

单词 本国
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔COUNTRY〕people who want their country or area to be independent 希望本国或本地区独立的人朗文写作活用〔FOREIGN〕not from your own country 并非来自本国朗文写作活用〔abandon〕abandon one's native language 不再讲本国语英汉大词典〔assisted〕an assisted passage 补助旅费的航海旅行(英国为鼓励本国人民移居国外所采取的一种办法)英汉大词典〔commute〕commute foreign money to domestic 把外币兑换成本国币英汉大词典〔domestically〕domestically produced goods本国生产的产品外研社新世纪〔domestic〕domestically produced goods 本国产品牛津高阶〔domestic〕the domestic economy/market 本国经济/市场韦氏高阶〔exile〕an exile from your own country.离开本国的人。牛津同义词〔float〕a decision by the Finns to float their currency芬兰人实行本国货币浮动汇率的决定外研社新世纪〔fly〕fly from one's country 逃离本国文馨英汉〔footloose〕an exodus of footloose young Brits who preferred California大批不安分的、离开本国到加利福尼亚州生活的英国青年外研社新世纪〔home-grown〕home-grown films 本国电影文馨英汉〔home-grown〕home-grown films 本国电影英汉大词典〔home-grown〕home-grown programmes本国节目外研社新世纪〔home〕home products 本国产品英汉大词典〔incomer〕one rule or test for the incomer and another for the native对移民以及本国人的两种不同规定或测验外研社新世纪〔international〕the home internationals 在本国举行的国际性比赛英汉大词典〔intimate〕an area of the country that he knew intimately 他十分熟悉的本国的一个地区牛津高阶〔inward〕inward bound 开往本国的英汉大词典〔letup〕see no sign of a letup in the rush of foreign investments in this country 看不到外国对本国的蜂拥投资有减退的迹象英汉大词典〔lift〕lift censorship on the domestic press 撤销对本国报刊的审查英汉大词典〔manufacture〕of Chinese (home, foreign) manufacture 中国 (本国,外国) 制造的英汉大词典〔mother〕mother culture 本国的文化英汉大词典〔native〕one's native language (或tongue) 本国语英汉大词典〔natural-born〕a natural-born citizen 本国出生的公民英汉大词典〔outflow〕a heavy outflow of cash from the country. 本国现金很大的外流量美国传统〔peer ,peeress〕the peers of the land.本国的贵族。牛津同义词〔pegged〕the pegged exchange rate 钉住汇率(指一国政府将本国货币按一个固定比率同国际上一种主要货币挂钩而定出的汇率)英汉大词典〔predator〕to protect domestic industry from foreign predators 保护本国工业不受外来剥削牛津高阶〔rating〕the movie directors who won world ratings for their country's films 为本国影片赢得国际声誉的电影导演们英汉大词典〔repatriate〕repatriate capital/profits 把资金/利润调回本国韦氏高阶〔run〕run one's country 逃离本国英汉大词典〔supremacy〕to uphold the supremacy of the country's own laws 维护本国法律的无上权威牛津搭配〔thinking〕the direction of the ANC's thinking on the country's political future. 非国大对于本国政治前景的认识方向柯林斯高阶〔this〕the prime minister of this country 本国首相英汉大词典〔vernacular〕the vernacular and foreign press of India 印度的本国语和外语报刊英汉大词典〔whitewash〕a book that tries to whitewash the country's past 极力粉饰本国历史的书韦氏高阶to protect domestic industry from foreign predators 保护本国工业免受外来剥削牛津商务




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