

单词 最下
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOTTOM〕Heavy objects should be packed in the bottom of your suitcase. 你要把重的东西放到手提箱的最下面。朗文写作活用〔BOTTOM〕She looked in the bottom drawer of the chest. 她在柜子最下面的抽屉里翻找。朗文写作活用〔John Hancock〕Put your John Hancock at the bottom of the page.在这页最下方签名。剑桥高阶〔be in〕The old letters are in the bottom drawer.旧信件在最下面一个抽屉里。21世纪英汉〔bottom〕Extra information will be found at the bottom of the page.补充信息见这一页的最下面。剑桥高阶〔bottom〕He sat at the bottom of the stairs.他坐在最下面一层楼梯上。外研社新世纪〔bottom〕He sat at the bottom of the stairs.他坐在最下面的一级楼梯上。柯林斯高阶〔bottom〕He stood at the bottom of the stairs and called up to me.他站在楼梯的最下面抬头叫我。剑桥高阶〔bottom〕Please fill out this form and sign your name at the bottom.请填好表并在最下面签名。韦氏高阶〔bottom〕Put your clothes in the bottom drawer.把你的衣服放在最下面的抽屉里。牛津高阶〔bottom〕She sat on the bottom step.她坐在最下面的台阶上。麦克米伦高阶〔bottom〕The book I want is right at the bottom(= of the pile).我想要的书就压在(那堆书的)最下面。牛津高阶〔bottom〕The towels are in the bottom drawer .毛巾在最下面的抽屉里。朗文当代〔bottom〕There's an extra duvet in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.橱柜最下面的抽屉里还有一床羽绒被。外研社新世纪〔column〕The error appears at the bottom of the second column.错误出现在第二栏的最下方。韦氏高阶〔crest〕Waist circumference was measured midway between the lower rib margin and the iliac crest.腰围是测量最下面一块肋骨和髂骨嵴之间的中间点一圈的长度。剑桥高阶〔crown〕Nautical The lowest part of an anchor, where the arms are joined to the shank.【航海】 锚冠:锚的最下部也是锚臂和锚杆相结合的地方美国传统〔drawer〕I keep my socks in the bottom drawer.我把袜子放在最下面的抽屉里。剑桥高阶〔extra〕There's an extra blanket in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.壁橱最下面的抽屉里还有一条多余的毯子。柯林斯高阶〔first floor〕The ground floor of a building.一楼,底层:建筑的最下一层美国传统〔flank〕The section of flesh on the body of a person or an animal between the last rib and the hip; the side.肋肉:人或动物身上最下面的肋骨与臀部之间的肉块;腰部美国传统〔floating rib〕A false rib whose anterior end is unattached. The lowest two pairs of human ribs are floating ribs.浮肋:一种前端与其他骨不相连的假肋骨。人体肋骨的最下面的两对为浮肋美国传统〔foot〕The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking.脚、足:有椎骨的腿的最下端,在站立或行走时直接与地面接触的部分美国传统〔foreyard〕The lowest yard on a foremast.前桅最下部的桅杆美国传统〔foul〕He called her the foulest names imaginable.他用最下流的话辱骂她。牛津高阶〔incidental〕At the bottom of the bill, you will notice various incidental expenses such as faxes.在账单的最下面你会看到各种各样的杂费, 例如传真费。外研社新世纪〔level〕Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。牛津高阶〔lie〕There's an old pair of shoes of yours lying at/in the bottom of the wardrobe.衣柜最下面放着一双你的旧鞋子。剑桥高阶〔low〕Store raw meat on the lowest shelf.把生肉储藏在最下面一格架子上。朗文当代〔neat〕He wrote his name neatly at the bottom of the page.他在那页纸的最下面工整地签上了自己的名字。朗文当代〔nethermost〕Farthest down; lowest.最下方的:最下面的;最低处的美国传统〔orlop〕The lowest deck of a ship, especially a warship, having at least four decks.最下层甲板:至少有四层甲板船的最下层甲板,特别是军舰类美国传统〔proletariat〕The poorest class of working people.社会的最下层阶级:工人中的最贫苦的阶级美国传统〔proletariat〕The propertyless class of ancient Rome, constituting the lowest class of citizens.(古罗马社会中的)最下层阶级:古代罗马没有财产的阶级,组成公民中最低层的阶级美国传统〔recruit〕A newly engaged member of a military force, especially one of the lowest rank or grade.新兵:刚被征召入某军事力量的成员,尤指最低层或最下级的成员美国传统〔space〕There is space at the bottom for your name and address.在最下面的空白处写上你的姓名和地址。韦氏高阶〔stair〕He sat waiting on the bottom stair.他坐在最下面的一级楼梯上等着。牛津搭配〔stair〕He tripped on the bottom stair and almost fell.他在楼梯的最下面一级绊了一下,差点摔倒。韦氏高阶〔stair〕He was standing on the bottom stair.他站在楼梯最下面一阶。麦克米伦高阶〔stair〕Lucy sat down on the bottom stair.露西坐在最下面一级阶梯上。朗文当代〔stair〕Terry was sitting on the bottom stair.特里正坐在最下面的一级楼梯上。柯林斯高阶〔step〕She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase.她正坐在最下面一级楼梯上。牛津高阶〔tray〕I don't know where I put that article - it must be in the bottom of my tray.我不知道把那篇文章放在哪儿了——肯定是在我的文件盘最下面。剑桥高阶〔trip〕He tripped on the bottom step.他在最下面一级台阶上绊了一跤。朗文当代〔undermost〕Lowest in position, rank, or place; bottom.最下的;最低的:位置、级别或地点最低的;最低的美国传统〔undo〕I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt.我解开了自己黄灰相间的衬衫上最下面的两个纽扣。柯林斯高阶〔very〕He found the piece of paper he had lost at the very bottom of the pile.他在那一大堆东西的最下面找到了自己丢了的那张纸。剑桥高阶〔wad〕The sweater was wadded up in the bottom of the backpack.毛衣在背包的最下面压成了一团。韦氏高阶A message should appear at the bottom of the screen.应该有一条信息出现在屏幕的最下端。牛津商务He found the piece of paper he had lost at the very bottom of the pile.他在那一大堆东西的最下面找到了他丢失的那张纸。剑桥国际He stood at the bottom of the stairs and called up to me.他站在楼梯的最下面一级向上叫我。剑桥国际The bottom layer is a mixture of sand and clay. 最下面的一层是沙和泥的混合物。译典通




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