

单词 有希望
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HOPE〕a feeling that it is useless to hope 没有希望的感觉朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕making you feel more hope 使人感觉更有希望的朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕to hope for something even when it is unlikely 即使某事不可能也抱有希望朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕when there is no hope of improvement or success 没有希望好转或成功朗文写作活用〔across〕be far across on the Republican spectrum from the party's presidential hopeful 在共和党队伍中采取与该党有希望任总统者大相迳庭的立场英汉大词典〔anybody〕anybody's game [race] (胜败难以预料而)任何人都有希望获胜的游戏[赛跑]文馨英汉〔contender〕the leading contender in sb.'s class 某人班级里最有希望得第一名的学生英汉大词典〔favourite〕remain the strong favourite to retain the title 依然是最有希望卫冕之人英汉大词典〔favourite〕the favourite in a race.比赛中最有希望获胜的人。牛津同义词〔foster〕to foster a hope抱有希望21世纪英汉〔frame〕the chance to put himself back in the frame for the international team让他有希望重返这个国际化团队的机会外研社新世纪〔gripping〕a piece of research which promises to be more gripping than most 有希望比多数科研项目更能吸引人的项目英汉大词典〔harbour〕to harbour hope for someone对某人怀有希望21世纪英汉〔hopeful〕a group of presidential hopefuls. 一群有希望当选总统的人美国传统〔job〕give sth. (sb.) up as a bad job 对某事(某人)不再抱有希望英汉大词典〔likely〕a likely candidate for election.大有希望当选的候选人。牛津同义词〔line〕be in line for a wages increase 有希望加到工资 英汉大词典〔look-in〕have a look-in 有希望赢文馨英汉〔odds-on〕an odds-on favourite 很有希望获胜的马(或竞选者等)英汉大词典〔probable〕the probable winner 颇有希望得胜的人英汉大词典〔promising〕a promising beginning 有希望的开端英汉大词典〔promising〕a promising start 很有希望的开端朗文当代〔ruin〕the ruins of a government that once held so much promise 曾经大有希望的政府残余力量朗文当代〔scan〕scan the doctor's face for a sign of hope 细察医生的神色看是否还有希望英汉大词典〔surrender〕surrender all hope. 放弃所有希望美国传统〔viable〕a viable candidate 有希望当选的候选人英汉大词典〔wreckage〕the wreckage of a once-promising career 曾经很有希望的事业生涯的毁灭英汉大词典〔wreck〕the wreck of all our hopes.我们所有希望的破灭。牛津同义词




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