

单词 楼顶上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔below〕From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.从摩天大楼顶上往下看,下面的汽车小得像昆虫一样。剑桥高阶〔breach〕The bomber had breached security by hurling his dynamite from a roof overlooking the building.这名爆炸手从一个俯瞰这座大楼的楼顶上投下炸药,破坏了安保系统。柯林斯高阶〔flag up〕The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag.海军陆战队队员爬到使馆大楼顶上,升起了美国国旗。柯林斯高阶〔panorama〕From the hotel roof you can enjoy a panorama of the whole city.从饭店楼顶上你可以欣赏到城市的全景。剑桥高阶〔rooftop〕They have a garden on the rooftop of the apartment building.他们公寓楼的楼顶上有一个花园韦氏高阶〔split〕The flag on the building was split by the wind.楼顶上的旗子被大风撕破了。21世纪英汉〔spray〕He ran to the top of the building spraying bullets into shoppers below.他跑到楼顶上, 向下面的购物人群开枪扫射。外研社新世纪〔spray〕He ran to the top of the building spraying bullets into shoppers below.他跑到楼顶上,向下面的购物人群开枪扫射。柯林斯高阶〔swing〕They swung huge car advertisements from the top of the tall buildings.他们从高楼顶上向下悬挂了巨大的汽车广告。21世纪英汉A flag was hoisted on top of the building. 大楼顶上升起一面旗帜。译典通From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.从摩天大楼顶上往下看,我们下面的汽车小得像昆虫一样。剑桥国际Pretending to jump from a hotel roof was another jape that went wrong when the parachute didn't open.当降落伞没有打开,假装从旅馆楼顶上跳下来是又一个出了问题的恶作剧。剑桥国际




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