

单词 the same as
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕I've tried Mexican food here in London, but it just isn't the same as in Mexico. 我在伦敦尝过墨西哥食品,不过跟墨西哥的并不一样。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕Thanks to globalization, the burger you buy in Moscow is exactly the same as the one you buy in New York. 因为是全球一体化,在莫斯科买的汉堡包和在纽约买的一模一样。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕It tastes exactly the same as meat. 它的味道和肉一模一样。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕Her interests were the same as most young girls -- pop music, boys and clothes. 她的兴趣与大部分女孩子一样,就是流行音乐、男孩和服装。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕School's the same as ever - too much work and not enough time to do what I really want! 上学就如往常一样——功课太多,没有足够的时间做自己真正想做的事!朗文写作活用〔SAME〕We went to the office Christmas party, but it was just the same as last year's. 我们参加了公司的圣诞聚会,但它就和去年的一样。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕With one or two minor changes, the course is the same as last year. 这个课程除了一两处小小的改动外和去年一样。朗文写作活用〔ape〕Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do.以偶像为榜样并不是说要模仿他们的一言一行。柯林斯高阶〔as〕Barbara's suggestion was almost exactly the same as mine.巴巴拉的建议几乎跟我的一模一样。麦克米伦高阶〔basically〕Battery charging systems remain basically the same as those in use half a century ago.电池充电系统和半个世纪前基本上没什么区别。柯林斯高阶〔change〕Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school.里克一点儿没变,他和上学时一模一样。牛津高阶〔ditto〕The same as stated above or before.同上,同前:与上述或前述相同美国传统〔female〕According to the study, males scored about the same as females.根据这项研究,男性的得分与女性基本相等。韦氏高阶〔identity〕The quality or condition of being the same as something else.同一性:同另一事物相同的性质或状态美国传统〔incorrectly〕We incorrectly stated that 40mg is the same as 400mcg.我们曾说40毫克等于400微克, 这一说法不对。外研社新世纪〔one〕The Scottish legal system is not the same as the English system, is better than …as the English one.用 The Scottish legal system is not the same as the English system (苏格兰法制与英格兰法制不同)胜于用 ... as the English one。牛津高阶〔remind〕I had to remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect! 我得提醒自己表现得自信和表现得完美并不是一回事!柯林斯高阶〔same as usual〕I feel exactly the same as I did yesterday.我的感觉和昨天完全一样。韦氏高阶〔same〕A one-bedroom flat in London costs almost the same as a five-bedroom house in Liverpool.伦敦的一套单间卧室公寓与利物浦的一栋五间卧室的房子价格相当。麦克米伦高阶〔same〕Boys over 16 were treated the same as grown men.16岁以上的男孩子得到的待遇和成年男子一样。外研社新世纪〔same〕Everyone had to dress the same as a well-known historical figure.每个人都必须装扮成一位历史名人。朗文当代〔same〕His answer was the same as mine (NOT the same like / with mine).他的回答和我的一样。朗文当代〔same〕His attitude is the same as ever.他的态度依然如故。英汉大词典〔same〕I came into the room and went to bed the same as usual.我走进房间,像平常一样上床睡觉。英汉大词典〔same〕I don't like to dress the same as everyone else.我不喜欢穿和其他人一样的衣服。韦氏高阶〔same〕I think the same as you (do).我跟你有同样的想法。文馨英汉〔same〕I think the same as you do about this.在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。牛津高阶〔same〕I want to go home having won a game of football the same as you leave the ground and you want to go away with your team having won.你希望离开赛场的时候自己的球队取得了胜利,同样我也想赢了一场球赛再回家。柯林斯高阶〔same〕I would have said the same as I said to you.我还是会说和你说过的那些话。外研社新世纪〔same〕John thinks the same as I do - it's just too expensive.约翰的想法和我一样——那太贵了。剑桥高阶〔same〕Just do the same as me(= as I do).跟着我做就行了。牛津高阶〔same〕The countryside looks much the same as it did 200 years ago.几乎不变的麦克米伦高阶〔same〕We treat boys exactly the same as girls.男孩、女孩我们完全同等对待。牛津高阶〔same〕Your dress is nearly the same as mine.你的裙子跟我的几乎一样。牛津搭配〔same〕Your idea is the same as his.你的想法跟他的一样。韦氏高阶〔same〕Your new job will be essentially the same as your old one.你的新工作基本上和原来的一样。牛津搭配〔six〕Six is the same as half of a dozen.6个等于半打。英汉大词典〔snap〕Hey, snap! My hat's the same as yours.啊,太巧啦! 我的帽子和你的一样。朗文当代〔strip〕Strip away the jargon, and these ideas are just the same as the old ones.去掉那些行话,这些想法就和原来的一模一样了。麦克米伦高阶〔theirs〕Your priorities may not be the same as theirs.你的重点可能和他们的不一样。外研社新世纪〔unequal〕Not the same as another in rank or social position.不平等的:在级别和社会地位上与别人不相同的美国传统〔uniform〕Being the same as or consonant with another or others.全都相同的:与另一或其他的是一样的或一致的美国传统〔view〕It's our view that women should get paid the same as men.我们的观点是,女性应该得到与男性一样的报酬。麦克米伦高阶〔wanted〕They began to want their father to be the same as other daddies.他们开始希望他们的父亲能和别人的老爸一样。柯林斯高阶His latest book is a best-seller, and yet in every particular it is exactly the same as his last.他最新的书很畅销,但在每个细节上都与上一本书完全雷同。剑桥国际It tastes exactly the same as the real thing, but has half the fat.它尝起来和真的毫无差别,但脂肪含量却只有一半。剑桥国际Nowadays a castle in Scotland can cost almost the same as a flat in London.现在苏格兰的一座城堡几乎和伦敦的一套公寓一样贵。剑桥国际One fifth is the same as 20%.五分之一即百分之二十。剑桥国际People say I look just the same as my sister.人家说我和我姐姐长得一模一样。剑桥国际She's the same as ever --I don't believe anything could change her.她一直是这个样子----我不相信有什么能改变她。剑桥国际




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