

单词 曾在
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anthropologist〕an anthropologist who had been in China for three years. 曾在中国呆了3年的人类学家柯林斯高阶〔battler〕the notorious Montonero guerrilla group who did battle with the army during the dirty war. 曾在那场肮脏的战争中与这支部队交战的臭名昭著的蒙特内罗游击队柯林斯高阶〔before〕an actor who had performed before the Queen 曾在女王面前献艺的一名演员朗文当代〔front line〕troops who had served in the front line at Magdeburg 曾在马格德堡前线服役过的部队朗文当代〔kite〕a pilot who had pranged his kite on the aerodrome一名曾在机场摔机着陆的飞行员外研社新世纪〔malign〕calumniated and ridiculed the President in whose cabinet he had once served. 污蔑并嘲弄那位总统,而他还曾在那位总统的内阁中任职。美国传统〔officer〕a former army officer who served in Bosnia 一位曾在波斯尼亚服役的前陆军军官牛津搭配〔prevalent〕a custom that was once prevalent here 曾在此地盛行的风俗韦氏高阶〔service〕an aircraft carrier that saw service in World War II. 曾在二战中服役的航空母舰柯林斯高阶〔showing〕one of East Village's better-known galleries, where he showed and sold his work. 他曾在那儿展销作品的东村著名的美术馆之一柯林斯高阶〔study〕a psychologist who studied under Jung in Zurich 曾在苏黎世师从荣格的一位心理学家朗文当代〔widely〕an author who had travelled widely in the Far East 曾在远东广泛游历的一位作者朗文当代




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