

单词 树皮
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔articulation〕The leaf is separated from the bark by an articulation.这片叶子因一个关节与树皮分开。外研社新世纪〔barker〕One that removes bark from trees or logs or prepares it for tanning.剥树皮的人:剥树或原木的皮或配制树皮以用来制革的人美国传统〔bark〕A specific kind of bark used for a special purpose, as in tanning or medicine.特殊树皮:一种特殊树皮,有特殊用途,如用于制革或医药美国传统〔bark〕Grey squirrels have been tearing bark from the trees.北美灰松鼠一直在剥树皮。外研社新世纪〔bark〕He'd get me barking trees with an axe.他会让我用斧子剥树皮。外研社新世纪〔bark〕She compared the barks of various trees.她对各种树木的树皮进行了比较。韦氏高阶〔bark〕The bark peels off in summer.树皮在夏季脱落。牛津搭配〔bark〕The bark was used to tan leather.这种树皮鞣料用于制革。外研社新世纪〔bark〕The people strip the bark and use it in medicines.这些人剥下树皮入药。牛津搭配〔bark〕The tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. It includes all tissues outside the vascular cambium.树皮,茎皮:包在树、灌木和其它木本植物的根部、茎部的硬皮,包括维管形成层外的所有组织美国传统〔bark〕To treat medically, tan, or dye using bark.用树皮治病、制革或印染美国传统〔birch beer〕A carbonated soft drink flavored with herb extracts, traditionally of birch tree bark.桦啤酒:碳酸软饮料,加入传统上从桦树皮中提取的植物精华美国传统〔burrow〕The beetle burrows beneath the elm's bark.甲虫在榆树皮下面钻洞。外研社新世纪〔butternut〕The bark of this tree.灰胡桃树皮美国传统〔cascara sagrada〕The dried bark of the cascara buckthorn, used as a laxative.药鼠李皮剂:药鼠李树烘干的树皮,用作一种缓泻剂美国传统〔cascarilla〕The bark of this plant.加斯加利刺皮:这种植物的树皮美国传统〔cassia〕The bark of this tree.桂皮:这种树木的树皮美国传统〔chippings〕Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.用树皮屑铺成的小路会给人以林间小道的印象。外研社新世纪〔chippings〕Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.铺满碎树皮的小路有助于制造林间小道的印象。柯林斯高阶〔cortex〕An external layer, such as bark or rind.外层:外层,如树皮或果皮美国传统〔corticolous〕Growing or living on tree bark, as some lichens and mosses.生于树皮上的:生或长在树皮上的,例如一些地衣和苔藓美国传统〔cut into〕He cut his name into the bark with his knife.他用小刀把自己的名字刻在树皮上。21世纪英汉〔decorticate〕To remove the bark, husk, or outer layer from; peel.剥皮:剥去…的树皮,外壳或外层表皮;剥皮美国传统〔develop〕The tree will gradually develop tough bark.树会慢慢地长出坚韧的树皮。麦克米伦高阶〔exfoliate〕To remove (a layer of bark or skin, for example) in flakes or scales; peel.片状剥落:使(例如,树皮或皮肤一层层)地成薄片状或鱼鳞状脱落;剥落美国传统〔exude〕Some trees exude from their bark a sap that repels insect parasites.一些树的树皮会分泌出一种汁液来驱除寄生在树上的昆虫。剑桥高阶〔fissure〕He glanced through a fissure in the bark.他从树皮上的一道裂缝向里看去。外研社新世纪〔girdler〕Any of several insects that chew circular bands around twigs or stems in preparing a nesting site.天牛甲虫:一种在树枝或树干上食取树皮以准备筑巢地点的昆虫美国传统〔girdle〕A band made around the trunk of a tree by the removal of a strip of bark.轮迹:剥去树皮后在树干上形成的带美国传统〔girdle〕To remove a band of bark and cambium from the circumference of (a tree), usually in order to kill it.剥去树皮:剥去树周围的树皮带或形成层,通常是为了杀死树美国传统〔grain〕He picked out a limpet, roughened and grained like old bark on the outside.他挑出了一个帽贝, 表面疙疙瘩瘩的, 就像老树皮一样粗糙。外研社新世纪〔hack〕He started to hack at the tree bark.他开始砍起树皮来。外研社新世纪〔hack〕He started to hack away at the tree bark.他开始砍树皮。柯林斯高阶〔hidebound〕Having the bark so contracted and unyielding as to hinder growth. Used of trees.树皮过于紧密而妨碍生长的。用于树美国传统〔kinnikinnick〕A preparation made from dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco and smoked especially by certain Native American peoples.烟草混合物:由干的叶,树皮,有时还有烟叶组成的制剂,尤其为北美印第安人吸用美国传统〔latilla〕A usually peeled limb or stick used as a ceiling material, as between beams or vigas.天花板装饰条:用作天花板材料的通常剥去树皮的枝条或木棍,如在横梁或主梁之间美国传统〔mezereon〕The dried bark of this plant, formerly used externally as a vesicant and internally for arthritis.瑞香皮:这种植物晒干的树皮,从前曾外用作发疱剂,内服治疗关节炎美国传统〔ooze〕An infusion of vegetable matter, as from oak bark, used in tanning.渗出液:一种用于制革的植物物质溶液,如橡树皮美国传统〔peel〕An animal had peeled the bark from the tree.一只野兽把树皮剥掉了。韦氏高阶〔peel〕To lose or shed skin, bark, or other covering.去皮:剥落或脱落表皮、树皮或其他覆盖物美国传统〔peel〕Too much heat will make the bark wrinkle and peel.过热会使树皮起皱剥落。英汉大词典〔quartersaw〕Some of the trees are stripped off their bark and mechanically quartersawed.有些树被剥去树皮,用机器锯成四块。21世纪英汉〔quebracho〕The bark or wood of either of these trees.破斧木皮或木材:这些乔木的任一种的树皮或木材美国传统〔quercitron〕The bright orange inner bark of the black oak, from which a yellow dye is obtained.美洲黑栎树内树皮:黑栎树的亮橘色内树皮,可从中提取黄色染料美国传统〔quercitron〕The dye obtained from this bark.栎皮粉:从这种树皮内提取的染料美国传统〔quinoidine〕A brownish-black mixture of alkaloids remaining after extraction of crystalline alkaloids from cinchona bark, used as a quinine substitute.奎诺酊:将金鸡纳树皮中提取结晶生物碱之后,剩下来一种黑褐色的生物碱混合物,用作奎宁的替代物美国传统〔recognizable〕This tree is always recognizable by its extremely beautiful silvery bark.这种树很容易辨认,因为它有着非常漂亮的银色树皮。柯林斯高阶〔recognizable〕This tree is recognizable by its beautiful silvery bark.这种树可通过其漂亮的银色树皮辨认。外研社新世纪〔rind〕A tough outer covering such as bark, the skin of some fruits, or the coating on cheese or bacon.皮,树皮,(熏肉,干酪等的)外皮:一种粗糙的外层覆盖物,如树皮、一些水果的果皮或奶酪或熏物品上的外壳美国传统〔ring〕To remove a circular strip of bark around the circumference of (a tree trunk or branch); girdle.环剥:绕着(树干或树枝)的圆周移走一圈树皮;剥去(树木的)一圈皮美国传统〔rive〕The bark was riven off from the trunk.树皮从树干上被扯了下来。21世纪英汉〔sap〕The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies.树叶、树皮和树汁也是当地草药的常用药材。柯林斯高阶〔scale〕The bark scaled off the tree.树皮从树上脱落了。21世纪英汉〔shave〕I set the log on the ground and shaved off the bark.我将原木放到了地上,刨掉了树皮。柯林斯高阶〔shave〕Shave the bark off the tree.剥掉树皮。韦氏高阶〔soak〕The bark is soaked in sea water for ten to twenty days until soft.树皮在海水里浸泡10到20天直至变软。外研社新世纪〔soapbark〕The bark of this tree.皂树皮:这种树的树皮美国传统〔springwood〕Young, usually soft wood that lies directly beneath the bark and develops in early spring.春材,早材:紧贴树皮的又嫩又软的木材,早春成长美国传统〔strip〕Deer had stripped all the bark off the tree.鹿把树皮全都啃光了。牛津高阶〔strip〕Deer had stripped the tree of its bark.鹿啃掉了树皮。牛津高阶〔strip〕He stripped a tree with his sabre.他用马刀刮去树皮。21世纪英汉〔strip〕Men were stripping bark off the trees.男人们在剥树皮。麦克米伦高阶〔strip〕The bark is stripped from the trees by hand.树皮是用手撕下来的。牛津搭配〔subsist on〕He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island.在荒岛上他只能靠树皮和草根维持生命。21世纪英汉〔sustenance〕Tree bark provides deer with sustenance in periods of drought.在干旱时期,鹿靠啃树皮活下来。韦氏高阶〔tanbark〕Shredded bark from which the tannin has been extracted, used to cover circus arenas, racetracks, and other surfaces.提取了鞣酸后粉碎的树皮,用来覆盖圆形竞技场、竞赛跑道和其它表面美国传统〔tanbark〕The bark of various trees used as a source of tannin.鞣料树皮:一种用来提取鞣酸的树皮美国传统〔tapa〕A paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific islands by pounding this bark or similar bark.塔帕纤维布:南太平洋岛屿上的人们通过碾压这种树皮或类似树皮做成的一种类似纸张的布料美国传统〔tapa〕The inner bark of the paper mulberry.桑树的内层树皮美国传统〔tepee〕A portable dwelling of certain Native American peoples, especially on the Great Plains, consisting of a conical framework of poles covered with skins or bark.(北美印第安人的)圆锥形帐篷:一些美洲土著居民,尤其是住在大平原上的土著居民的一住易于携带的帐篷,用柱子构成圆锥形框架,上面盖以动物皮或树皮美国传统〔viga〕A rafter or roofbeam, especially a trimmed and peeled tree trunk whose end projects from an outside adobe wall.橼,木角:尤指用修剪过并剥去树皮的树干制作的橼或梁,树干的一端从土砖墙外面伸出美国传统〔wane〕A defective edge of a board caused by remaining bark or a beveled end.缺角方木:方木的由剩余树皮或斜角末端引起的缺损的边缘美国传统〔wickiup〕A frame hut covered with matting, as of bark or brush, used by nomadic Native Americans of North America.草棚:覆盖有树皮或柴枝做的草席的构架棚子,由北美洲的游牧土著人建立美国传统〔wood〕The secondary xylem of trees and shrubs, lying beneath the bark and consisting largely of cellulose and lignin.木质:位于树皮下的树和灌木的次木质部,主要由纤维质和木质构成美国传统A bark mulch will keep down the weeds.树皮做的覆盖物能抑制杂草生长。剑桥国际Bark protects the trunks and branches of trees from extremes of temperature.树皮保护树干和树枝免受极端温度的伤害。剑桥国际Because of the pollution, the trees are almost completely stripped of bark.因为受到污染树皮几乎已全部脱落。剑桥国际He took a knife from his bag and cut their initials into the bark.他从包里拿出小刀,把他们名字的首字母刻在树皮上。剑桥国际Some trees exude from their bark a sap that repels insect parasites.有些树从树皮里渗出一种汁液驱除昆虫的寄生物。剑桥国际Sometimes a colony of ants will completely hollow out a tree trunk leaving just the bark.一群蚂蚁有时会彻底挖空树干,只剩下树皮。剑桥国际The Indians peeled the bark from trees to make canoes. 印第安人从树上剥下树皮做皮舟。译典通Their house is full of stripped pine furniture.他们家的家具都是用剥去树皮的松木做的。剑桥国际




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