

单词 智利
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Araucanian〕A member of a widespread group of South American Indian peoples of south-central Chile and the western pampas of Argentina.阿劳干人:智利中南部及阿根廷大草原西部的一支广泛分布的南美印第安人部落成员美国传统〔Atacama Desert〕An arid region of northwest Chile. One of the driest areas in the world, it has yielded great nitrate and copper wealth.阿塔卡马沙漠:智利西北部一干旱地区,是世界上最干旱的地区之一,富产硝酸盐及铜矿美国传统〔Chiloé〕An island off south-central Chile. It is the largest of the Chilean islands and the only one to be successfully settled.奇洛埃岛:智利中南部的海岸外的岛屿。是智利群岛中最大的一座岛屿和唯一成功拓居的岛屿美国传统〔Froward〕The southernmost point of mainland South America, in southern Chile on the Strait of Magellan.弗得角:南美洲大陆最南端,在智利南部的麦哲伦海峡美国传统〔Graham Land〕A region of Antarctica near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Part of the British Antarctic Territory, it is also claimed by Argentina and Chile.格雷厄姆地:接近南极半岛顶部的南极地区。为英属南极领土的一部分,阿根廷和智利也声称对其拥有主权美国传统〔Inca〕A member of the group of Quechuan peoples of highland Peru who established an empire from northern Ecuador to central Chile before the Spanish conquest.印加人:秘鲁高原上克丘亚部落的一支,被西班牙征服前建立了一个北起厄瓜多尔南到智利中部的帝国美国传统〔LINE〕The town lies on the border between Chile and Argentina. 小镇位于智利和阿根廷交界的边境线上。朗文写作活用〔Mapuche〕A member of a South American Indian people inhabiting south-central Chile.马布舍人:南美印第安人成员,居住在智利中南部美国传统〔NEWS〕At that time, events in Chile were very much in the news. 那时候,在智利发生的事件频频被报道。朗文写作活用〔Quechua〕The Quechuan language of the Inca empire, now widely spoken throughout the Andes highlands from southern Colombia to Chile.奇楚亚语:印加帝国的奇楚亚语,现广泛使用于从哥伦比亚南部至智利的安第斯高地美国传统〔amend〕A law amending the Chilean constitution was approved on 22nd January.修订智利宪法的法律于1月22日获得批准。麦克米伦高阶〔assembly〕The trade group held its assembly in Santiago, Chile.贸易组织在智利的圣地亚哥举行代表大会。麦克米伦高阶〔big shot〕He's a big shot in Chilean politics.他是智利政坛的风云人物。柯林斯高阶〔big shot〕He's a big shot in Chilean politics.他是智利政界的要人。外研社新世纪〔biting〕Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.周四, 南极气流给智利南部带来了刺骨的严寒。外研社新世纪〔biting〕Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.周四,南极气流给智利南部带来了刺骨的严寒。柯林斯高阶〔caliche〕A crude sodium nitrate occurring naturally in Chile, Peru, and the southwest United States, used as fertilizer.生硝:一种粗糙的硝酸纳,存在于智利、秘鲁和美国西南部,用作肥料美国传统〔commercially〕Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.对森林的商业开发所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们感到忧心忡忡。柯林斯高阶〔commercial〕Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.商业化的森林开采所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们忧心忡忡。外研社新世纪〔copper〕Chile is the world's largest producer of copper.智利是世界上最大的产铜国。柯林斯高阶〔earnings〕Chile's earnings from exports rose by 2%.智利的出口收入增加了 2%。牛津搭配〔establish〕Hungary established diplomatic relations with Chile in 1990.匈牙利在 1990 年与智利建立了外交关系。朗文当代〔go〕The Nobel Prize went to the Chilean poet.诺贝尔奖为那位智利诗人所得。英汉大词典〔introduce〕Most cultivated strawberries can trace their lineage back to the Chilean strawberry and the Virginian strawberry introduced in the 17th century.大部分培育草莓的世系可以追溯到17世纪引入的智利草莓和弗吉尼亚草莓。外研社新世纪〔leave〕He had to leave his family behind in Chile.他只好把他的家人留在了智利。麦克米伦高阶〔leftist〕Chilean leftists.智利的左派人士柯林斯高阶〔leftist〕Chilean leftists智利左派分子外研社新世纪〔maqui〕A Chilean wine made from the fruit of this plant.智利果酒:由这种植物的果实制成的智利酒美国传统〔mediate〕The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984.1984年, 罗马教廷成功地调解了阿根廷和智利的领土之争。外研社新世纪〔mediate〕The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984.梵蒂冈成功地调解了1984年阿根廷与智利之间的领土争端。柯林斯高阶〔native〕It is a long time since he has visited his native Chile.他很久没有回故乡智利了。牛津高阶〔overthrow〕He said that Allende's government in Chile was overthrown by the army and the CIA in 1973.他说智利的阿连德政府1973年是被军队和中央情报局推翻的。剑桥高阶〔polish〕You should polish up your Spanish before you go to Chile.去智利以前你应该提高一下西班牙语。朗文当代〔promotion〕We are doing a special promotion of Chilean wines.我们正在做智利葡萄酒的特别促销活动。牛津高阶〔red〕It's a great Chilean red.它是种很好的智利红葡萄酒。外研社新世纪〔rescind〕The Government rescinded his Chilean citizenship.政府取消了他的智利国籍。英汉大词典〔saltpeter〕Chile saltpeter 智利硝石文馨英汉〔stream〕As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply.新矿投产后,智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅增加。柯林斯高阶〔stream〕As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply.矿投产后, 智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅增加。外研社新世纪〔strength〕The Chilean team was below strength for the final.智利队决赛时人员不齐。牛津搭配〔territorial〕Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.智利和阿根廷对于南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。柯林斯高阶〔territorial〕Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.智利和阿根廷对于各自在南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。外研社新世纪〔wine〕He went to Chile to taste wines.他去智利品尝葡萄酒。牛津搭配Allende's government in Chile was overthrown by the armed forces in 1973.智利的阿连德政府1973年被武装部队推翻。剑桥国际Chile has signed a free-trade pact with the EU.智利已经与欧盟签订了一项自由贸易协定。牛津商务Copper is Chile's biggest export.铜是智利最大的出口产品。牛津商务The EU has become Chile's largest export market.欧盟已经成为智利最大的出口市场。牛津商务The EU is negotiating a free-trade agreement with Chile.欧盟正与智利商谈一项自由贸易协定。牛津商务The company needs a commercial agent for Chile.公司需要一名派往智利的代理商。牛津商务




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