

单词 飘带
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Glengarry〕A woolen cap that is creased lengthwise and often has short ribbons at the back.苏格兰帽:一种毛料帽,顶部从前到后有折缝,后背通常带短飘带美国传统〔Maypole〕A pole decorated with streamers that those celebrating May Day hold while dancing.五朔节花柱:饰有飘带的柱子,五朔节时人们持飘带围此柱舞蹈美国传统〔bunting〕Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration.彩色布条:国旗颜色的布条或其它布料,用来作为节日装饰的彩旗或飘带美国传统〔slat〕She didn't care the ribbon slatting her face.她根本没有感到飘带在拍打她的脸。21世纪英汉〔streamer〕A long narrow strip of material used for ornament or decoration.飘带:用于装饰或点缀的长而狭窄的条带美国传统〔threadfin〕Any of various chiefly tropical marine fishes of the family Polynemidae, having threadlike rays extending from the lower part of the pectoral fin.马鲅科鱼:有从胸鳍的下部垂下的丝状飘带的马鲅科热带海洋鱼类的任一种美国传统〔trick out〕The room was tricked out with ribbons and streamers.这间屋子装饰了丝带和飘带。韦氏高阶We tied balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party.我们把为晚会准备的气球和飘带系在天花板上。剑桥国际




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