

单词 无处不
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔all-pervading〕the all-pervading smell of fish无处不在的鱼腥味外研社新世纪〔commercialism〕the rampant commercialism that pervades everything无处不在的泛滥的实利主义外研社新世纪〔obscenity〕the persistent obscenity of the barbed wire and concrete barriers 无处不在的丑恶的铁丝网和混凝土障碍物英汉大词典〔omnipresent〕the omnipresence of God 上帝的无处不在朗文当代〔pervasiveness〕the pervasive influence of the army in national life. 在国民生活中军队的影响无处不在柯林斯高阶〔pervasive〕the pervasive beauty of a subtropical country 亚热带国家无处不美的风光英汉大词典〔pervasive〕the pervasive influence of American culture美国文化无处不在的影响力外研社新世纪〔pervasive〕the pervasive influence of Christianity in the Middle Ages 中世纪时基督教无处不在的影响麦克米伦高阶〔rampant〕the rampant corruption of the administration. 行政部门无处不在的贪污腐败柯林斯高阶〔ubiquitous〕the ubiquity of the company's ads 那家公司广告的无处不在韦氏高阶〔ubiquity〕the ubiquity of fast-food outlets 快餐店的无处不在剑桥高阶




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