

单词 正处
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PLAN〕ways of saying that something is being planned 某事正处于计划中的说法朗文写作活用〔bear upon〕the chapter he believes to bear upon the case in hand他认为和正处理的情况有关的章节外研社新世纪〔coloratura〕the rising coloratura star正处在上升期的花腔明星外研社新世纪〔crest〕a young film director who is on the crest of a wave at the moment 此刻正处于顶峰时期的一位年轻电影导演朗文当代〔peak〕a flourishing career that was at its peak at the time of his death. 他去世时正处于巅峰的欣欣向荣的事业柯林斯高阶〔stage〕a young entertainer at the formative stages of his career 正处于事业成型阶段的年轻艺人牛津搭配〔throes〕when the country was going through the final throes of civil war. 当时这个国家正处在内战最后的痛苦关头柯林斯高阶




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