

单词 掌控
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-topped〕the government's inability to get on top of the situation. 政府无力掌控局势柯林斯高阶〔Machiavellian〕a Machiavellian battle for control of the company 为了掌控公司而展开的不择手段的斗争韦氏高阶〔clutches〕in the clutches of the Mafia在黑手党的掌控中外研社新世纪〔clutch〕a small boy trying to escape from his mother's clutches 一个想逃离母亲掌控的小男孩朗文当代〔coup〕a boardroom coup 对董事会的突然掌控麦克米伦高阶〔elite〕the domination of power by a small political elite 被少数政治精英掌控权力朗文当代〔fear〕the fear that once a war began it would soon pass beyond the ability of either side to manage it担忧战争一旦开始就会很快超出任何一方掌控外研社新世纪〔interest〕the Hatch family, who controlled large dairy interests. 掌控大量奶业股权的哈奇家族柯林斯高阶〔manage〕the government's ability to manage the economy政府掌控经济的能力外研社新世纪〔mastery〕her mastery of the situation 她对局势的牢牢掌控剑桥高阶〔mob〕the use of superstition for the purpose of policing the mob 利用迷信来掌控群氓英汉大词典〔one-man〕a one-man job/show/play/business 由一人完成的工作/表演的节目/演出的剧/掌控的公司韦氏高阶〔one-woman〕a one-woman job/show/play/business 由一个女人完成的工作/表演的节目/演出的剧/掌控的公司韦氏高阶〔play God〕lawyers who play God with people's lives 掌控他人生死的律师韦氏高阶〔silent majority〕arguing that a silent majority should never again allow extremists to take control of the country. 坚决主张沉默的大多数民众绝不应该再次允许极端分子掌控国家柯林斯高阶〔soulless〕a government run by soulless bureaucrats 由毫无同情心的官僚们掌控的政府韦氏高阶〔statist〕statist economic controls. 政府对经济的掌控柯林斯高阶〔top〕the government's inability to get on top of the situation政府无力掌控局势外研社新世纪〔undisputed〕after 10 years of undisputed power. 掌控了10年的绝对权力后柯林斯高阶




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