

单词 故事里
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕In many such stories, women are portrayed as untrustworthy and immoral. 在许多这一类的故事里,女人都被描绘成不可信任和不道德的人。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince. 童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕According to the story, he was struck dumb by the gods. 故事里说,他是被神变成哑巴的。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕He looked like some giant from a fairy story. 他看上去像童话故事里的巨人。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕The heroes of myth all had some point of weakness. 神话故事里的英雄都有某个弱点。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕In fairy stories the Prince is always very handsome, and the witch hideous. 在童话故事里,王子总是英俊潇洒,女巫则容貌丑陋。朗文写作活用〔awkward〕The story contained some awkward writing.这个故事里有些败笔。韦氏高阶〔banish〕In the story, the King's opponents are banished to the forest for 10 years.在故事里,反对国王的人被放逐到森林10年。麦克米伦高阶〔break the spell〕In the story, the witch casts a spell on/over the children.在故事里,巫婆用咒语对孩子们施了魔法。韦氏高阶〔bury〕He buried himself in his detective story again.他又沉浸在他的侦探故事里了。柯林斯高阶〔contrast〕We compared and contrasted the two characters of the story.我们比较和对照了故事里的两个人物。韦氏高阶〔digression〕The story is filled with humorous digressions.故事里充满了幽默的插曲。韦氏高阶〔doppelgänger〕In the story, the character is haunted by a doppelgänger.故事里的那个人物被一个幽灵缠身。韦氏高阶〔everything〕He has got a new book in mind. It has everything: rich people, a poor but beautiful girl, romance, adventure, etc.他准备写一部新书,故事里有各种吸引人的内容:富人、一个贫穷但美丽的姑娘、风流韵事、冒险经历等等。英汉大词典〔fable〕Ghosts are fabled to appear at midnight.故事里, 鬼魂都是半夜出现。外研社新世纪〔grab〕It's often the bad characters in a story who grab our attention.往往是故事里的反面角色会吸引我们的注意。麦克米伦高阶〔interest〕As a trainee reporter, she spent most of her time on human interest stories .作为实习记者,她把大部分时间都投入到富有人情味的故事里。朗文当代〔life〕The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story.两个年轻人的冷酷无情在这个真实的故事里得到了生动的再现。外研社新世纪〔lumber〕The story was lumbered with flashbacks.故事里尽是倒叙。英汉大词典〔maiden〕In the story, the prince woos and wins the fair maiden.在故事里,王子向那位美丽的姑娘求婚并赢得了她的芳心。剑桥高阶〔manikin〕Manikins often appear in children's stories.小矮人常出现在儿童故事里。剑桥高阶〔mythological〕This is well illustrated in the mythologies of many cultures.这一点在很多文化的神话故事里都得到了充分的证明。柯林斯高阶〔mythology〕The walls are painted with mythological scenes.墙上画着神话故事里的场景。朗文当代〔nonsense〕Her stories are full of nonsense words that kids have fun trying to say.她的故事里满是些孩子们乐于去说但没什么意义的词语。韦氏高阶〔outwit〕In the story, the cunning fox outwits the hunters.在这个故事里,狡猾的狐狸智胜了猎人。剑桥高阶〔resound〕The war still resounds in the country's folklore.这场战争仍然在这个国家的民间故事里传说着。朗文当代〔sidelong〕The film's director breaks up the swearing and snogging with sly, sidelong observations about the condition of the country.影片导演在一个儿女情长的故事里间接而隐晦地穿插了他对国家局势的看法。外研社新世纪〔silken〕The princess in the fairy tale had long silken hair.童话故事里的公主有着如丝般顺滑的长发。剑桥高阶〔superimpose〕She has tried to superimpose her own attitudes onto this ancient story.她尝试过把自己的看法加入这个古老的故事里。牛津高阶〔turn into〕A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.在这部卡通童话故事里, 王子变成了青蛙。外研社新世纪〔wish〕It's that part of the story where the fairy grants the little girl three wishes.故事里的那个片断中,仙女答应实现小女孩的3个愿望。剑桥高阶Good women have always saved sinful men in stories. 在故事里好女人总是拯救了邪恶的男人。译典通Hardly anyone in this story of greed and self-interest has any real claim to our pity.这个贪婪、自私的故事里,没有哪个人值得我们的同情。剑桥国际In the fable of the race between the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise wins, even though he is slow, because he keeps going with determination.在龟兔赛跑的寓言故事里,乌龟虽然跑得慢,但赢得了比赛,是因为它有决心,能坚持到底。剑桥国际In the story of Sleeping Beauty, the good fairies give the baby the gifts of beauty and goodness and the wicked fairy casts an evil spell on her.在《睡美人》的故事里,好仙女送给婴儿的礼物是美貌和善良,恶魔女却对她施了邪恶的魔法。剑桥国际In the story the clever little fox outwits the hunters and escapes from the trap they set.在这个故事里,这只聪明的小狐狸以智慧战胜猎人,逃脱了他们设下的圈套。剑桥国际In the story, the prince woos and wins the fair (= beautiful) maiden.故事里,王子向那位美丽少女求婚并得到了同意。剑桥国际The story has several cardboard characters. 这个故事里有好几个虚构的人物。译典通




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