

单词 救世
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Messiah〕messiah A leader who is regarded as or professes to be a savior or liberator. messiah 解救者:被看作是或自称为救世主或解放者的领导人美国传统〔Messianic〕a Messianic zeal to reform mankind 救世主似的改造人类的热情英汉大词典〔Redeemer〕the Church of the Redeemer救世主教会外研社新世纪〔Salvation Army〕a Salvation Army hostel. 救世军青年招待所柯林斯高阶〔army〕the Salvation Army 救世军英汉大词典〔hallelujah〕a hallelujah lass (bonnet, meeting) 救世军姑娘 (帽子,会议)英汉大词典〔hostel〕a Salvation Army hostel 救世军收容所剑桥高阶〔messianic〕a messianic cult/movement/sect 信奉救世主的异教团体/运动/教派剑桥高阶〔messianic〕a messianic political leader 救世主式的政治领导人韦氏高阶〔messianic〕messianic hopes. 对救世主的企盼美国传统〔messianic〕messianic nationalism. 以救世主自居的民族主义美国传统〔mystery〕the mystery of salvation 救世的真谛麦克米伦高阶〔redeem〕a new female spiritual force to redeem the world. 全新的拯救世界的女性精神力量柯林斯高阶〔redemptive〕a redemptive religion 救世宗教英汉大词典〔redemptive〕the redemptive power of Christ. 救世主的救赎力量柯林斯高阶〔the Salvation Army〕a Salvation Army hostel for homeless men and women 收容无家可归者的救世军旅馆剑桥高阶




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