

单词 换得
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barter〕Something bartered.交换品,交易品:通过物物交换得来的东西美国传统〔barter〕The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for items like writing paper and books.囚犯们试着从看守那里换得信纸和书之类的东西。牛津高阶〔buy at〕She bought fame at the expense of her happiness and health.她牺牲了幸福和健康换得名誉。21世纪英汉〔cut〕The movie cuts quickly from one scene to the next.这部电影的镜头切换得很快。韦氏高阶〔dearly〕Victory was dearly bought.胜利是以高昂的代价换得的。英汉大词典〔exchange〕The clubs let members exchange goods and services without cash.俱乐部允许会员们用现金以外的东西换得商品和服务。外研社新世纪〔lightly〕One of the accused got off lightly in exchange for pleading guilty to withholding information from Congress.一名被告承认了犯有对国会隐瞒信息的罪行, 换得被从轻发落的结果。外研社新世纪〔purchasable〕They purchased life at the expense of honour.他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。21世纪英汉〔room and board〕Lodging and meals earned, purchased for a set fee, or otherwise provided.膳宿:通常有固定的价格或由别人提供的赚得或换得的住宿和饭食美国传统She traded three apples for a bunch of bananas. 她用三颗苹果换得一串香蕉。译典通The boy traded his knife for a football. 男孩用小刀换得一个足球。译典通




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