

单词 文字
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Belshazzar〕Son of Nebuchadnezzar II and last king of Babylon, who in the Old Testament was warned of his doom by handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel.贝尔莎撒:尼布甲尼撒二世之子,巴比伦最后一位国王,在旧约中,丹尼尔所破译的墙上文字预示了他的死亡美国传统〔COMPLICATED〕James's books are full of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences, which many people do not find appealing. 詹姆斯的书中全是大段文字和复杂的句子,许多人都不喜欢。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕The computer can tell you the number of times a word occurs in a piece of writing such as a book. 电脑能告诉你某个单词在一本书等的文字作品中出现的次数。朗文写作活用〔Palenque〕An ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa. The Temple of Inscriptions is noted for its hieroglyphic tablets.帕伦克:墨西哥南部的古代玛雅城市,位于东南。其神庙的铭文以其象形文字的碑文著称美国传统〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕The word processor will arrange your text in evenly spaced columns. 文字处理器会把你的文本排成间距相等的栏。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕We just have to write a very brief piece on what we did in the vacation. 我们只要写一篇很短的文字,说说假期里我们干了些什么。朗文写作活用〔Teletext〕You can find more details about all this week's films on teletext.通过电视文字播送,你可以看到更多有关本周电影的详细情况。朗文当代〔WRITE〕You can cut and paste whole blocks of text very easily on screen. 在屏幕上剪贴整段整段的文字非常简单。朗文写作活用〔alliterate〕To use alliteration in speech or writing.押头韵:在话语或文字中使用头韵美国传统〔antecede〕Its origin is so remote as to antecede all written records.它的起源远在一切文字记录以前。英汉大词典〔argument〕A good argument can be made for comparing the IT revolution with the invention of writing itself.有很好的理由可以把信息技术革命与文字的发明相提并论。朗文当代〔bibliolatry〕Excessive adherence to a literal interpretation of the Bible.圣经崇拜:对《圣经》文字解释的极度忠实美国传统〔bilge〕Slang Stupid talk or writing; nonsense.【俚语】 胡说,废话:愚蠢的话或文字;废话美国传统〔blatantly〕She had blatantly copied the text from another book.她明目张胆地抄袭了另一本书的文字。韦氏高阶〔blurb〕The developers have cleared away a lot of the blurb and let the imagery do the talking.开发商清除了很多夸张的文字宣传, 转而用图像说话。外研社新世纪〔bombast〕All these nouns designate speech or writing marked by an extravagance or affectation of style that the content does not warrant.这些名词都表示语言或文字的浮夸或空洞无物的虚假文体。美国传统〔caption〕A title, short explanation, or description accompanying an illustration or a photograph.标题,说明文字:为插图或照片配的标题、短小说明或描述美国传统〔caption〕The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana 'Princess of Veils'.《太阳报》在黛安娜王妃的一张照片下写了一段说明文字——“披着面纱的王妃”。柯林斯高阶〔caption〕The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana 'Princess of Veils'.《太阳报》给戴安娜王妃的一张照片配的文字说明是“面纱王妃”。外研社新世纪〔cipher〕A design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram.组合文字:字母或开头字母合并或交织成的图案;拼合文字美国传统〔conjunction〕The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program.本系统是为与文字处理程序配合使用而设计的。牛津高阶〔corrupt〕It would appear that a large portion of the final act is corrupt.似乎最后一幕的大部分文字跟原著相比都有所改动。外研社新世纪〔dilute by〕The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.那本书的质量因文字拙劣而掉价了。21世纪英汉〔direction〕Music A word or phrase in a score indicating how a passage is to be played or sung.【音乐】 乐谱上的指引文字:在乐谱中指引一节乐曲如何演奏或演唱的词或短语美国传统〔dot〕Text and graphics are printed at 300 dots per inch.文字和插图按每英寸 300 点的解析度打印。牛津高阶〔double-click〕Double-click on the icon to open Word.双击这个图标, 打开文字处理(Word)文档。外研社新世纪〔epitaph〕He wanted these lines as his epitaph.他想把这些文字作为他的墓志铭。牛津搭配〔eulogize〕To praise highly in speech or writing.称颂:用语言或文字大力颂扬美国传统〔graffiti〕The walls are daubed with graffiti.墙上涂满了乱七八糟的文字和图画。朗文当代〔graphics〕Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined.文字和图分别编排后再合成。牛津高阶〔headline〕A line at the head of a page or passage giving information such as the title, author, and page number.说明文字:在书页或文章顶部用于说明如标题、作者及页码等内容的一行文字美国传统〔history〕The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history.关于宇宙起源的争论贯穿于整个有文字记载的历史。牛津搭配〔hover〕The link changes to green when the mouse hovers over it. 当光标放在链接文字上时,文字会变成绿色。剑桥高阶〔illiterate〕He is functionally illiterate.他是个功能性文盲(或半文盲)。(指无能力应付职业甚至日常生活的文字要求)英汉大词典〔illiterate〕Marked by inferiority to an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature.墨水少的:显得不够公认的语言文字水平的美国传统〔indexical〕A deictic word or element.直证文字或是要素美国传统〔inscription〕Something, such as the wording on a coin, medal, monument, or seal, that is inscribed.铭文:类似于铸币,奖章,纪念碑或封条上措词的铭刻的文字美国传统〔insert〕Something inserted or intended for insertion, as a picture or chart into written material.插入物:已插入或准备插入的东西,如文字材料中的图画或图表美国传统〔insert〕The English translation is inserted between the lines of text.英语译文插在原文字里行间。牛津搭配〔interpolate〕The lines were interpolated into the manuscript at a later date.这几行文字是后来加到稿子中的。牛津高阶〔in〕The text is finished, but the pictures will have to be pasted in later.文字完成了,但之后还得把图片贴上去。剑桥高阶〔legend〕An explanatory caption accompanying an illustration.说明:指伴随图片起解释说明作用的文字美国传统〔lettering〕The wooden door plaque was inscribed with Gothic lettering.木制门匾上面刻有哥特式字体的文字。外研社新世纪〔lift from〕The student lifted a passage from this article.这个学生从这篇文章中剽窃了一段文字。21世纪英汉〔liner notes〕Explanatory notes about a record album, cassette, or compact disk included on the jacket or in the packaging.音乐唱片的内页文字,有说明文字的唱片护套:在封套上或包装内有关音乐专辑、卡带或光盘的说明文字美国传统〔linguaphile〕A lover of languages and words.语文爱好者:各国语言及文字的爱好者美国传统〔literate〕Scientists need to be literate as well as numerate.科学家除了要有计算能力, 还应该有文字表达能力。外研社新世纪〔lot〕The new book has a lot going for it— it's interesting, bright, and well-written.这本书有许多优点:饶有趣味,生动活泼,文字优美。英汉大词典〔merge〕Then he showed me how to merge the graphic with text on the same screen.然后他教我如何将图表和文字合并在同一个屏幕上。柯林斯高阶〔morsel〕The captions offer only a morsel of background information.说明文字只给出了少量背景信息。外研社新世纪〔oral-formulaic〕Of or relating to poetry in which traditional material is improvised at each performance by using verbal formulas as an aid to memory.以公式创作诗歌的:在历次诗歌朗诵时利用文字公式作记忆工具对传统材料即兴创作的诗的或与之有关的美国传统〔ostracon〕An inscribed potsherd.刻写文字用的陶片美国传统〔page〕The writing or printing on one side of a leaf.一页的印刷或文字:在一页的一面上的字迹或印刷美国传统〔parchment〕A written text or drawing on a sheet of this material.羊皮纸文稿:这种材料上的书面文字或图画美国传统〔perfect〕We perfected a system of communicating without words.我们完善了一种非文字交流系统。外研社新世纪〔pick out〕The detective-constable picked out the words with difficulty.探警费力地辨认出这些文字。柯林斯高阶〔play on words〕The name of the shop - "Strata Various" - is a play on words, because it sounds like Stradivarius, the famous violin maker.商店的名字 Strata Various 是一个文字游戏,因为它听起来像著名的小提琴制作师 Stradivarius 的名字。剑桥高阶〔poetry〕His music is purer poetry than a poem in words.他的音乐比文字写成的诗词更富有诗意。外研社新世纪〔pornograph〕A pornograph can be either verbal or visual.淫秽作品可以是文字也可以是图片。英汉大词典〔protohistory〕The study of a culture just before the time of its earliest recorded history.史前历史学:对有最早文字记载历史时期以前的文化的研究美国传统〔pun〕A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.双关:一种文字游戏,有时利用同一个词的不同意思而有时利用不同词的相近意思或发音美国传统〔pun〕He is constantly punning, constantly playing with language.他不停地用双关语, 不停地玩文字游戏。外研社新世纪〔push〕She spent the afternoon pushing paper for her boss.她用了整个下午的时间为她的老板整理文字材料美国传统〔quotation〕If you take text from other sources, place it in quotation marks.如果你的文字来自其他地方,将其置于引号内。牛津搭配〔reading〕We have four readings for this passage of Shakespeare.关于莎士比亚的这一段文字现有4种文本。英汉大词典〔read〕How do you read this passage? 你怎么解释这一段文字? 英汉大词典〔render〕Poetry can never be adequately rendered in another language.诗从来不能充分等值地译成另一种文字。英汉大词典〔rough in〕Rough in the lettering on your poster.在你的招贴画上大致地勾写上文字。韦氏高阶〔run〕After twelve hours at her computer, the words began to run into one another (= seem mixed together).她在文字处理机前工作了12小时后,看屏幕上的字都觉得模糊一片了。剑桥高阶〔scale〕The writing can be scaled to any size, depending on the paper.文字可缩放到任何尺寸,视纸张的大小而定。朗文当代〔scan〕Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer.文字和图画可以扫描进计算机。牛津高阶〔secondary〕In some children's books, the text is secondary to the illustrations.在一些儿童图书中,相对于插图而言,文字是第二位的。韦氏高阶〔shoulder〕Printing The flat surface on the body of type that extends beyond the letter or character.【印刷术】 字肩:铅字字体超出字母或文字的平面美国传统〔slipslop〕Trivial conversation or writing; twaddle.废话:肤浅的谈话或文字;废话美国传统〔snippet〕I read a snippet she had cut from a magazine.我读了她从杂志上剪下来的一段文字。柯林斯高阶〔stenograph〕A character in shorthand.速记文字美国传统〔subtitle〕The film is in Chinese with English subtitles.这是部带英文字幕的中文影片。韦氏高阶〔suitable〕It is not suitable as a word-processing program.它不适合作文字处理程序。牛津搭配〔text〕The catalogue consists of reproductions of the paintings with accompanying text.目录册包括翻印的绘画作品并配有文字说明。牛津搭配〔text〕We can find nothing about this in the text.我们在原文中找不到有关这一点的文字。英汉大词典〔the unacceptable face of sth〕The paper showed a picture of homeless people sleeping on the streets with the caption underneath "the unacceptable face of capitalism".该报刊登了一幅无家可归者露宿街头的照片,照片下方的说明文字为“资本主义的黑暗面”。剑桥高阶〔transcription〕Transcription of the tapes took weeks.磁带录音转写成文字用了数周时间。韦氏高阶〔transcript〕They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。柯林斯高阶〔wit〕He writes beautifully and with great wit.他的文章文字优美、文笔风趣。外研社新世纪〔wordsmith〕She was an extraordinary wordsmith.她是一位出色的文字能手。外研社新世纪〔writing〕Meaningful letters or characters that constitute readable matter.文字:记载可以阅读材料的有意义的字母或符号美国传统After a few pages you realise that these writings are the outpourings of a deeply troubled man.看了几页后,你会意识到这些文字乃是一个极其困惑的男人的感情流露。剑桥国际All those applying for the job are given a numerical and a verbal reasoning test.所有申请这份工作的人都接受了一次数字运算和文字推理的测试。剑桥国际Each work is prefaced by a descriptive note and concludes with an author's note.每个作品都以说明性文字为开端,以作者自己的批注为结尾。剑桥国际For business use you need a heavy-duty word-processing program.应用于商业用途的话,你需要一套功能强大的文字处理程序。牛津商务I see they've brought out (= produced for general sale) a new lap-top word processor.我得知他们已经生产出新的便携式文字处理器面市。剑桥国际In my business I use word processing and spreadsheet applications.在我的业务上,我使用文字处理和空白表格这两种应用程序。剑桥国际Select the text and hit delete.选取文字,按删除键。牛津商务She knows a lot of French words but pronounces them incorrectly. 她认识很多法文字,但发音不准确。译典通She said she'd never heard of word processors.她说她从不知道文字处理器。剑桥国际Some English words have no Chinese equivalents. 有些英文字在中文里没有对应的词。译典通The article said there is no universally accepted distinction between libel and slander.这篇文章说文字诽谤和口头诽谤之间没有普遍接受的差别。剑桥国际The new model of word processor has a smaller keyboard.新型的文字处理机有个小键盘。剑桥国际The paper showed a picture of homeless people sleeping on the streets with the caption underneath ‘the unacceptable face of capitalism’.报纸上发表了一张睡在大街上的无家可归者的照片, 照片下有“资本主义的消极面”说明文字。剑桥国际The warning is written in small type on the back of the packet.警告语用小号文字印在了包装袋的背面。牛津商务




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