

单词 in benefit
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GUILTY〕Voting through cuts in benefits to the poorest people is a matter of shame for all of us. 投票通过削减最贫困人民福利的计划,是我们所有人的羞耻。朗文写作活用〔cry out against sth〕Women's rights groups have cried out against the proposed cut in benefit paid to single mothers.妇女权益团体对减少单身母亲的救济金的提议表示强烈反对。剑桥高阶〔disincentive〕Any further increase in benefits would be a disincentive to working.进一步提高救济金就会遏制人们的工作热情。外研社新世纪〔victim〕The cut in benefits for the unemployed is a classic case of blaming the victim.削减失业救济金是将责任推给利益受损者的典型例子。牛津搭配Manufacturers may throw in benefits like training support.制造商可能会附送一些诸如培训支持之类的好处。牛津商务Unemployment offices paid claimants more than £16 million in benefits that they were not entitled to last year.去年失业救济办公室付了申请者不该拿到的1600多万英镑救济金。剑桥国际Women's rights groups have cried out against the proposed cut in benefit paid to single mothers.争取妇女权益的团体对减少给单身母亲的救济金这一提议表示抗议。剑桥国际




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