

单词 旋转的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕All the light bars were turned on which filled the room with these rotating beams of light.所有灯条都打开了,满屋都是旋转的光柱。柯林斯高阶〔SOUND〕The washing machine gurgled as it changed cycles. 洗衣机换方向旋转的时候发出汩汩的水声。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The planet rotates in the same direction as its revolution around the sun. 这颗行星沿着绕太阳旋转的相同方向自转。朗文写作活用〔bowl〕A revolving cylinder or drum in a machine.滚筒;滚子:机器中旋转的圆柱或圆鼓美国传统〔cut〕Sports A stroke that causes a ball to spin in a reverse direction.【体育运动】 削球:使球向相反方向旋转的一击美国传统〔cyclone〕A violent, rotating windstorm.旋风,龙卷风:猛烈旋转的暴风美国传统〔dervish〕A member of any of various Moslem ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion.(穆斯林)狂舞托钵僧,苦行僧:穆斯林禁欲僧侣,他们常以旋转的舞蹈和大声交谈表示其对宗教的狂热的虔诚美国传统〔dextro〕Dextrorotatory.向右旋转的美国传统〔dizzy〕Caused by giddiness; reeling.旋转的:由眩晕引起的;旋转的美国传统〔gig〕An object that whirls.旋转的物体美国传统〔gyral〕Moving in a circle or spiral; gyratory.旋转的:以圆周或螺旋的方式运动;回旋的美国传统〔gyroplane〕An aircraft, such as a helicopter or autogyro, equipped with wings that rotate about an approximately vertical axis.旋翼机:一种飞行器,如直升机和旋翼机,装有绕一个近似垂直的轴旋转的机翼美国传统〔hypocycloid〕The plane locus of a point fixed on a circle that rolls on the inside circumference of a fixed circle.圆内旋转线,内摆圆:在一个固定的圆周内旋转的圆上一点的水平轨迹美国传统〔irrotational〕Not rotating or involving rotation.不旋转的或不含旋转的美国传统〔kymograph〕An instrument for recording variations in pressure, as of the blood, or in tension, as of a muscle, by means of a pen or stylus that marks a rotating drum.压力记录器,记波器:一种记录压力(如血压)或张力(如肌肉张力)变化的仪器,它通过一支笔或记录针的方式描出旋转的轨迹美国传统〔lambada〕A Brazilian ballroom dance in which the partners press against each other tightly and gyrate sensually.黏巴达舞:一种舞伴互相紧拥着性感旋转的巴西交际舞美国传统〔left-handed〕Turning or spiraling from right to left; counterclockwise.从右到左的,逆时针的:从右向左转动或旋转的;逆时针方向的美国传统〔levorotatory〕Of or relating to a chemical solution that rotates the plane of polarized light to the left, or counterclockwise.左旋溶剂的:属于或关于一种使光的偏振面向左或逆时针方向旋转的化学溶剂的美国传统〔levorotatory〕Turning or rotating the plane of polarization of light to the left, or counterclockwise.左旋的:光的偏振面向左方向或逆时针方向转动或旋转的美国传统〔moment〕The tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis.旋转轴:使绕点或轴旋转的倾向美国传统〔polarimeter〕An instrument used to measure the rotation of the plane of polarization of polarized light passing through an optical structure or sample.偏振计;旋光计:用来测量经过光学结构或样品的极化光的偏振平面旋转的一种仪器美国传统〔potter's wheel〕A revolving, often treadle-operated horizontal disk on which clay is shaped manually.陶轮,拉坯轮:通常是踩动脚踏板时能旋转的水平盘,粘土在其上通过手工成形美国传统〔quill〕A hollow shaft that rotates on a solid shaft when gears are engaged.套管轴:齿轮啮合时,在一固定机轴上旋转的中空轴美国传统〔reel〕A set of curved lawn-mower blades that rotate around a bar parallel to the ground, cutting grass while moving against a stationary straight blade.螺旋状刈草刀:弯曲的刈草机上沿与地面平行的轴旋转的刀,在切草的同时围绕一支静止的竖刀旋转美国传统〔reel〕A staggering, swaying, or whirling movement.蹒跚的运动,摇晃的运动,旋转的运动美国传统〔roller〕A heavy, revolving cylinder that is used to level, crush, or smooth.轧辊,滚轧机:一种用于辗平、压碎或弄平滑其它物体的可旋转的笨重圆筒状物美国传统〔rotary press〕A printing press consisting of curved plates attached to a revolving cylinder that prints onto a continuous roll of paper.轮转印刷机:一种由与旋转的圆筒相连的变曲印版构成的印刷机,圆筒在一卷连续不断的纸张上印刷美国传统〔rotary〕A part or device that rotates around an axis.绕轴旋转的部件或装置美国传统〔rotary〕Of, relating to, causing, or characterized by rotation, especially axial rotation.旋转的,转动的:属于、有关、引起或以转动为特征的,尤指绕轴转动美国传统〔rotate〕The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.人造卫星围绕地球旋转的同时也在缓慢自转。剑桥高阶〔rotative〕Of, relating to, causing, or characterized by rotation.转动的,旋转的:属于、有关、引起或有旋转特征的美国传统〔rotor〕An assembly of rotating horizontal airfoils, as that of a helicopter.旋翼:如直升飞机的旋翼等旋转的水平机翼的组合体美国传统〔roulette〕Games A gambling game in which the players bet on which slot of a rotating disk a small ball will come to rest in.【游戏】 轮盘赌:一种赌者打赌转动盘上旋转的小球将停止于盘上哪一个槽内的赌博游戏美国传统〔round dance〕A ballroom dance in which couples proceed in a circular direction around the room.双人圆舞:一种在舞厅里跳的舞蹈者绕舞厅旋转的交谊舞美国传统〔satellite〕Astronomy A celestial body that orbits a planet; a moon.【天文学】 卫星:按一定轨道绕行星旋转的天体;月亮美国传统〔screw thread〕One complete turn of a screw thread.螺纹的一圈:完成一个螺丝螺纹旋转的东西美国传统〔sidespin〕A rotary motion that spins a ball horizontally.侧旋:使球水平方向旋转的一种转动姿态的变化美国传统〔siren〕A device in which compressed air or steam is driven against a rotating perforated disk to create a loud, often wailing sound as a signal or warning.汽笛:一种装置,其中被压空气或蒸汽冲击一个旋转的有孔圆盘而产生巨大的、常常是尖锐的声音,作为信号或警报美国传统〔slue〕The act of sluing.旋转:旋转的动作美国传统〔sphere〕Any of a series of concentric, transparent, revolving globes that together were once thought to contain the moon, sun, planets, and stars.一系列同心旋转的透明球体之一,合起来曾被认为包括月亮、太阳、行星及恒星美国传统〔spindle〕Any of various mechanical parts that revolve or serve as axes for larger revolving parts, as in a lock, an axle, a phonograph turntable, or a lathe.心轴:任何旋转的机械部件或作为更大的旋转部件轴的机械部件,如锁、车轴、留声机转盘或机床中的相应部分美国传统〔spinner〕A fishing lure that rotates rapidly.旋式诱饵:快速旋转的钓鱼用的诱饵美国传统〔spin〕The act of spinning.旋转的行为美国传统〔spin〕To shape or manufacture by a twirling or rotating process.旋转制造:用扭转或旋转的方法成形或者制造美国传统〔spiral〕The course or flight path of an object rotating on its longitudinal axis.螺旋形路线盘旋绕其竖直轴旋转的物体的路线或飞行路径美国传统〔surveyor's level〕An instrument having a telescope and attached spirit level mounted on a tripod and rotating around a vertical axis.测量水准器:带有望远镜以及装在三脚架上的气泡水准仪并能绕一垂直中轴旋转的仪器美国传统〔swivel chair〕A chair that swivels on its base.转椅:底部可旋转的椅子美国传统〔thumbscrew〕A screw designed so that it can be turned with the thumb and fingers.指旋螺丝:一种设计得可以用拇指和其它手指旋转的螺丝美国传统〔toe〕The part of a vertical shaft that turns in a bearing.轴踵:轴承中能旋转的垂直的轴美国传统〔torque converter〕A mechanical or hydraulic device for changing the ratio of torque to speed between the input and output shafts of a mechanism.变矩器,变扭器:变换扭力来加速机械输入与输出轴旋转的机械或液体动力装置美国传统〔treadmill〕A mechanism rotated by people treading on the moving steps of a wheel.踏车:一种由人力踩动一个轮子并起推动作用的踏板而使之旋转的机械装置美国传统〔trochoid〕Capable of or exhibiting rotation about a central axis.旋转的:能够绕中心轴旋转的,或正在绕中心轴旋转的美国传统〔trochoid〕Permitting rotation, as a pulley or pivot.允许旋转的,如滑车或枢轴美国传统〔trommel〕A revolving cylindrical sieve used for screening or sizing rock and ore.滚筒筛:一种圆筒形的可旋转的筛,用于岩石和矿石的筛分或大小测量美国传统〔turbinate〕Spinning like a top.旋转的:象陀螺一样旋转的美国传统〔turntable〕A rotating platform or disk, such as a lazy Susan.转台:旋转的平台或圆盘,如餐馆中可旋转的供客人取餐方便的圆转盘美国传统〔turn〕To have a sensation of revolving or whirling, especially as a result of dizziness or giddiness.晕旋:有回旋或旋转的感觉,尤指是头晕或旋转的结果美国传统〔turret〕An attachment for a lathe consisting of a rotating cylindrical block holding various cutting tools.转动架,转塔:车床上的附属物,由一个可安装各种刀具的可旋转的圆筒组成美国传统〔twirl〕The act of twirling or the condition of being twirled; a quick spinning or twisting.很快的旋转:旋转的动作或者被旋转的状态;很快的旋转或转圈美国传统〔vacuum〕The spinning turbine creates a vacuum.旋转的涡轮形成了一块真空区域。柯林斯高阶〔vertiginous〕Turning about an axis; revolving or whirling.旋转的:绕着轴转的;回旋的或者旋转的美国传统〔voluble〕Turning easily on an axis; rotating.易旋转的:易于绕一轴转动的;转动的美国传统〔vortical〕Of, relating to, or moving in a vortex; whirling.漩涡的:漩涡的,与漩涡有关的,在漩涡中运动的;旋转的美国传统〔waterfall〕The waterfall fell about twenty feet to swirling rapids.瀑布从 20 英尺的高空落入飞速旋转的急流中。牛津搭配〔waterspout〕A tornado or lesser whirlwind occurring over water and resulting in a funnel-shaped whirling column of air and spray.海龙卷:水上生成的飓风或稍弱之旋风,形成漏斗状旋转的空气柱和水柱美国传统〔wheel〕A firework that rotates while burning.旋转烟火:一种燃烧时旋转的烟火美国传统〔wheel〕The act or process of turning; revolution or rotation.旋转:旋转的行动或过程;回旋,盘旋美国传统〔whirligig〕Something that continuously whirls.陀螺:不停地旋转的东西美国传统〔whirlpool〕A rapidly rotating current of water; a vortex.旋涡:急速旋转的水流旋涡;旋风中心美国传统〔whirl〕Something, such as a cloud of dust, that whirls or is whirled.旋转物:旋转的或被旋转的物体,如一团灰尘美国传统〔whirl〕The act of rotating or revolving rapidly.高速旋转的动作美国传统〔wrist〕The secret of making the ball spin is in the wrist action.使球旋转的秘诀在于手腕的动作。牛津搭配Above the stage were large lights which pivoted (= turned) on brackets.舞台上方是装在支架上旋转的大灯。剑桥国际The bend in the river had cause an eddy of fast swirling water.河流转弯处形成一个快速旋转的漩涡。剑桥国际The children were dancing like whirling dervishes (= in an uncontrolled way).孩子们跳舞疯得像旋转的托钵僧。剑桥国际The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.卫星在绕地球旋转的同时缓慢地自转。剑桥国际We watched a slow motion film of a ballet dancer doing pirouettes.我们观看了芭蕾舞演员单足旋转的慢镜头电影。剑桥国际




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