

单词 林地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Agent Orange〕A herbicide containing trace amounts of the toxic contaminant dioxin that was used in the Vietnam War to defoliate areas of forest.落叶剂,橙剂:一种含有微量毒药戴奥辛的除草剂,在越南战争中被用来使森林地区的树木落叶美国传统〔BEND〕At the top of the hill, the path bends sharply left and enters a small woodland. 这条小径在山顶向左急转,然后进入一片小林地。朗文写作活用〔Catalan〕The Romance language spoken especially in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Andorra, and the Roussillon region of France.加泰隆尼亚语:在加泰隆尼亚、布勒瑞克群岛、安道尔和法国的罗萨林地区讲的罗曼语美国传统〔DESTROY〕Thousands of miles of woodland were flattened by storms last month. 上个月的风暴夷平了数千英里的林地。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕There are many edible fruits growing wild in the coastal forest. 在沿海森林地区,有许多可食用的野生水果。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕After climbing steeply through woodland the lane levelled off. 爬过陡峭的林地后,小路变平坦了。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Population growth is causing people to clear more woodland so that they can cultivate the land. 人口的增长使人们砍伐了更多的林地用来开垦耕地。朗文写作活用〔NATURAL〕The path leads eventually to a vast expanse of unspoilt woodland. 这条小路最终通向一片广袤的原始林地。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕Today, just 5% remains of the original wooded land that stretched from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. 原先从大西洋一直延伸到密西西比的那片林地如今只剩下5%了。朗文写作活用〔SSSI〕The woodland is an SSSI.这片林地是有特殊科学价值的地区。麦克米伦高阶〔backwoods〕With television, even peasants in the backwoods could be in touch with world events.有了电视,即令在偏僻莽林地区的农人也能知天下事。文馨英汉〔boondocks〕Rural country; the backwoods.穷乡僻壤:乡村;偏僻的莽林地区美国传统〔boonies〕Rural country or a jungle.穷乡僻壤:乡村农村或僻远的莽林地带美国传统〔border〕Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.恺撒挥师北上, 深入到多瑙河沿岸的森林地带。外研社新世纪〔border〕Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.恺撒挥师北上,深入到多瑙河沿岸的森林地带。柯林斯高阶〔boreal〕Boreal Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. Boreal 北温带北部森林地区的:北温带北部森林地区的或与之相关的,主要植物为针叶树,如云杉、枞树和松树美国传统〔brave〕The young platoon leader set a courageous example for his soldiers by leading them safely into and out of jungle territory held by the enemy.年轻的排长带领士兵安全出入敌军控制的丛林地带,为他们树立了一个勇敢的榜样。美国传统〔brushwood〕An area covered by such growth.丛林地带美国传统〔brush〕Land covered by such a growth.丛林地带美国传统〔burn〕Most of the woodland has now been burnt up.现在大多数林地都被烧光了。朗文当代〔bush〕Land covered with dense vegetation or undergrowth.未开垦的丛林地:被浓密生长的草林或下层丛林覆盖的土地美国传统〔clear-cut〕A tract of timberland that has been clear-cut.林木被伐光的林地美国传统〔clearing〕A tract of land within a wood or other overgrown area from which trees and other obstructions have been removed.皆伐区,林地开垦:在树林或灌木繁生地带内清除了树木和其它障碍的一块地美国传统〔clear〕They cleared some 300 acres in the jungle.他们在丛林地带中开拓出大约 300英亩田地。21世纪英汉〔conserve〕We must conserve our woodlands for future generations.我们必须为后代子孙保护林地。朗文当代〔country〕This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.这种林地与田野的格局是典型的英格兰乡村景色。牛津高阶〔creature〕Woodland creatures such as owls are increasingly common in towns.猫头鹰等林地动物在城镇中越来越常见了。牛津搭配〔deforest〕To cut down and clear away the trees or forests from.砍伐林地:砍掉并清除某处的树木或树林美国传统〔denizen〕Deer and squirrels are among the denizens of the forest.鹿和松鼠是森林地带的常见动物。剑桥高阶〔dewy〕The dewy woodland was solitary and still.露湿的林地里一片孤寂和静谧。朗文当代〔drink ... in〕She drank in the beauty of the woodland scene.她陶醉于林地的美景。21世纪英汉〔duff〕Decaying leaves and branches covering a forest floor.半腐层:覆盖森林地面的腐败树叶或树枝美国传统〔forestland〕A section of land covered with forest or set aside for the cultivation of forests.林地:覆盖着森林或用于植树造林的一片土地美国传统〔forestry〕A forestland.森林地带美国传统〔forestry〕The management of a forestland.林地的管理美国传统〔ground level〕The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level.剩下的一块林地被砍得精光。外研社新世纪〔ground〕The landscape is a mixture of open ground and woodland.这里的地形既有空地又有林地。朗文当代〔habitat〕With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.大片林地被砍伐,很多野生动物在失去它们的天然栖息地。剑桥高阶〔intermix〕Grass fields were intermixed with areas of woodland.草地和林地相互交错。牛津高阶〔littered〕On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。柯林斯高阶〔litter〕On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.我们周三清理了海滩和林地里的垃圾。外研社新世纪〔litter〕The uppermost layer of the forest floor consisting chiefly of fallen leaves and other decaying organic matter.(树林里的)枯枝落叶层:森林地表的最上一层,主要由落叶和其他有机物组成美国传统〔longitude〕This line of longitude cuts through the jungle.这条经线穿过丛林地带。牛津搭配〔manage〕These areas of woodland are being carefully managed.这些林地受到细心的打理。麦克米伦高阶〔margin〕The plant tends to grow in the lighter margins of woodland areas.这种植物往往生长在植被较稀疏的林地边缘。剑桥高阶〔operator〕The Transport Minister has issued two new licences to private bus operators in the Dublin area.交通部长给都柏林地区两家私营公交公司颁发了营运许可。牛津搭配〔pineland〕A forested area in which pine trees predominate.松林地(带):长有大片松树的森林地区美国传统〔preserve〕We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands.我们必须鼓励栽种新树木,同时也要保护现有的林地。朗文当代〔public property〕Half of the north-west's timber land is public property.西北部的一半林地是公共财产。柯林斯高阶〔regenerate〕If the woodland is left alone, it will regenerate itself in a few years.如果林地不受干扰,几年后就会再生。牛津高阶〔region〕Peru's eastern jungle region 秘鲁东部的丛林地区麦克米伦高阶〔region〕This tropical forest region is characterized by frequent heavy rainfall.这片热带雨林地区的特征是经常下大雨。牛津搭配〔scrubland〕An area of land that is uncultivated and covered with sparse, stunted vegetation.灌木丛林地:一块没有被开垦的,生长着稀疏矮小的植被的土地美国传统〔scrubland〕Thousands of acres of forests and scrubland have been burnt.已经有数千英亩森林和灌木丛林地被烧毁。柯林斯高阶〔scrub〕A growth or tract of stunted vegetation.低矮的丛林地美国传统〔scrub〕They would bivouac for the night somewhere in the scrub.他们会在矮丛林地带找个地方露营过夜。外研社新世纪〔semidesert〕A semiarid area often located between a desert and a grassland or woodland.半沙漠,半荒漠:半干旱的地区,通常位于沙漠和草原或林地之间美国传统〔silenus〕Any of the minor woodland deities and companions of Dionysus, depicted on Greek vases as men with the tails, ears, and hoofs of horses.小森林之神:林地小神和酒神狄俄尼索斯的同伴中的一个,在希腊的花瓶上被描绘成带尾巴、耳朵和马蹄的男子美国传统〔silvicolous〕Growing in or inhabiting woodlands.生长或居住在林地中的美国传统〔slave labour〕The children were used as slave labour in gold mines in the jungle.在丛林地带,儿童被用作开采金矿的苦役。柯林斯高阶〔softwood〕A 200,000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill.20万英亩的林地将重新种上针叶树,以便为造纸厂提供原料。剑桥高阶〔sole〕Derek has sole responsibility for sales in Dublin.德雷克单独负责都柏林地区的销售。朗文当代〔sprawl〕In Oregon, planning has sought to control urban sprawl and protect farm and forest lands.俄勒冈州的规划力求限制城市肆意扩展, 保护农田和林地。外研社新世纪〔start〕Lightning started a fire that burned 500 acres.闪电引起了大火,烧毁了 500 英亩的林地。朗文当代〔stillborn〕The ceasefire itself could prove stillborn if rebel units in the bush keep on fighting.如果丛林地带的叛军继续开火,那停火协议本身就可能起不到任何作用。柯林斯高阶〔survival〕In these jungle areas, every day is a fight for survival.在这些丛林地带,每天都要为生存而斗争。麦克米伦高阶〔sylvan〕Relating to or characteristic of woods or forest regions.森林的:与树林或森林地区有关的或有其特征的美国传统〔threat〕These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments.新道路的开发可能对这些古老的林地造成破坏。牛津高阶〔timber right〕A claim to the trees on property belonging to another. Often used in the plural.采伐权:对属于别人的林地上的林木的所有权。常用复数美国传统〔timberland〕Forested land, especially land containing timber of commercial value.林地:尤指长有具商业价值木材的林地美国传统〔tinamou〕Any of various chickenlike or quaillike birds of the family Tinamidae, living in grasslands and jungles of Central and South America.:一种象小鸡和鹌鹑的科鸟类,生活在中南美洲的草原和林地美国传统〔tract〕The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland.这幢房子周围是大片的林地。剑桥高阶〔trail〕There is a large area of woodland with hiking and walking trails.有一大片设有远足和散步路线的林地。外研社新世纪〔treat〕About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide.大约 70% 的可可树林地喷过杀虫剂。柯林斯高阶〔tree-hugger〕An environmentalist, especially one who supports the preservation of forested land and the restriction of logging.森林环境保护者,树木保育者:环境保护者,尤其是支持森林林地保护以及严禁砍伐森林的支持者美国传统〔virgin〕The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest.这条铁路一直延伸到原始森林地带。剑桥高阶〔weald〕A woodland.林地美国传统〔wondrous〕We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.我们乘车穿过了这片令人惊叹的辽阔湖泊和森林地区。外研社新世纪〔wood lot〕A usually private area restricted to the growing of forest trees, especially for building material or fuel.小林地:通常为私人拥有的限制为种植森林树木的区域,尤指建筑材料或燃料用的树木美国传统〔wood mouse〕A mouse, such as a deer mouse, that commonly lives in woodlands.林鼠:一种老鼠,如拉布拉多白足鼠,通常住于林地美国传统〔woodland caribou〕A large dark brown caribou with a light muzzle and heavily palmate antlers, inhabiting forested areas of Canada and the northwest United States.林地驯鹿:一种有小口鼻和掌状鹿角的深棕色大驯鹿,住在加拿大和美国西北部的林地地区美国传统〔woodland〕Land having a cover of trees and shrubs.林地:有树和灌木作覆盖物的土地美国传统〔woodland〕Of, relating to, or constituting woodland.林地的:林地的,与林地有关的,构成林地的美国传统〔woodland〕Some very rare and special plants grow in these woodlands.这片林地中生长着一些非常稀有和特别的植物。剑桥高阶〔woodland〕The group has raised money to preserve over two million acres of woodland.这个机构已经筹到资金保护200多万英亩的林地。剑桥高阶〔woodland〕The swamp was surrounded by dense woodland.沼泽周围是茂密的林地。韦氏高阶〔woodland〕The woodlands stretch for miles.这片林地绵延数英里。韦氏高阶〔woodnote〕A song or call characteristic of a woodland bird.林中鸟叫声:林地鸟独特的叫声或歌声美国传统〔wood〕About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood.他在镇子以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。柯林斯高阶〔wood〕Their house is near a small wood.他们家靠近一小片林地。韦氏高阶A 200 000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill. [C] 200 000 英亩森林地皮将重新种植针叶树,以便能为造纸和纸浆厂提供原料。剑桥国际A wood is usually smaller than a forest.林地通常比森林小。剑桥国际Lions live in small groups called prides in grassland and open woodland.狮子以群居方式生活在草原和开阔的林地。剑桥国际New suburbs are pushing outwards into previously wooded areas.新的郊区正向以前的森林地带推进。剑桥国际The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.林业委员会负责保护200多万英亩的林地。剑桥国际The house is surrounded by vast tracts of woodland.这幢房子被一大片林地环绕。剑桥国际The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest.铁路正向原始森林地带延伸。剑桥国际They walked for miles through densely-wooded country.他们走过了很多英里茂密的森林地带。剑桥国际To the north of the river is an immense wooded tract. 河北面是一大片林地。译典通To the rear of the house is a piece of woodland. 在房子后面是一块林地。译典通




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