

单词 正当地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RIGHT〕You could legitimately argue that the best way to bring down pollution levels is to ban cars completely. 你可以正当地提出理由,说明减少污染的最佳办法就是完全禁止使用汽车。朗文写作活用〔arrogate〕To ascribe on behalf of another in an unwarranted manner.不正当地…归于:以无根据的方式把某事归于某人美国传统〔belt〕Not according to the rules; unfairly.不正当地:不遵守规则地;不公平地美国传统〔foul〕In a foul manner.犯规地;不正当地美国传统〔honestly〕He got the money honestly.他正当地得到那笔钱。文馨英汉〔oppressive〕Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical.压迫的:武断地但不正当地利用权力的,威迫的美国传统〔possession〕Law Actual holding or occupancy with or without rightful ownership.【法律】 占有,持有:正当或非正当地实际持有或占有美国传统〔pry〕He claims that the government is improperly prying into his affairs.他宣称政府在不正当地窥探他的私事。韦氏高阶〔reason〕With good cause; justifiably.正当地:有充足理由地;正当地美国传统〔right〕According to law, morality, or justice.正直地,正当地,公正地:符合法律,道德或正义地美国传统〔right〕In a just or proper manner; justly.按理说,正当地:正当合理地;按理美国传统〔scheme〕To make plans, especially secret or devious ones.密谋:制定方案,尤指秘密地或不正当地美国传统




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