

单词 改作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adaptable〕The vehicles are large and not easily adaptable to new uses.这些交通工具很大,不易改作新的用途。牛津搭配〔adapt〕Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.为将图书馆改作办公室而做了一些架子。柯林斯高阶〔exhibition〕The old factory has been converted to house an exhibition.这家旧工厂已改作展览场地。牛津搭配〔haustellum〕A portion of the proboscis that is adapted as a sucking organ in many insects.吸喙:许多昆虫已改作吮吸喙官的一部分喙美国传统〔have〕I had my exercises corrected by my teacher.我请老师改作业。文馨英汉〔laundry〕They're making the other kitchen into a laundry.他们正在把另外一间厨房改作洗衣房。外研社新世纪〔lay〕This field will be laid down to (或 in, with, under) grass next year.这块地明年要改作草场。英汉大词典〔lenient〕The teacher was lenient both in his marking of homework and also in his treatment of offenders.教师批改作业打分松,对犯规学生处理也宽。英汉大词典〔mark down〕If you mark each other's work, they don't mark you down because then you can mark them down.如果大家互相批改作业, 别人便不会给你打低分, 因为你之后也能给他们打低分。外研社新世纪〔mark down〕If you mark each other's work, they don't mark you down because then you can mark them down.如果大家互相批改作业,别人便不会给你扣分,因为你随后也能给他们扣分。柯林斯高阶〔marking〕She does her marking in the evenings.她晚上批改作业。牛津高阶〔mark〕For the rest of the lunchbreak I do my marking.我在余下的午休时间里批改作业。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕I spend at least six hours a week marking.我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。牛津高阶〔read〕The figure £600 should be read as $600.600英镑应改作600美元。麦克米伦高阶〔relegate〕Much of the existing text can safely be relegated to the footnotes.正文中现有的许多内容完全可以移下改作脚注。英汉大词典〔repurpose〕Cinemas are harder to repurpose than ordinary shops.与普通店铺相比,电影院改作其他用途的难度要大得多。剑桥高阶〔speculate〕Critics of the project speculate about how many hospitals could be built instead.对该项目持批评态度的人在推测如果改作他用不知可以建多少家医院。外研社新世纪〔storehouse〕Some of the cottages were still lived in by old folk; others had been turned into barns and storehouses.有些村舍里仍住着老人;有些已经改作粮仓和仓库。柯林斯高阶〔tag on〕Johnson tagged on a happy ending and changed the title to 'Life Begins at 8:30'.约翰逊为其添加了个圆满的结尾,并将标题改作《生活从 8:30 开始》。柯林斯高阶〔turn over to〕When he first leased the land in the late 1970s, he planned to turn it over to cereal production.20 世纪 70 年代末他刚租得那片土地的时候,曾计划把它改作谷物生产地。柯林斯高阶




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