

单词 暂时
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕starter homes for young couples on the way up 给条件暂时不是很好的年轻夫妇居住的起步房朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕for a limited time only 只是暂时的朗文写作活用〔blindness〕temporary [permanent] blindness 暂时[永久]失明文馨英汉〔blind〕total/temporary/partial blindness 全盲;暂时性失明;半盲牛津高阶〔blip〕a temporary blip 暂时的麻烦牛津高阶〔camp〕camp the refugees in an old temple 把难民暂时安顿在一座旧庙里英汉大词典〔current〕the current leader of a game 比赛中目前暂时领先的运动员英汉大词典〔episode〕during a brief episode of socialist rule 实行社会主义制度的短暂时期中牛津搭配〔escape〕young people's need for temporary escape from the demanding journey into adulthood 年轻人需要暂时避开步入成年的艰辛历程牛津搭配〔facility〕a temporary storage facility for blood samples 暂时存放血液样本的场所牛津搭配〔follow-through〕the task of finding a durable solution to the refugee problem as a follow-through to the very temporary measures. 任务是找到解决难民问题的长久之计,以作为当前暂时手段的后续措施柯林斯高阶〔furlough〕call furloughed workers back 召回曾被暂时裁减的工人英汉大词典〔holdback〕a holdback of a week's salary 被暂时扣发的一个星期的工资英汉大词典〔impermanence〕the impermanence of things 事物的暂时性英汉大词典〔impermanent〕an unsound and impermanent policy 不健全的暂时性政策英汉大词典〔interim〕an interim solution 暂时的解决办法剑桥高阶〔lodge〕to lodge homeless families in a hostel.把无家可归的人暂时安置在学生宿舍里。牛津同义词〔loss〕a temporary loss of memory 记忆的暂时丧失朗文当代〔lull〕a lull in the ground fighting 地面战斗的暂时停止英汉大词典〔marooned〕temporarily marooned at home by my injured knee. 我由于膝伤暂时无法出门柯林斯高阶〔nature〕different/political/temporary etc in nature Any government funding would be temporary in nature. 任何政府资助终究是暂时的。朗文当代〔partner〕a colleague and fellow professor. Anally is one who associates with another, at least temporarily in a common cause: 一个既是同行又是同事的教授。 Ally 是与另一方有联系的一方,至少在一项共同事业中暂时联合: 美国传统〔pause〕a suspension of work. 工作暂时搁置 美国传统〔pen〕a holding pen for sheep. 暂时搭建的羊圈柯林斯高阶〔removal〕the collection's temporary removal to storage 收藏品暂时移至储藏室牛津搭配〔replacement〕the president's temporary replacement by the Chief of Staff 总参谋长暂时接替总统的职务牛津搭配〔respite〕respite care(= temporary care arranged for old, mentally ill, etc. people so that the people who usually care for them can have a rest) 暂时托管(为老人或病人提供短期照料以使长期照顾者获得短暂休息)牛津高阶〔retreat〕the Prince's temporary retreat from the public gaze 王子对人们对他的关注的暂时躲避麦克米伦高阶〔setback〕a serious/minor/temporary setback 严重/轻微/暂时的挫折韦氏高阶〔short-term〕a short-term solution 暂时的解决方案麦克米伦高阶〔shutoff〕a temporary shutoff of electricity 暂时停电英汉大词典〔stay〕stayed his anger. 暂时平息他的怒火美国传统〔stopgap〕stopgap measures; a stopgap leader. 暂时办法;暂时的领导美国传统〔sub〕sub on sb. 向某人暂时告贷英汉大词典〔suspend〕to suspend a meeting.暂时休会。牛津同义词〔suspense〕hold one's judgment in suspense 暂时不加判断文馨英汉〔temporary〕a temporary arrangement.暂时的安排。牛津同义词〔transient〕transient damage 暂时的损失麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕the short period from the turn of the century until World War One 从世纪之交到一战之前的短暂时期朗文当代〔uneasy〕an uneasy truce/alliance 暂时的停战/联盟韦氏高阶




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