic〕Polar bears live in the Arctic.北极熊生活在北极地区。剑桥高阶〔Chamaeleon〕A constellation in the southern polar region near Apus and Mensa.蝘蜓座:南极地区靠近天燕座和山案座的星座美国传统〔ENVIRONMENT〕One of the most devastating consequences of global warming could be the melting of the polar ice caps. 全球变暖破坏力最强的一个后果是极地冰盖的融化。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕Everywhere, even in the Antarctic, there are signs that the Earth is getting warmer. 各个地方,甚至在南极地区,都有地球变暖的迹象。朗文写作活用〔Eskimo dog〕A large dog of a breed used in Arctic regions for pulling sleds and having a thick coat and a plumed tail.爱斯基摩狗,北极犬:在北极地区用作拉雪橇的一种狗,具有厚厚的皮毛和羽状的尾巴美国传统〔Graham Land〕A region of Antarctica near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Part of the British Antarctic Territory, it is also claimed by Argentina and Chile.格雷厄姆地:接近南极半岛顶部的南极地区。为英属南极领土的一部分,阿根廷和智利也声称对其拥有主权美国传统〔STRONG〕He was a man of strong beliefs and had always given ardent support to the Reform cause. 他是一个具有坚定信念的人,一向积极地支持改革事业。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕He is very active in the church's work with homeless people. 他非常积极地参与教会为无家可归者做的工作。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕In school I was very active in sports and student government. 在校时,我非常积极地参加体育活动和学生会的工作。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The most effective learning occurs when the child is allowed to play a more active role in the learning process. 当孩子能更积极地参与到学习过程中去时,学习才最有效。朗文写作活用〔Tucana〕A constellation in the polar region of the Southern Hemisphere near Indus and Hydrus, containing the smaller Magellanic Clouds.杜鹃星座:南半球极地地区的一个星座,靠近印第安座和水蛇星座,包含较小的麦哲伦云美国传统〔actively〕I've been actively looking for a job for six months.半年来,我一直在积极地找工作。剑桥高阶〔adaptation〕The Antarctic species have few special adaptations for polar life.南极的物种对极地生活几乎没有什么特别的适应性改变。牛津搭配〔arctic〕Arctic ice.北极地区的冰柯林斯高阶〔auk〕Any of several diving sea birds (family Alcidae) of northern regions, such as the razor-billed auk, having a chunky body, short wings, and webbed feet.海雀:北极地区的一种潜水海鸟(海雀科),如刀嘴海雀,身体矮胖,短翅,蹼足美国传统〔bipolar〕Relating to or involving both of the earth's polar regions.南北两极的:关于或涉及地球两极地区的美国传统〔bustle〕To move or cause to move energetically and busily.奔忙,使忙碌:使或引起积极地且繁忙地运动美国传统〔claim〕Russia must stake its claim to a slice of the Arctic's vast resources.北极地区资源丰富, 俄罗斯一定要从中分一杯羹。外研社新世纪〔constructive〕Use the time constructively.积极地利用时间。柯林斯高阶〔energetically〕They were working energetically.他们积极地工作。韦氏高阶〔energetic〕He fought energetically against apartheid.他积极地与种族隔离进行斗争。朗文当代〔energetic〕We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad.我们需要更积极地向国外宣传自己。朗文当代〔engaged〕He is actively engaged in strategic discussions.他积极地参与战略讨论。牛津搭配〔engage〕Our contributors are actively engaging with tradition.我们的撰稿人在积极地涉猎传统问题。牛津搭配〔equator〕The sun heats the sea more at the equator than at the poles.太阳使赤道附近的海水温度高于极地附近的水温。牛津搭配〔expanse〕The explorer gazed across the vast Arctic expanse.探险家凝望着辽阔的北极地区。韦氏高阶〔help〕He had actively helped many Jews to escape.他积极地帮助了很多犹太人逃走。牛津搭配〔husky〕A similar dog of Arctic origin.爱斯基摩狗:一种产于北极地区的类似的狗美国传统〔hustle〕He's not the most talented player on the team, but he always hustles.他不是队里最有天赋的队员,但他总是积极地比赛。韦氏高阶〔ice foot〕A belt or ledge of ice that forms along the shoreline in Arctic regions.冰壁:沿北极地区海岸形成的冻结的冰带或冰墙美国传统〔inscenation〕The playwright actively participated in the inscenation of his piece.这位剧作家积极地参加自己作品的实际演出。英汉大词典〔insulation〕The animal's thick fur provides very good insulation against the arctic cold.动物的厚皮毛是防御极地寒冷的绝好材料。剑桥高阶〔market〕The company is not actively marketing its products to schools.这家公司并没有积极地向学校销售其产品。牛津搭配〔melt〕Climate change is causing the polar ice cap to melt.气候变化导致极地的冰盖融化。麦克米伦高阶〔middleman〕The company was hardly going to be keen on doing business with an obscure middleman with doubtful credentials.公司几乎不可能会积极地跟一个身份不明、背景可疑的经销商做生意。外研社新世纪〔midnight sun〕The sun as seen at midnight during the summer within the Arctic and Antarctic regions.子夜太阳:南极和北极地区在夏季午夜可以看见的太阳美国传统〔move with the times〕We have to move with the times and market our products more aggressively.我们必须与时俱进,更积极地推销我们的产品。剑桥高阶〔negatively〕Depressed people see themselves negatively.抑郁的人总是消极地看待自己。外研社新世纪〔negatively〕He viewed all his relationships rather negatively.他相当消极地看待自己所有的人际关系。外研社新世纪〔odds〕He took positive steps to educate himself in the jail against all odds.尽管困难重重, 他还是积极地在监狱中自学。外研社新世纪〔oppose〕Plans to drill for oil in the Arctic region are fiercely opposed by conservationists.在北极地区钻井开采石油的计划遭到自然资源保护者们的强烈反对。麦克米伦高阶〔overture〕If only the West had been more responsive to his peace overtures in the 1950s.要是西方国家在20世纪50年代能更积极地响应他的和平姿态就好了。外研社新世纪〔overture〕If only the West had been more responsive to his peace overtures in the fifties.要是西方在50年代能更积极地响应他的和平姿态就好了。柯林斯高阶〔parka〕A hooded fur pullover outer garment worn in the Arctic.毛皮风雪大衣,派克大衣:一种在北极地区穿的带风帽的皮外衣美国传统〔permafrost〕Permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the Polar Regions and locally in perennially frigid areas.永冻土:永久冰冻的下层土壤,出现在整个北极地区和部分长期寒冷的地区美国传统〔polar〕As our climate warms up, the polar ice caps will begin to melt.随着我们的气候逐渐变暖,极地的冰冠也将开始融化。朗文当代〔polar〕Of or relating to a pole.极地的:极地的,有关极地的美国传统〔polar〕Relating to, connected with, or located near the North Pole or South Pole.近极地的:关于北极或南极的,与极地相连的,或位于北极或南极附近的美国传统〔polar〕The polar ice-caps are melting as a result of global warming.极地冰盖因全球变暖而融化。外研社新世纪〔polar〕Traveling in an orbit that passes over a planet's north and south poles.行经极地的:在一条经过一行星南北极上空的轨道中运行的美国传统〔polar〕Warmth melted some of the polar ice.温暖的天气融化了一些极地的冰雪。柯林斯高阶〔pole〕Astronomy A celestial pole.【天文学】 天体的极地美国传统〔pole〕It is very cold at the North (South) pole.北(南)极地区气候很寒冷。英汉大词典〔positively〕Change should be accepted and be viewed positively.应该接受改变并积极地看待改变。朗文当代〔positively〕We need to approach this problem positively.我们必须积极地看待这个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔positive〕She tried to be more positive about her new job.她努力更积极地投入新工作。牛津高阶〔positive〕You've got to be more positive about your work.你必须更积极地对待自己的工作。朗文当代〔proverb〕Antarctica is a proverb for extreme cold.南极地区极其寒冷是众所周知的。外研社新世纪〔pump〕I saw him pumping up at the gym.我看到他在体育馆里积极地锻炼美国传统〔represent〕His novels have been criticized for the negative way in which they represent women.他的小说因消极地描写了女性而受到指责。麦克米伦高阶〔right〕I think it's only right to warn you that I'm actively looking for another job.我觉得该预先提醒你,我正在积极地寻找另一份工作。麦克米伦高阶〔rouse〕He did more to rouse the crowd than anybody else.他比其他任何人都更积极地鼓动群众。外研社新世纪〔rouse〕He did more to rouse the crowd there than anybody else.他比其他任何人都更积极地鼓动那里的群众。柯林斯高阶〔sastruga〕A long wavelike ridge of snow, formed by the wind and found on the polar plains.雪脊:长的雪面波纹,经风吹而成并多见于极地平原美国传统〔seek〕To be eligible, you must show that you are actively seeking employment.为了取得资格,你必须表明你正在积极地寻找就业机会。麦克米伦高阶〔sere〕The entire sequence of ecological communities successively occupying an area from the initial stage to the climax.演替系列:从开始阶段到演替顶极地区,连续拥有生态群落的整个顺序美国传统〔slump〕She slumped, exhausted, onto the sofa.她疲惫之极地倒在沙发上美国传统〔snow line〕The fluctuating latitudinal boundaries around the polar regions marking the extent of snow cover.万年雪线:在两极地区标志着雪盖波动范围的纬度边界美国传统〔solicit〕She had actively solicited funds for her election campaign.她曾积极地为自己的竞选活动筹募资金。牛津搭配〔south〕The southern part of the earth.地球的南极地区美国传统〔stonewall〕Sports To play defensively rather than trying to score in cricket.【体育运动】 打防守球:打板球时消极地打守球而不是打进攻球美国传统〔subantarctic〕Of or resembling regions just north of the Antarctic Circle.亚南极的:紧邻南极圈以北的地区的,与亚南极地区相似的美国传统〔tooth〕To be actively involved in; get a firm grasp of.积极地参与其中;牢牢地抓住美国传统〔topic〕Our discussion included topics such as acid rain and the melting of polar ice.我们的讨论涉及各种话题,例如酸雨和极地冰层融化。剑桥高阶〔town〕In spirited pursuit of the entertainment offered by a town or city.积极地寻求镇或城市的娱乐活动美国传统〔transpolar〕Extending across or crossing either of the Polar Regions.横越极地:任一个横越或穿过两个极地地区中的美国传统〔uniquely〕Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.极度严寒造成了南极地区绝无仅有的脆弱环境。外研社新世纪〔uniquely〕Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.极度严寒造成了南极地区绝无仅有的脆弱环境。柯林斯高阶〔unsuited〕The snow cruiser proved hopelessly unsuited to Antarctic conditions.事实证明雪地车根本不适合在南极地区使用。柯林斯高阶〔variable〕Polar habitats are harsh and highly variable.极地的生存环境条件艰苦,变化无常。牛津搭配〔vocalize〕Archbishop Hunthausen also vocalized his beliefs that women and homosexuals should be more active in the church.大主教亨特豪森也发言阐述了他的看法:妇女和同性恋者应该更积极地参与教堂事务。柯林斯高阶〔vortex〕The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds.极地涡旋是冬季风形成的一个风系。柯林斯高阶〔vortex〕The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds.极地涡旋是由冬季风形成的涡旋系统。外研社新世纪〔will〕She set about the work with a will.她积极地开始工作了。韦氏高阶As a student, I was heavily involved in women's lib and went to loads of meetings and demonstrations.作为一名学生,我积极地参与了妇女解放运动,并参加了大量的会议和示威游行。剑桥国际Global warming is expected to melt part of the polar ice caps and raise sea temperatures and levels.全球变暖可能融化部分极地的冰盖并使海平面升高和海水温度上升。剑桥国际He has been zealously carrying out the tasks he's been given.他一直在积极地执行着交给他的任务。剑桥国际He's very actively involved in (=does a lot of work for) the local Labour Party.他非常积极地参与当地工党的活动。剑桥国际I decided / wanted to change my job last year but I've only recently started actively looking for (=trying hard to find) one.去年我决定/想要换个工作,但我只是最近才开始积极地寻找。剑桥国际No trees grow in the Arctic regions (=those of the most northern part of the world).在北极地区没有任何树木。剑桥国际Persistent whiteouts were only one of the hazards that the polar expedition faced.持续的乳白天空只是极地探险队所面临的危险之一。剑桥国际Polar bears live in the Arctic.北极熊生活在北极地区。剑桥国际The company is aggressively (=determinedly) pursuing new business opportunities.这家公司积极地寻求新的商业机会。剑桥国际The mountains had an ethereal hue with a clearness almost polar in its severity. 这些群山有一种永恒的色彩,明亮的程度近乎于极地。译典通The plant is found in the Antarctic and grows in the harshest terrestrial conditions on our planet.该植物是在南极地带发现的,它生长在我们星球上最严酷的陆地条件下。剑桥国际The protection of the Antarctic from commercial exploitation is an important goal of environmentalists.保护南极地区免遭商业性开发是环保主义者的一项重要使命。剑桥国际They have been extremely zealous in their attempts to get smoking banned in their office.他们极其积极地争取在办公室里禁烟。剑桥国际




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