

单词 期使
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔In earlier times〕The tools were known to be in use in medieval/ancient/prehistoric times.据悉,这些工具是在中世纪/古代/史前时期使用的。韦氏高阶〔condition〕A number of conditions apply to the use of these tickets on other dates.在其他日期使用这些票, 有一些限制条件。外研社新世纪〔depressurization〕Three day's vacation should depressurize me.三天的假期使我可以不那么紧张了。21世纪英汉〔depress〕Conversely, expectations of slow growth depressed shares of television makers.相反, 缓慢增长的预期使得电视机制造商的股价下跌。外研社新世纪〔diminish〕The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply.干旱期使我们的水供应锐减。21世纪英汉〔down-at-heel〕Worn out from long use or neglect; dilapidated.破烂的:因长期使用或忽视而损坏的;长久失修的美国传统〔fix〕He gets withdrawal symptoms if he hasn't had his regular fix.如果他没有定期使用毒品,就会出现戒瘾症状。牛津搭配〔habituation〕Physiological tolerance to a drug resulting from repeated use.适应性:由于长期使用某种药物而产生的对该药的生理上的耐药性美国传统〔ordinance〕A custom or practice established by long usage.风俗,习惯:因长期使用而建立的风俗或习惯美国传统〔patina〕The sheen on any surface, produced by age and use.光泽,古铜色:由于年代和长期使用而在表面产生的光泽美国传统〔powder〕The postponement added powder to the issue.延期使这个问题更激化了。英汉大词典〔primitive〕The methods of communication used during the war were primitive by today's standards.按今天的标准,大战时期使用的通讯方法非常落后。牛津高阶〔rickety〕The recession put a lot of strain on an already rickety economic system.经济衰退期使本来就摇摇欲坠的经济体系雪上加霜。剑桥高阶〔sallet〕A light, late medieval helmet with a brim flaring in the back, sometimes fitted with a visor.轻盔:中世纪后期使用的轻头盔,背面有一条闪光的边缘,相肘配有面甲美国传统〔standing〕She has a standing invitation to use the university's research laboratory.她受到邀请,可长期使用这所大学的研究实验室。韦氏高阶〔strung-out〕Severely debilitated from long-term drug use.长期使用药物而极度虚弱的美国传统〔tonic〕This holiday has been the perfect tonic for you.这个假期使你精神焕发。麦克米伦高阶〔use〕There is a high risk of developing side effects from prolonged use of the drug.长期使用该药产生副作用的风险很高。牛津搭配The cumulative effect of using so many chemicals on the land could be disastrous.长期使用大量化学物质其累积影响对土地极为有害。剑桥国际The dry spell blighted the crops. 干旱期使农作物枯萎了。译典通The holiday gave him back his good spirits. 假期使他恢复了愉快的情绪。译典通The six-month delivery date on the new system did not give us time to develop it from scratch.新系统为期六个月的上市日期使我们没有时间从头开发。牛津商务You must register if you want to use the software on a permanent basis.如果想长期使用该软件,必须注册。牛津商务




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