

单词 提琴
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕To prevent the violin body from warping, there is a strong wooden brace along its whole length. 为防止小提琴琴身变形,琴身上有一根坚硬的木质支架。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕The young Japanese violinist outshone every other musician at the concert. 那位年轻的日本小提琴家在音乐会上使其他的音乐家都相形见绌。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕She may not be a great violinist yet but she has potential. 她或许还不是伟大的小提琴家,但是她有潜力。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕This violin is very old and valuable and must be handled carefully. 这把小提琴很旧了,而且非常贵重,一定要小心轻放。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕I didn't know you could play the violin. 我不知道你会拉小提琴。朗文写作活用〔Martinù〕Czech composer and violinist. His modern symphonies combine Czech folk music with the formal principles of ragtime, jazz, and Baroque music styles.马替奴,博胡斯拉夫:捷克作曲家与小提琴家。其现代交响曲将捷克民间音乐与拉格泰姆音乐、爵士乐和巴洛克音乐风格的正规原则结合在一起美国传统〔Oistrakh〕Russian violinist known for his technical virtuosity and exceptional tone.欧伊斯特拉夫,戴维·费奥多洛维奇:俄罗斯小提琴家,因其精湛的技艺和美妙的琴音而闻名美国传统〔SUPPORT〕My parents were behind me from the start, and bought me my first violin when I was just 3 years old. 父母一开始就支持我,在我只有三岁的时候就给我买了我的第一把小提琴。朗文写作活用〔bass〕An instrument, especially a double bass, that produces tones in a low register.低音乐器:特别是低音提琴,产生出音域低的音调美国传统〔bow〕Music A rod having horsehair drawn tightly between its two raised ends, used in playing instruments of the violin and viol families.【音乐】 小提琴的拉弓:两端凸起并由马鬃拉紧的琴弓,用于演奏小提琴及弦乐器美国传统〔bow〕Violins are played with bows.小提琴是用琴弓演奏的。剑桥高阶〔brilliance〕Everyone marvelled at the young violinist's great brilliance.人人都对这位年轻小提琴家的卓越才华感到惊讶。英汉大词典〔can〕I used to be able to play the violin.我以前会拉小提琴。朗文当代〔cello〕A four-stringed instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass.大提琴:一种提琴类四弦乐器,音调比中提琴低但比低音提琴高美国传统〔chin〕Music To place (a violin) under the chin in preparation to play it.【音乐】 将(小提琴)放于下巴下准备演奏美国传统〔coax〕He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin.他会大步走上舞台,然后轻轻地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙动听的曲调。柯林斯高阶〔competence〕He plays the violin with competence.他小提琴拉得很老练。文馨英汉〔concertmaster〕She was concertmaster of Cleveland Youth Orchestra.她是克利夫兰青年管弦乐团的首席小提琴手。外研社新世纪〔consort〕The Sinfonietta shares the stage with a consort of viols.这支小交响乐队与一群六弦提琴师同台献艺。柯林斯高阶〔crowd〕Chiefly British A fiddle.【多用于英国】 小提琴美国传统〔debut〕He decided to debut with several other violinists.他决定与其他几名小提琴手一起首次登台演出。21世纪英汉〔endpin〕The thin, usually adjustable leg of a cello or double bass.撑脚:大提琴或低音提琴的细小的、可调节的撑脚美国传统〔exponent〕Jacqueline du Pré was a leading exponent of the cello.杰奎琳•杜普雷是一流的大提琴演奏大师。剑桥高阶〔fade in〕Fade in the violins.小提琴琴声渐强。外研社新世纪〔fiddle away〕We need an experienced player who can fiddle away for hours for the country dancing.我们需要一位有经验的、能够为乡村舞蹈连续拉好几个小时的小提琴手。21世纪英汉〔fiddler〕The fiddler played another little tune.小提琴手又演奏了一首短曲。外研社新世纪〔fiddle〕A violin.小提琴美国传统〔fiddle〕Hardy played the fiddle at local dances.哈迪曾在当地舞会上拉过小提琴。外研社新世纪〔fife〕Young people throughout the province are learning to fife, fiddle, and drum.全省各地的年轻人都在学习吹横笛、拉小提琴和擂鼓。外研社新世纪〔foremost〕Rostropovich was long considered the world's foremost cellist.罗斯特罗波维奇在很长一段时间里被视为世界上首屈一指的大提琴手。朗文当代〔frustrated〕Sometimes he gets really frustrated with his violin playing.他有时会对拉小提琴感到十分灰心。牛津搭配〔full〕A cello has a fuller sound than a violin.大提琴的声音比小提琴的要圆浑。剑桥高阶〔get〕She got out her violin and started to play.她拿出小提琴拉了起来。朗文当代〔groan〕The house was filled with the cello's dismal squeaks and groans.房子里回荡着大提琴低沉而凄厉的声音。牛津高阶〔ground〕My uncle grounded me in the violin when I was about seven.我大约7岁时, 叔叔给我进行小提琴基础训练。外研社新世纪〔half〕It's only half the size of a normal violin.它只有普通小提琴的一半大小。朗文当代〔have (all) the makings of sth〕She has the makings of a great violinist.她具备成为一名优秀小提琴手的一切素质。剑桥高阶〔keen〕Violins keened in a moonlight night.月明之夜小提琴奏出如泣如诉的乐声。英汉大词典〔luthier〕One that makes or repairs stringed instruments, such as violins.拨弦乐器制作匠:制作或修理弦乐器的人,如小提琴美国传统〔mastery〕He plays the violin with technical mastery, but little feeling.他拉小提琴的技术十分娴熟,却没什么感情。牛津搭配〔mob〕The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。21世纪英汉〔movement〕There is a cello solo in the second movement.第二乐章中有大提琴独奏。牛津搭配〔mystique〕There is a mystique about violins, especially old violins.小提琴,尤其是古老的小提琴,常引人考究其隐秘的历史。英汉大词典〔perform〕The violinist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza, with its double stops and harmonics, with brilliance.小提琴手有用双倍停顿及和弦来精彩地演奏华彩乐段的技能。美国传统〔play〕She's been playing the violin since she was 10 years old.她从10岁就开始拉小提琴了。韦氏高阶〔polish〕She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician.她演奏大提琴颇有资深演奏家的风范。牛津高阶〔remarkably〕She plays the violin remarkably well.她的小提琴拉得特别好。朗文当代〔saw〕He was sawing away at his violin, making a terrible noise! 他在小提琴上拉来拉去,发出难听的噪音!剑桥高阶〔score〕The piece is scored for violin, viola and cello.这个乐谱是为小提琴、中提琴和大提琴演奏而编的。牛津高阶〔scrape away〕It is hard to concentrate with Boris scraping away on his violin.鲍里斯拉小提琴发出的刺耳声音让人很难全神贯注。外研社新世纪〔sharpen〕You need to sharpen the A string on your violin.你小提琴上的 A 弦应升半音。剑桥高阶〔sharp〕The violin sounds a bit sharp.小提琴的声调听来有些偏高。外研社新世纪〔silvery〕The violinist played with a bright, silvery tone.小提琴手演奏着欢快清脆的曲调。韦氏高阶〔soloist〕The soloist in the violin concerto was Yehudi Menuhin.这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是耶胡迪‧梅纽因。剑桥高阶〔sound box〕A hollow chamber in the body of an instrument, such as a violin or a cello, that intensifies the resonance of the tone.共鸣箱:乐器躯干部分的一个中空的腔,如小提琴或大提琴中者,能加强音调的响程度美国传统〔sourdine〕A mute, especially one for a violin.弱音器,尤指用于小提琴者美国传统〔speak〕The violin speaks well.小提琴发出优美动听的旋律。21世纪英汉〔speak〕The violins spoke at the nod of the conductor.指挥一点头小提琴就奏起来了。英汉大词典〔standard〕She's a great violinist by any standard.无论用什么标准评价,她都是一位伟大的小提琴家。牛津搭配〔string quartet〕Four people playing stringed instruments, traditionally including a first and second violinist, a violist, and a cellist.弦乐四重奏:四个人弹奏弦乐器,传统上包括一个第一和第二小提琴手,一个中提琴手和一个大提琴手美国传统〔stringed instrument〕An instrument, such as a violin, viola, cello, or double bass, in which sound is produced by plucking, striking, or bowing taut strings.弦乐器:乐器如小提琴,中提琴,大提琴或低音提琴,声音通过拔动,打击或弯曲绷紧的琴弦产生美国传统〔string〕A violin has four strings.小提琴有4根弦。剑桥高阶〔succeed〕He had hoped to succeed as a violinist.他曾希望做一名有成就的小提琴家。牛津高阶〔sweat〕The manufacturer of this excellent violin has really sweated the details.这把精美的小提琴的每个小地方都经过制造人的细致雕琢。21世纪英汉〔talent〕He is a violinist of exceptional talent.他是一位才华出众的小提琴手。牛津搭配〔the〕He plays the violin.他拉小提琴。朗文当代〔timbre〕The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ.小提琴的音色远比口琴丰富。柯林斯高阶〔too〕I can play the violin(,) too.=I, too can play the violin.我也会拉小提琴。文馨英汉〔touch〕He never touches his violin now.他现在再也不碰小提琴了。英汉大词典〔treasure〕My grandfather treasured that violin until the day he died.祖父一直珍藏着那把小提琴直到去世。麦克米伦高阶〔trio〕The violinist walked on stage and the duo became a trio.那小提琴手走上台去,二重奏便变成了三重奏。英汉大词典〔tune〕He played a tune on the violin.他用小提琴奏了一曲。英汉大词典〔twang〕The fiddle began to twang.小提琴声渐起。柯林斯高阶〔twang〕The fiddle began to twang.小提琴拉出了声音。外研社新世纪〔varnish〕He brought out the fiddle, its varnish cracked and blistered.他取出了小提琴,它表面的清漆已出现裂缝,还起了浮泡。柯林斯高阶〔viola da braccio〕A stringed instrument of the viol family with approximately the range of the viola.古中提琴:古提琴系的一种弦乐器,其音域大致与中提琴相当美国传统〔viola da gamba〕An organ stop of eight-foot pitch yielding tones similar to those of the viola da gamba.古大提琴音栓:能产生类似于低音古提琴音调的八英尺律音栓美国传统〔viola〕A stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone.中提琴:提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮美国传统〔violin〕Bach's sonatas and partitas for solo violin 巴赫的无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲与组曲牛津搭配〔walk away with〕The violin player walked away with the show.小提琴手在这场演出中引人瞩目。21世纪英汉A violin has four strings.小提琴有四根弦。剑桥国际He is a violoncellist in a symphony orchestra. 他是交响乐团中的大提琴手。译典通He was the first violin of the orchestra. 他是该管弦乐队的第一小提琴手。译典通I believe her to be the finest violinist in the world.我相信她是世界上最好的小提琴家。剑桥国际It seemed to me as if the violins were playing out of time (= at a different speed from the other instruments playing the same piece of music).在我看来,似乎小提琴的演奏没有合上拍子。剑桥国际Jaqueline du Pre was a leading exponent of cello-playing.杰奎琳·德普雷是大提琴演奏的主要代表人物。剑桥国际Katherine lifted her eyes, and they met those of the fiddler. 凯瑟琳抬起了她的眼睛,正好与小提琴手的眼睛相遇。译典通Pizzicato is the technique of plucking the strings of a musical instrument, such as a violin or cello, with your fingers.拨奏法是用手指拨动小提琴或大提琴等乐器的琴弦的一种方法。剑桥国际She could play the violin when she was five. 她五岁时便能拉小提琴了。译典通She derives great joy/pleasure/satisfaction from/out of playing the violin.她从演奏小提琴中得到极大的欢乐/愉悦/满足。剑桥国际She has a complete mastery of the violin.她十分精通小提琴(演奏)。剑桥国际She plays the violin with great expression (= feeling).她演奏小提琴时满怀感情。剑桥国际The drums and double bass usually form the rhythm section of a jazz group.鼓与低音提琴通常组成爵士乐组的节奏乐器组。剑桥国际The top string on your violin is flat.你的小提琴最上面的那根弦低了半音。剑桥国际The tune is in the violin part at this point.在此处小提琴拉出曲调。剑桥国际The violin is the highest-sounding instrument in the violin family, the others being the cello and the viola.小提琴是提琴类最为响亮的乐器,其它有大提琴和中提琴。剑桥国际The violinist got an encore. 这位小提琴家被听众要求再演奏一曲。译典通There are four strings on a violin. 小提琴有四根弦。译典通When Schoenberg completed his Violin Concerto, in California in 1936, it was declared unplayable.当勋伯格1936年在加利福尼亚完成他的小提琴协奏曲时, 这部作品被宣布太难而无法演奏。剑桥国际William Walton's viola concerto 威廉·沃尔顿的中提琴协奏曲剑桥国际




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