

单词 政治运动
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aim〕a political movement that aims at promoting world peace 旨在促进世界和平的政治运动韦氏高阶〔aim〕a political movement that aims to promote world peace 旨在促进世界和平的政治运动韦氏高阶〔aim〕a political movement that is aimed at promoting world peace 旨在促进世界和平的政治运动韦氏高阶〔aim〕a political movement whose aim is to promote world peace 以促进世界和平为目的的政治运动韦氏高阶〔attractive〕a political movement that is attractive to young people 对年轻一代很有吸引力的政治运动朗文当代〔broadly based〕a broadly-based political movement for democracy. 有着广泛基础的民主政治运动柯林斯高阶〔broadly based〕a broadly-based political movement for democracy一场有着广泛基础的民主政治运动外研社新世纪〔campaign〕the political campaign by the Republicans 由共和党人发起的政治运动牛津搭配〔coalesce〕a group of young reformers who gradually coalesced into a political movement 一伙逐渐联合促成政治运动的年轻改革家韦氏高阶〔comedy〕the human comedy of political campaigns. 政治运动中人性的喜剧美国传统〔conduct〕direct a political campaign. 领导一场政治运动。美国传统〔down-and-dirty〕a down-and-dirty political campaign 肮脏虚伪的政治运动剑桥高阶〔equity〕a political campaign for pay equity 争取工资公平的政治运动麦克米伦高阶〔flat-footed〕a flat-footed political campaign 一项平淡无奇的政治运动剑桥高阶〔fledg(e)ling〕a fledg(e)ling political movement 刚展开的政治运动英汉大词典〔flood〕a political movement that was in full flood in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代达到顶峰的政治运动韦氏高阶〔flower〕a political movement that began to flower during the 1960s *20世纪60年代兴盛的政治运动韦氏高阶〔form〕a political movement that first took form in the 1960s 一场始于20世纪60年代的政治运动韦氏高阶〔inclusive〕an inclusive political movement 全民政治运动韦氏高阶〔inexorable〕the inexorable rise of a political movement 方兴未艾的政治运动韦氏高阶〔juggernaut〕an advertising/political juggernaut 大规模的广告宣传;激烈的政治运动韦氏高阶〔leaderless〕a leaderless political movement 群龙无首的政治运动韦氏高阶〔leave〕leave a society (a political movement) 退出一个团体(一项政治运动) 英汉大词典〔mendacious〕a mendacious political campaign 谎言编织的政治运动韦氏高阶〔movement〕a political movement.政治运动。牛津同义词〔orchestrate〕orchestrated a successful political campaign. 组织了一次成功的政治运动美国传统〔pin〕political campaign pins 政治运动徽章韦氏高阶〔rallying cry〕the rallying cry of a political movement 政治运动的战斗口号韦氏高阶〔splinter〕groups that have splintered off to form new political movements 分裂出来开展新的政治运动的团体韦氏高阶〔stepped-up〕a stepped-up political campaign. 剧烈升级的政治运动美国传统〔throttle〕a political campaign on full throttle 一场如火如荼的政治运动朗文当代〔underground〕an underground political movement 地下政治运动英汉大词典〔veteran〕a veteran of numerous political campaigns 多次参加政治运动的老手牛津搭配〔zero-defect〕a zero-defect political campaign. 一次成功的政治运动美国传统〔à la mode〕a political movement that was once à la mode 风行一时的政治运动韦氏高阶




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