

单词 次中音
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔basset horn〕A tenor clarinet, pitched in F, having a wider bell and greater range than a standard clarinet.巴塞管,次中音单簧管:F调的次中音单簧管,管口较大,音域比普通单簧管宽美国传统〔euphonium〕A brass wind instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound.上低音大号,次中音号:一种类似于大号的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音美国传统〔saxophone〕A woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece and a usually curved conical metal tube, including soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone sizes.萨克斯管:一种木管乐器,带有单簧管的簧长嘴子和通常弯曲的圆锥形金属管,包括最高音、中音、次中音和上低音导型号美国传统〔tenor clef〕The C clef positioned to indicate that the fourth line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of middle C.次中音谱号:表示从底线向上的第四根线代表中音C的C型谱号美国传统〔tenor〕She plays the tenor sax/saxophone.她演奏次中音萨克斯管。韦氏高阶〔tenor〕Verdi wrote some difficult tenor parts.威尔第创作了一些有难度的次中音乐曲。韦氏高阶He plays the tenor saxophone in a jazz band.他在一支爵士乐队中吹次中音萨克斯管。剑桥国际She plays alto/tenor sax.她演奏中音/次中音萨克斯管。剑桥国际She plays the tenor recorder in the school orchestra.她在校管弦乐队中吹次中音八孔直笛。剑桥国际




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