

单词 条带
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔band〕bands The two strips hanging from the front of a collar as part of the dress of certain clerics, scholars, and lawyers. bands 领带:从衣领前面垂下的两条带子,是牧师、学者或律师服装的一部分美国传统〔belt〕a dress belted loosely at the waist 裙腰松松地束着一条带子的连衣裙朗文当代〔fluting〕a skirt with fluting round the hem一条带褶边的裙子外研社新世纪〔inlay〕inlay strips of gold in the top of the wooden box 在木箱盖上镶嵌金条带英汉大词典〔panties〕a pair of lacy panties 一条带花边的女式内裤朗文当代〔patterned〕a plain carpet with a patterned border一条带花边的素色地毯外研社新世纪〔speckled〕a gold-speckled scarf 一条带金色斑点的围巾韦氏高阶〔strappy〕white strappy sandals 白色条带凉鞋牛津高阶〔strip〕perhaps from Middle Low German strippe [strap, thong] 可能源自 中古低地德语 strippe [条,条带] 美国传统




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