

单词 显然
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔altogether〕altogether better显然更好外研社新世纪〔altogether〕altogether stronger显然更加强大外研社新世纪〔blow-up〕a grainy blowup obviously taken with a telephoto lens in bad light. 一张显然是用长焦镜头在光线不好的情况下拍摄的噪点很高的照片的放大版柯林斯高阶〔camp〕a camp feather boa that sb. evidently thought was the last word in chic 一条在某人看来显然是最最时髦而实则古怪过时的羽毛披肩英汉大词典〔case〕an obvious case of favouritism.一件显然偏袒一方的事例。牛津同义词〔demonstrable〕demonstrably unfair 显然不公平牛津高阶〔effortless〕his apparently effortless rapport with audiences everywhere他显然每到一处都能跟观众打成一片外研社新世纪〔evidently〕a thin although evidently pregnant woman 一个苗条但显然已经身怀六甲的妇女剑桥高阶〔gross〕gross injustice [inequality] 显然的不公正[不平等]文馨英汉〔heart〕a topic that is obviously very close to his heart 一个他显然非常喜欢的话题麦克米伦高阶〔impotent〕a feeling of impotence in the face of an apparently insoluble problem 面对显然无法解决的问题的无力感牛津高阶〔impressionable〕seven years old, which is apparently the age at which you are most impressionable7岁, 一个显然最易受人影响的年龄外研社新世纪〔movement〕a new play which is distinctly in the movement 一出显然符合时代潮流的新戏英汉大词典〔noticeable〕a noticeable sigh of relief from the audience 听众中发出的显然是如释重负的叹声英汉大词典〔openness〕a gang of three who'd apparently been lying in wait for him to open the shop. 显然一直潜伏着等待他打开店门营业的3人团伙柯林斯高阶〔pang〕apparently untroubled by pangs of conscience显然不受良心责备的困扰外研社新世纪〔passionless〕their late and apparently passionless marriage他们迟来的、显然没有激情的婚姻外研社新世纪〔patently〕a patently false statement. 显然是一派胡言美国传统〔stamp〕lawns and flowerbeds that bore the stamp of years of confident care. 显然多年来一直受到精心照料的草地和花床柯林斯高阶〔transparent〕a man of transparent honesty 显然很诚实的人牛津高阶〔unbridgeable〕the apparently unbridgeable gulf between the SIS and the Security Service. 秘密情报局和国家安全局之间显然难以逾越的鸿沟柯林斯高阶〔unbridgeable〕the apparently unbridgeable gulf between the SIS and the Security Service军情六处和军情五处之间显然难以逾越的鸿沟外研社新世纪〔visible〕no visible solution to the problem. 对这问题没有显然的解决办法美国传统〔visible〕speak with visible impatience 显然不耐烦地说英汉大词典




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