

单词 拜访
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Even better〕You could write to her, or, even/still better, visit her in person. = You could write to her. Even/Still better, you could visit her in person.你可以给她写信,或者亲自拜访更好。韦氏高阶〔GHOST〕In Japan people believe that the spirits of the dead return to visit the earth every summer during the Obon festival. 在日本,人们认为死者的灵魂会在每年夏天的盂兰盆节回来拜访人间。朗文写作活用〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕We thought we'd pay you a visit, as we would like to thank you personally for all your help. 我们想要来拜访您,因为我们想当面感谢您对我们的帮助。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕One of our salesmen would be delighted to call in on you in your own home. 我们的推销员会很乐意登门拜访。朗文写作活用〔afar〕Seen from afar, its towering buildings beckon the visitor in.从远处看,它高耸的大楼召唤着拜访者进去。柯林斯高阶〔alternate〕I go and visit him on alternate weekends.我每隔一个周末去拜访他一次。麦克米伦高阶〔anticipation〕We are full of anticipation, and can't wait to visit you.我们满怀期待,迫不及待地想去拜访您。牛津搭配〔attend〕Throughout our visit he would often leave to attend a patient.在我们拜访的整个期间, 他时常要离开去照顾一位病人。外研社新世纪〔brief〕This time their visit is brief.他们这次拜访只是小坐了片刻。外研社新世纪〔business〕This isn't a social call-I've come on official business.这不是社交拜访,我来是有公事的。牛津搭配〔caller〕A person paying a short social visit.来访者:进行短时社交拜访的人美国传统〔call〕She's out on a call.她出去拜访别人了。牛津搭配〔close〕Shall we call in on Miranda? You know she lives quite close by.我们去拜访一下米兰达,好吗?你知道的,她就住在附近。剑桥高阶〔compliment〕They did him the compliment of visiting him.他们拜访他以示敬意。英汉大词典〔constituency〕Write to, ring, or visit your local constituency MP.给你们当地的选区议员写信、打电话或上门拜访。外研社新世纪〔courtesy〕The President paid a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito.总统对明仁天皇进行了礼节性的拜访。柯林斯高阶〔desire〕She expressed a desire to visit us.她表示想要拜访我们。朗文当代〔directness〕No direct reference was made to the call by the Foreign Office minister.没有直接提及外交部长的拜访。柯林斯高阶〔dress〕She dressed down to visit her poor relatives.她去拜访穷亲戚时穿着很随便。英汉大词典〔every〕I visit them once every six months.我每六个月拜访他们一次。文馨英汉〔every〕We visited them every Friday morning.我们每周五上午去拜访他们。外研社新世纪〔excitedly〕He talked excitedly about visiting his old friends.他兴奋地谈论着拜访老朋友的事儿。韦氏高阶〔greatly〕We were greatly honoured that he took the trouble to visit us.他不辞辛苦前来拜访, 我们深感荣幸。外研社新世纪〔happen in〕He happened in his home as I called at his house.我到他家拜访时,他刚好在家。21世纪英汉〔in the neighborhood〕We might as well pay them a visit while we're in the neighborhood.到他家附近时,我们不妨去拜访一下他们。韦氏高阶〔inclination〕I haven't the time or inclination to visit him.我没时间也无意拜访他。麦克米伦高阶〔invisible〕He called every day, but she was invisible.他每天上门拜访,可她避而不见。英汉大词典〔invitation〕We'd love to take up your invitation to visit you some time.我们愿意接受您的邀请,找时间去拜访您。牛津搭配〔land〕Two months later, Jason landed on her doorstep - on Christmas Eve.两个月之后, 贾森突然拜访她——就在圣诞前夜。外研社新世纪〔look-in〕A short visit.短暂的拜访美国传统〔look〕I want to look up an old friend.我想去拜访一个老朋友。英汉大词典〔maybe〕At weekends she would drive into Oxford, do the shopping, and maybe visit a few friends.周末的时候她会开车去牛津购物,有时也可能拜访几个朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔moving〕My visit was a moving experience.我的拜访是一次感人的经历。外研社新世纪〔much〕I'd very much like to visit them sometime.我真想找个时间去拜访他们。剑桥高阶〔occasion〕I've had no occasion to visit him recently.我最近无缘去拜访他。牛津高阶〔on〕He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.他拜访了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚。柯林斯高阶〔ornery〕The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit.这位老太太脾气还是那么犟,但至少她已经同意接受此次拜访。柯林斯高阶〔ostensible〕A bachelor farmer began to call, ostensibly to talk to her father, but really to see her.一位单身农场主开始前来拜访,嘴上说是找她的父亲,实际上是想见她。柯林斯高阶〔out〕I came around to see you this morning, but you were out.今天上午我来拜访你,可是你不在。剑桥高阶〔pay〕I'll pay you a call when I'm in the area.我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。剑桥高阶〔pay〕If you leave your address, I'll pay a call on you when I'm in the area.如果你留下地址,我到这一带来时会去拜访你的。剑桥高阶〔pay〕To make (a visit or call).做(拜访)或打(电话)美国传统〔prepared〕When she called on me, I wasn't prepared.她拜访我时,我毫无准备。剑桥高阶〔pretext〕He visited her on the pretext of borrowing a book.他以借书为托词去拜访她。麦克米伦高阶〔put-upon〕I was beginning to feel rather put-upon by the end of their visit.他们拜访结束时,我才开始有一种被利用了的感觉。韦氏高阶〔remember〕I specifically remember her saying she would be visiting today.我明确地记得她说过今天要来拜访的。牛津搭配〔remind〕Mrs Welland reminded her son that they still had several people to see.韦兰太太提醒她的儿子他们还有几个人要拜访。朗文当代〔report〕I'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course.我现在要去教区牧师家拜访,然后适时向你汇报情况。柯林斯高阶〔respect〕It's proper to call on a new neighbour to pay one's respects.拜访新邻居以表敬意是合乎礼节的。英汉大词典〔running〕He kept a running tally of who had called him, who had visited, who had sent flowers.他不断记录着又有谁给他打电话,拜访过他,或给他送花。柯林斯高阶〔safe〕Crime Prevention Officers can visit your home and suggest ways to make it safer.预防犯罪的官员可以登门拜访并就如何使居所更安全向你提出建议。柯林斯高阶〔see〕To visit socially; call on.拜访,访问:社交性地拜访;访问美国传统〔self-importance〕Many visitors complained of his bad manners and self-importance.许多拜访者抱怨他高傲无礼。柯林斯高阶〔settle down〕When things settle down here, I'll come for a visit.等这里的事情处理好,我会前去拜访。韦氏高阶〔simply〕There is simply not enough time to visit everyone.确实没有足够的时间拜访每个人。韦氏高阶〔social〕This is not a social call. I'm afraid I have some bad news.社交拜访麦克米伦高阶〔summer〕We visited them two summers ago.两年前我们拜访过他们。韦氏高阶〔sure〕There was only one sure way of finding out – and that was to visit him.只有一种方法肯定能了解真相 — 就是去拜访他。朗文当代〔surprise〕Naomi paid a surprise visit to her old school in London.娜奥米突然拜访了她在伦敦的母校。朗文当代〔swing by/past (sth)〕I told Paul we’d swing by his place around 7.30.我告诉保罗我们会在7点半左右很快地顺便拜访一下他家。剑桥高阶〔think〕At first she thought to pay him a visit, but she changed her mind.她原打算拜访他,后来又改变主意了。21世纪英汉〔used〕I don't visit him as often I used to.我不像以前那样常去拜访他。文馨英汉〔visit with〕I visited with him in San Francisco.我在旧金山拜访过他。外研社新世纪〔visitant〕A visitor; a guest.来客:拜访者;客人美国传统〔visit〕Following her letter of complaint, she received a personal visit from the store manager.她发出投诉信后,商店经理亲自登门拜访。牛津搭配〔visit〕I decided to pay him a visit at his office.我准备到他的办公室去拜访他。朗文当代〔visit〕The act or an instance of visiting a person, place, or thing.访问,参观:拜访人、参观地方或事物的行为或例子美国传统〔visit〕They came here last week, and we'll pay them a return visit in the summer.他们上周来拜访,而我们将在夏天回访他们。牛津搭配〔wait〕To make a formal call on; visit.造访:正式拜访;访问美国传统〔way〕The house is on my way, so I'll call by.这房子正好顺路,因此我会顺道拜访。麦克米伦高阶〔weekend〕This/Next weekend we're going to see some friends.本/下周末我们要去拜访一些朋友。剑桥高阶〔what〕He will visit what few friends he has.他将拜访他仅有的几个朋友。英汉大词典〔word〕I said I'd visit him and I will keep my word.我说过要去拜访他,我得说话算数。剑桥高阶〔worst〕You've picked the worst time to come over.你挑了个最不合适的时间来拜访。韦氏高阶A certain person called on you yesterday. 昨天有个人来拜访过你。译典通A space station in high orbit might be a convenient way station for future cosmonauts intending to visit Mars.太空轨道中的空间站对于想去拜访火星的未来宇宙人来说也许是一个方便的小站。剑桥国际Despite the expostulations/expostulation (= expressions of complaint) of the children, we went to visit their aunt on Saturday instead of going to the park.尽管孩子们抱怨,我们在周六还是去拜访了他们的姨母,没有去公园。剑桥国际Having to visit her every week is a terrible bind.每周不得不拜访她真令人难受。剑桥国际He said he'll call in tomorrow after work.他说他将在明天下班后来拜访。剑桥国际Her car's been broken for the past two months, so it's little/small wonder (that) (= it is not really surprising that) she hasn't come to visit you recently.上两个月她的汽车坏了,因此她最近没有来拜访你并不奇怪。剑桥国际Her job is to call on schools to talk to teachers about the material.她的工作就是拜访学校,和老师谈材料的事。牛津商务I don't have as much time as (= I have less time than) I would like for visiting my friends.我没有足够的时间拜访我的朋友。剑桥国际I found him working in his library when I called. 我去拜访他时看到他在书房里工作。译典通I visited two of the families and Paul went to see the others.我拜访了其中两个家庭,保罗去拜访了其余的。剑桥国际I want to visit Andrew as well as Martin.我想去拜访安德鲁和马丁。剑桥国际I'd love to come, but I'm afraid I can't spare (the) time for a visit.我很想来,可我担心抽不出时间来拜访。剑桥国际I'll call back for your order this evening.我今晚将为订单一事再次拜访你。牛津商务I'll pay you a call when I'm in the area.我去那一带时会来拜访你的。剑桥国际I've made a date (= agreed a date and time) to see her about the house.我定了个时间就房子的事去拜访她。剑桥国际If you leave your address, I'll pay a call on (= visit) you when I'm in the area.如果你留下地址,我去那一带时会来拜访的。剑桥国际Let's go before they ask us to visit anyone else (= another / an additional person) .在他们叫我们再去拜访一个人之前我们就走吧。剑桥国际My friends in London have a video entryphone in their flat so they can see who is visiting before deciding whether or not to let them in.我伦敦的朋友们公寓里有可视入口电话,这样在决定让不让人进来之前,就可以看见谁来拜访。剑桥国际She's got a horrible little dog that yaps around your ankles when you go and visit her.她有一只可怕的小狗,你去拜访她时,它会绕着你的脚踝汪汪乱叫。剑桥国际The doctor advised him to see a nutritionist about his diet.这位医生建议他就他的日常饮食问题去拜访一位营养学家。剑桥国际The salesmen usually follow up a letter with a visit. 推销员往往在写了信之后又上门拜访。译典通They went to visit him after a decent interval (= one that was not too short, esp. after something bad has happened).过了一段适当的时间后,他们去拜访他。剑桥国际We called on him in his stateroom. 我们到他的包房拜访了他。译典通We should call in on Miranda -- she lives close-by (=near).我们应该去拜访一下米兰达,她就住在附近。剑桥国际We're going to visit your aunt tomorrow and there'll be no buts about it.我们明天将拜访你的阿姨,对这件事没有“但是”可言。剑桥国际When they visit us they always bring their dog with them.他们拜访我们时总带着他们的狗。剑桥国际




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