

单词 松松
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔belt〕a dress belted loosely at the waist 裙腰松松地束着一条带子的连衣裙朗文当代〔bun〕a woman with her hair tied back in a loose bun 在脑后松松地挽了一个圆发髻的女人牛津搭配〔bun〕a woman with her hair tied loosely in a bun 头发松松地挽成小圆髻的妇女英汉大词典〔fold〕the loose folds of flesh under her chin 她下巴下松松的肉褶子牛津搭配〔grip〕a loose/tight grip 松松地/紧紧地握住韦氏高阶〔lazy〕a habitually lazy posture 老是松松垮垮的姿态英汉大词典〔pyramidal〕a sagging black pyramidal tent pitched on the desert floor一顶松松垮垮地扎在沙地上的黑色尖顶帐篷外研社新世纪〔scrunch〕scrunch sheets of newspaper into a loose ball 把几张报纸揉成松松的一团英汉大词典〔skeletal〕prisoners whose clothes hung loosely on their skeletal bodies 骨瘦如柴、衣服松松垮垮的囚犯朗文当代〔softly〕a fresh, modern hairstyle which has long layers falling softly on the neck. 一个新颖而时尚的发型,一层层长发松松地垂在项际柯林斯高阶〔tie〕a long white thing around his neck that tied in front in a floppy bow. 他的脖子上围着个长长的白色的东西,在前面松松地打了个蝴蝶结柯林斯高阶




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