

单词 这条
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstract〕a plan to abstract 8 million gallons of water from the river 从这条河中抽取 800 万加仑水的计划牛津高阶〔across〕the only bridge across the river 这条河上唯一的一座桥朗文当代〔aroma〕the gruesomely strong aroma of the old dog 这条老狗难闻得使人作呕的气味英汉大词典〔cement〕the tunnel, built to cement links between Britain and France这条为了加强英法两国间联系而建造的隧道外研社新世纪〔dorky〕the dorky kid from down the street 住在这条街上的一个笨小孩剑桥高阶〔down〕a few miles down the road在这条路上几英里远的地方外研社新世纪〔dry-dock〕to dry-dock a ship让这条船停进干船坞21世纪英汉〔farthest〕the house farthest away from the road 离这条路最远的那栋房子牛津高阶〔forbid〕was enjoined from broadcasting the news item; 禁止广播这条新闻;美国传统〔go〕to go down the road 沿着这条路走剑桥高阶〔gymnastics〕had to go through gymnastics to cross the slippery walk. 要走过这条湿滑的路真需要体操运动员的本领美国传统〔hammer〕hammered the information into the students' heads. 把这条信息反复向学生们强调美国传统〔hard〕sent the information by hard mail. 将这条信息用手写信件送出去美国传统〔historic〕the historic importance of the river 这条河流的历史重要性韦氏高阶〔inlying〕navigated the river and its inlying tributaries. 在这条河上和其内部各支流航行美国传统〔largeness〕the largeness of the dog 这条狗身形庞大韦氏高阶〔lightly〕took the news lightly. 对这条消息不在意美国传统〔milk〕milk the railroad of huge sums 从这条铁路榨取到大笔金钱英汉大词典〔north〕the north bank of the river 这条河的北岸牛津高阶〔objector〕objectors to the new motorway 反对修建这条新高速公路的人朗文当代〔out〕out the old road沿着这条旧路21世纪英汉〔pan〕panned the fish right after catching it. 捕到这条鱼后马上进行烹制美国传统〔pestilential〕people who were dependent for their water supply on this pestilential stream. 那些靠这条水质受污、可致疫病的河流来取水的人们柯林斯高阶〔prohibition〕a prohibition against parking on the street 禁止在这条街上泊车的法令韦氏高阶〔skirt〕the creek that skirts our property. 这条小河形成我们的地界美国传统〔slanguage〕the slanguage of the street; a glossary of Chicago slanguage. 这条街上特有的俚语;芝加哥特有俚语汇编美国传统〔towards〕a path leading towards the river 通往这条河的小路麦克米伦高阶〔tributary〕one of the river's tributaries 这条河的支流之一韦氏高阶〔twist〕the twists and turns of the river 这条河弯弯曲曲的地方牛津搭配〔whorl〕the whorls and eddies of the river 这条河流的各种旋涡韦氏高阶〔wide〕the widest part of the river 这条河的最宽处韦氏高阶




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