

单词 推断
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DECIDE〕Darwin's observations led him to deduce that plants and animals could adapt to their surroundings. 达尔文从他的观察中推断出植物和动物能适应周围的环境。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕It is easy to infer that the marriage was not a very happy one. 很容易推断出这场婚姻并不幸福。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕It is a reasonable assumption that she knew him well, as she had the keys to his house. 她有他房子的钥匙,因此可以合理地推断她和他很熟。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕It seems reasonable to infer that the cause was not sabotage but a simple accident. 似乎有理由推断出起因不是颠覆活动,而只是一宗事故。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕The audience hears the word so many times during the play that presumably they learn what it means if they didn't already know. 观众在这部戏演出期间听到这个单词这么多次,因此可以推断即使他们原先不懂,现在也已经知道它的意思了。朗文写作活用〔by inference〕Its existence is only known by inference.它的存在只是推断出来的。韦氏高阶〔concept〕A general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences.概念:从特定情形或事件中得到或推断出的一般性想法美国传统〔conclude〕The report concluded that a world recession was unlikely.该报告推断世界范围的萧条不太可能发生。麦克米伦高阶〔conclude〕What do you conclude from that?你能从中推断出什么?外研社新世纪〔conclusion〕New evidence might lead to the conclusion that we are wrong.根据新的证据可能会推断出我们是错的。牛津高阶〔conclusion〕The proposition concluded from one or more premises; a deduction.推论:从一个或多个前提得出的结论性命题;推断美国传统〔conjecture〕These verbs mean to reach a conclusion or judgment on the basis of uncertain evidence.这些动词都表示基于不确定证据而作出结论或推断。美国传统〔consequent〕Logic The conclusion, as of a syllogism or a conditional sentence.【逻辑学】 结论:结论,如三段论中的推断或条件句中的结论句美国传统〔context〕Try and guess what it means from the context.根据上下文推断它的意思。外研社新世纪〔correct〕They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend.他们的推断没错,她出去度周末了。牛津高阶〔deduce from〕From the evidence we deduced that he was guilty.根据证据我们推断他有罪。21世纪英汉〔deduce〕Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter.艾莉森已经聪明地推断出那封信就是我写的。柯林斯高阶〔deduce〕Alison had deduced that I wrote the letter.艾莉森已经推断出这封信是我写的。外研社新世纪〔deduce〕From her conversation, I deduced that she had a large family.我从她谈话中推断出她孩子很多。英汉大词典〔deduce〕She hoped he hadn't deduced the reason for her visit.她希望他没有推断出她这次造访的原因。外研社新世纪〔deduce〕The date of the document can be deduced from references to the Civil War.这份文件的日期可以从其中多次提到内战之处进行推断。柯林斯高阶〔deduce〕The police have deduced that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening.警方推断他肯定是在昨天晚上离开公寓的。剑桥高阶〔deduce〕The policeman deduced that I was involved.那个警察推断我牵涉在内。牛津同义词〔deduce〕The total amount can be deduced logically from the figures available.总量可以从现有的数字中按照逻辑推断出来。牛津搭配〔deduce〕To infer from a general principle; reason deductively.演绎推理:从一般的原则推断出;演绎推理美国传统〔deduce〕We cannot deduce very much from these figures.我们无法从这些数字中推断出太多东西。剑桥高阶〔deduce〕We deduced from his absences that he was not happy at college.从他多次缺课可以推断出他在大学并不开心。牛津搭配〔deduce〕What did Darwin deduce from the presence of these species? 达尔文从这些物种的存在推断出了什么?朗文当代〔deducible〕This conclusion is deducible from the fact.这项结论可由该事实推断。文馨英汉〔deduction〕Children will soon make deductions about the meaning of a word.儿童很快就能推断出词义。朗文当代〔deduction〕His guess was based on intuition rather than deduction.他的猜测是根据直觉而并非推断。韦氏高阶〔deduction〕The drawing of a conclusion by reasoning; the act of deducing.推论:通过推理得出结论;推断美国传统〔deduction〕Through a process of deduction, the detectives discovered the identity of the killer.经过一番仔细推断,警探们搞清了杀手的身份。剑桥高阶〔dope〕He is fond of doping things out on the basis of sketchy information.他喜欢根据片断情况推断事情。英汉大词典〔dope〕Informal To figure out (a puzzle, for example).【非正式用语】 想出:推断出,解出(如难题)美国传统〔educe〕To assume or work out from given facts; deduce.演绎:从既定事实中推断出;演绎美国传统〔equipollent〕Logic Validly derived from each other; deducible.【逻辑学】 可推断的:可以有效地相互推出的;可推断的美国传统〔extrapolate〕Extrapolating from his American findings, he reckons about 80% of these deaths might be attributed to smoking.根据他在美国的调查结果推断,他估计这些人中约有80%可能死于吸烟。柯林斯高阶〔extrapolate〕With such a small study it is impossible to extrapolate accurately.在这样一个小规模研究的基础上不可能做出精确的推断。韦氏高阶〔extrapolate〕You can't really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.你不能仅凭这样一件小小的样品就推断出潮流真正的发展趋势。剑桥高阶〔extrapolate〕You're extrapolating from your own feelings to mine.你在依据自己的感受来推断我的感受。朗文当代〔follow〕Because some pressure helps, it does not follow that more will be better.不能因为有些压力对人有帮助, 就由此推断压力越大越好。外研社新世纪〔gather〕From his disjointed ramblings, I gathered he didn't like doctors much.我从他杂乱无章的絮絮叨叨推断, 他不太喜欢医生。外研社新世纪〔gather〕From what I can gather she's madly in love with him.据我推断,她已经疯狂地爱上了他。麦克米伦高阶〔gather〕From what I can gather, they're old school friends.据我推断,他们是过去上学时的朋友。剑桥高阶〔gather〕I gather that a decision has not been reached.我推断仍没有做出任何决定美国传统〔generalization〕Such sweeping generalizations reveal the writer's prejudices.从这些一概而论的推断足见作者的偏见。麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕A conjecture arrived at by guessing.推断:通过猜测而得出结论美国传统〔guess〕He had already guessed the answer.他已推断出答案了。外研社新世纪〔hose down〕Mr Howard also hosed down speculation the Government would introduce tighter controls.霍华德先生也否定了政府要采取更严厉管控的推断。外研社新世纪〔illation〕The act of inferring or drawing conclusions.推理:进行逻辑推断或探求结论的行为美国传统〔inference〕It had an extremely tiny head and, by inference, a tiny brain.它的头极小, 由此推断其脑容量也非常小。外研社新世纪〔inference〕It had an extremely tiny head and, by inference, a tiny brain.它的头极小,由此推断其脑容量也非常小。柯林斯高阶〔inference〕The full extent of the damage can be gauged only by inference.全部损失只能靠推断测定。英汉大词典〔inference〕The program uses records of past purchases to make/draw inferences about what customers will buy in the future.这一程序根据顾客以往的购物记录推断出他们将来会买些什么。韦氏高阶〔inference〕They were warned to expect a heavy air attack and by inference many casualties.他们被警告可能会受到严厉的空中打击,由此推断会有许多人员伤亡。剑桥高阶〔infer〕By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.通过测量星团中星系的运动, 天文学家可以推断出该星团的质量。外研社新世纪〔infer〕From his grades I inferred that he was a good student.我根据他的成绩推断,他是个好学生。英汉大词典〔infer〕From this study we can reasonably infer that this characteristic is inherited.根据这项研究,我们可以合理地推断出这一特性是遗传的。牛津搭配〔infer〕Her appearance led them to infer that she was very wealthy.她的外表使他们推断她很富有。麦克米伦高阶〔infer〕I infer from what you say that you are unhappy?我从你的话推断,你是不快乐吧?牛津同义词〔infer〕I inferred from his silence that he was angry about my decision.从他的沉默不语我推断他对我的决定感到生气。韦氏高阶〔infer〕I inferred from what she said that you have not been well.我从她的话语里推断你身体一直不太好。柯林斯高阶〔infer〕It is difficult to infer anything from such evidence.根据这样的证据难以作出任何推断。牛津搭配〔infer〕It's difficult to infer how these changes will affect ordinary citizens.难以推断这些变化将如何影响普通市民。韦氏高阶〔infer〕Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context.大部份含意必须从上下文中推断。牛津高阶〔infer〕What do you infer from her refusal? 你从她的拒绝中能推断出什么?剑桥高阶〔presume〕I had presumed wrongly that Jenny would be there.我猜珍妮会在那儿,结果推断错误。牛津搭配〔reason out〕We could not reason out which way the robbers escaped, because we were unable to find any trace of them.我们推断不出这些强盗是从哪个方向逃走的,因为我们找不到他们的任何踪迹。21世纪英汉〔reasoning〕The reasoning behind this decision appears to be sound.这个结论背后的推断好像很合理。麦克米伦高阶〔reasoning〕Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments.推论:对推理的运用,尤指在做结论、推断或判定时运用推理美国传统〔reason〕He reasoned that both statements couldn't be true.他推断,两种说法都不可能正确。韦氏高阶〔reason〕I reasoned that changing my diet would lower my cholesterol level.我推断改变自己的饮食可以降低我的胆固醇水平。柯林斯高阶〔reason〕I reasoned that if he could do it, so could I.我推断, 如果他能这么做, 那我也可以。外研社新世纪〔reason〕Newton reasoned (that) there must be a force such as gravity 牛顿推断出这一定是由于某种力的缘故,比如重力。剑桥高阶〔reason〕They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked.他推断他们不会解雇他。他是唯一知道这套系统如何运转的人。牛津高阶〔reason〕They reasoned that other businesses would soon copy the idea.他们推断其他企业也会很快仿效这个办法。朗文当代〔reason〕We reasoned that they would not dare leave before dark.我们推断他们不敢在天黑前离开。麦克米伦高阶〔sherlock〕Oh, well done, Sherlock. Did you figure th at out all by yourself? 喔,干得好,大侦探。全是你自己推断出来的吗?牛津高阶〔sound〕She used sound reasoning in making the decision.她运用合理推断做出了决定。韦氏高阶〔speculate〕Scientists speculate that the illness is caused by a virus.科学家推断这种疾病是由一种病毒引起的。韦氏高阶〔speculation〕Our speculations proved right.事实证明,我们的推断是对的。牛津高阶〔speculative〕Much of our information is always speculative.我们的许多信息往往都是推断出来的。外研社新世纪〔syllogize〕To reason or argue by means of syllogisms.用三段论推断或辩论美国传统〔theorize〕By studying the way people behave, we can theorize about what is going on in their mind.通过研究人们的行为方式,我们可以从中推断他们内心的想法。柯林斯高阶〔theorize〕By studying the way people behave, we can theorize about what is going on in their mind.通过研究人的行为, 我们就能推断出他们头脑里的想法。外研社新世纪〔theorize〕Police are theorizing that the killers may be posing as hitchhikers.警方推断杀手有可能假扮成搭车旅行者。外研社新世纪〔two〕I just put two and two together and assumed you two must be married.我只是根据现有情况推断你们两个肯定结婚了。外研社新世纪〔understand〕We understand that she's in the studio recording her second album.我们推断她在录音棚录制自己的第二张专辑。外研社新世纪Anyone who has read Moby Dick would find it irresistible to extrapolate from that great novel to the real world today.任何读过《大白鲨》的人都会难以抗拒地去从这本了不起的小说推断今天的现实世界。剑桥国际Aristarchus of Samos reasoned that the Earth went round the sun, not vice versa, though nobody believed him for centuries. [ 希腊]萨摩斯岛的阿里斯塔克斯推断地球是绕着太阳转的,而不是反之,但几个世纪以来没有人相信他。剑桥国际He is wrong, but it does not follow that you are right. 他错了,但并不能由此推断你是对的。译典通I couldn't deduce whether he thought the idea was a good one or not. 我推断不出他认为这个主意是好还是不好。剑桥国际I noted his upright carriage and immediately assumed that he had a military background.我注意到他笔直的姿势并马上推断他是军人出身。剑桥国际If you see a man and a woman in a bar holding hands, it's reasonable to infer that they're having some sort of relationship.如果你看到一个男人和一个女人在酒吧中握着手,有理由推断他们之间存在某种关系。剑桥国际It is too soon to generalize from these findings.从这些发现上就立刻作出推断还为时过早。剑桥国际Newton reasoned (that) there must be a force such as gravity, when an apple fell on his head. [+ (that) clause] 当苹果掉在他头上时 牛顿推断一定有像引力那样一种力。剑桥国际She can remember watching live TV coverage of the first lunar landing, so that dates her (= shows how old she is).她能记得看过第一次登月的电视现场转播,由此可推断出她的年龄。剑桥国际We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence. 我们不得不从大量庞杂的证据中推断出事情的真相。译典通We inferred from comments they had made to friends that they were unlikely to support us.我们从他们对朋友们所说的话中推断出他们不可能支持我们。剑桥国际




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