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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVERTISING〕They ran a sales promotion scheme in which a World Cup coin was given away with every four gallons of petrol purchased. 他们正在搞促销活动,每购买四加仑汽油便可获赠一枚世界杯纪念币。朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕Grants are available to students who have high grades. 成绩优秀的同学可获奖学金。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕The most productive members of staff are rewarded by financial bonuses. 工作效率最高的员工可获发奖金。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Your Free Gift From Cachet. A perfume atomiser with every 50ml Eau de Toilette purchase. “威望”有免费赠品,购买50毫升的香露一瓶可获赠香水喷雾器一个。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The Ford Citibank credit card offers a 5 percent rebate on the purchase of a new Ford car or truck. 用福特花旗银行信用卡购买新福特汽车或卡车可获5%退款。朗文写作活用〔accessibility〕Declining prices have improved accessibility.价格下降提高了其可获取性。外研社新世纪〔addition〕People gain valuable work experience and, in addition, employers can afford to employ them.人们可获得宝贵的工作经验,而且雇主们也能雇得起他们。麦克米伦高阶〔amateur〕New rules on amateurism allow payment for promotional work.新的业余条例规定,做促销工作可获得报酬。牛津高阶〔approved〕Funding is available for approved courses.核准的课程可获得拨款。朗文当代〔available〕Funds are available to assist teachers who want to attend the conference.想参加大会的教师可获得资助。朗文当代〔background〕To background themselves, reporters dug through all available files on the case.为掌握有关背景资料,记者们搜集(或查阅)了对此案有关的可获得的所有文件资料(或卷宗)。21世纪英汉〔bonus〕Each worker receives an annual bonus.每个员工都可获得一笔年度奖金。朗文当代〔bonus〕Long-term savers qualify for a cash bonus.长期储户可获现金红利。朗文当代〔cashback〕There's £200 cashback on this computer if you buy before January 31.在 1 月 31 日前购买这台电脑可获得 200 英镑的现金返还。牛津高阶〔cash〕Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash.顾客若付现金,可获九折优惠。牛津高阶〔circumstance〕Grants are available depending on your circumstances.视经济状况,符合条件可获得助学金。剑桥高阶〔compensatory〕He may get compensatory leave for working overtime.他加班可获补假。英汉大词典〔corner〕A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price.垄断:通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制美国传统〔credit〕Answer this last question correctly for extra credit.最后这个问题回答正确可获得加分。韦氏高阶〔deflate〕To reduce the amount or availability of (currency or credit), effecting a decline in prices.紧缩:减少(通货或信贷)的数额或可获得性,导致价格下降美国传统〔earn〕Money well invested earns good interest.投资得当可获厚利。英汉大词典〔earn〕Your money would earn more in a high-interest account.你的钱放在高利息账户里可获利更多。牛津高阶〔either〕The police have the authority to pursue suspects into either country.警方可获得授权进入两国中任何一国追捕嫌疑犯。外研社新世纪〔free〕The court ruled that he should be freed on bail of $50 000.法庭判定他交纳 50,000 美元保释金即可获释。牛津搭配〔gift〕Enjoy a free gift with any purchase of $20 or more.购物满 20 美元可获赠礼品一份。朗文当代〔good〕Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。柯林斯高阶〔grant〕Poorer students would get maintenance grants of up to £1 500 a year.比较困难的学生每年可获得最高达 1,500 英镑的生活补助金。牛津搭配〔hat〕The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth £20 each.随机抽取的前10位答对问题者每人可获得两张票, 每张价值20镑。外研社新世纪〔heir〕His heirs could inherit millions of dollars.他的继承人可获得数百万美元的遗产。韦氏高阶〔in toto〕The available information amounts to very little in toto.可获得的信息全部加起来也微不足道。剑桥高阶〔instant〕The modern technology of communications offers us instant knowledge.现代通信技术为我们提供顷刻即可获得的知识。英汉大词典〔limited〕We are doing our best with the limited resources available.我们利用可获得的有限资源,尽最大的努力。牛津高阶〔loan〕An interest-free loan fund is available for students who find themselves in unforeseen financial difficulty.有一个提供无息贷款的基金,学生如果遇到意外的经济困难可获得它的帮助。朗文当代〔multiply〕The amount of information available has multiplied.可获得的信息大大增加了。朗文当代〔naturalization〕No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.没人期待波罗的海各国会让年轻的俄罗斯士兵加入其国籍,但领取抚恤金的军人可获得公民身份。柯林斯高阶〔nomination〕Membership is by nomination only.会员资格只有被选定才可获得。韦氏高阶〔occasion〕On occasion prisoners were allowed visits from their families.有时候囚犯的家属可获准去探望他们。朗文当代〔offer〕There's a free offer on orders over £45.订单金额超过 45 英镑就可获得一件赠品。朗文当代〔offset〕Your donations to charity can be offset against tax.你对慈善事业的捐赠可获得税项减免。牛津搭配〔on demand〕Cable customers pay an extra $6.95 a month for on-demand.有线电视用户每月多交6.95美元可获得视频点播服务。剑桥高阶〔optimize〕They need to optimize the use of available resources.他们需要充分利用可获得的资源。朗文当代〔perpetuity〕An annuity payable indefinitely.终身年金:无期限地可获得的年金或养老金美国传统〔presentation〕On presentation of a valid ticket, passengers may claim a free drink.旅客出示有效票据,即可获赠一份饮料。麦克米伦高阶〔pull together〕He started his research by pulling together all the available data.他通过搜集所有可获得的数据开始自己的研究。韦氏高阶〔qualify〕Troubled companies could qualify for exemptions.处境困难的公司可获准豁免。英汉大词典〔recourse〕There is no recourse available to the victim.受害人无处可获得帮助。牛津搭配〔recovery〕There is a reward for information leading to the recovery of the missing diamonds.凡能为找回丢失的钻石提供线索者可获奖赏。牛津高阶〔return〕This is an investment that returns a good interest.这是一项可获得丰硕利润的投资。21世纪英汉〔reward〕There is a reward for information leading to an arrest.提供抓捕罪犯有用信息的人可获得赏金。牛津搭配〔scheme〕Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding.在新体制下,只有办得好的学校才可获得额外经费。牛津高阶〔senior〕Seniors are entitled to a reduction of around 10%.年迈人士可获10%降价优惠。剑桥高阶〔service〕People skilled in these arts could command good fees for their services.精于这类技艺的人们提供的服务可获得高额酬金。英汉大词典〔severance〕The management have offered employees one week's severance (pay) for each six months they have worked at the company.资方向雇员们发放了遣散费,标准是每六个月工龄可获得相当于一星期工资的数额。剑桥高阶〔sew〕Dick thought he had the job sewed up, but another boy got it.迪克以为他稳可获得那份工作,不料竟为另一男孩所得。英汉大词典〔shall〕You shall have my answer next week.下星期你可获得我的答复。文馨英汉〔top-ranking〕Top-ranking sumo wrestlers attain superstar status.顶尖的相扑选手可获得超级明星的地位。柯林斯高阶〔transcription〕The transcriptions of the text were available as early as 1960.原文的转写本早在 1960 年就可获取。柯林斯高阶〔unavailable〕Not available, accessible, or at hand.得不到的:不可获得的,无法接近的,不在手头的美国传统〔universally〕The disadvantage is that it is not universally available.缺点在于它并不是随处都可获得。柯林斯高阶〔winnable〕He insisted that the nomination was winnable.他坚称该项提名是可获通过的。英汉大词典〔within〕The team had pulled to within five points of winning.该队在赢五分就可获胜美国传统At 10% interest, £10000 in the bank will earn (=give) you £1000 a year.按10%的利率算,10000 英镑存一年可获利息1000 英镑。剑桥国际Credits will be given to any customer who experienced an interruption of service.服务受阻的任何顾客将可获退款。牛津商务For an instant quote, simply fill out the online order form.只需填写在线订货单即可获得即时报价。牛津商务Given the intense secrecy of the arms business, information only seeps out in company literature.由于武器贸易极度保密,只在公司的宣传资料中可获息点滴情况。剑桥国际It's an attractive stock, offering a dividend yield of over 5%.这是一只有吸引力的股票,可获超过 5% 的红利收益率。牛津商务Listen to this ! You can win a holiday for two in the south of France just by answering three simple questions.听着!你只需回答三个简单的问题即可获得一次去法国南部的双人旅行的机会。剑桥国际New hires get raises after a set period of time.新雇用的人在规定时间以后可获晋升。牛津商务Shoppers will be able to earn points on all credit-card purchases.购物者使用信用卡的所有消费均可获得积分。牛津商务Subscribe to the magazine and receive a free gift! 订阅杂志可获赠品!牛津商务The assistants will receive auxiliary rates of pay.助手们可获得附加报酬。剑桥国际The bonds mature in 2010 and carry a 7% coupon.债券 2010 年到期,可获得 7% 的券息。牛津商务This information is accessible to everyone.每个人均可获得这些信息。牛津商务This price will allow a good margin of profit. 这一价格可获厚利。译典通Use the ‘ls’ command to get a list of the files on the disk.使用 ls 指令即可获得磁盘上的文件清单。牛津商务You get time and a half if you work over 8 hours a day.如果一天工作超过 8 小时,员工可获得比原工资高 50% 的加班工资。牛津商务




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