

单词 捆绑
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕It is a particularly daring stunt, involving being tied up and suspended in mid-air. 这是个非常大胆的特技动作,包括被捆绑后悬在半空之中。朗文写作活用〔TIE/UNTIE〕The soldiers tied them up and beat them. 那些士兵把他们捆绑起来殴打。朗文写作活用〔binder〕Something, such as a cord, used to bind.带子:用于捆绑之物,如绳线美国传统〔binding〕Serving to bind.用作捆绑的美国传统〔binding〕The action of one that binds.捆绑:包扎的动作美国传统〔bind〕He said there were cases where prisoners were tightly bound, often for several days.他说有时犯人会被紧紧地捆绑起来,往往一捆就是好几天。柯林斯高阶〔bind〕Something that binds.捆绑物美国传统〔bind〕The act of binding.捆绑美国传统〔bind〕There were cases where prisoners were tightly bound, often for several days.有时犯人会被紧紧地捆绑起来, 往往一捆就是好几天。外研社新世纪〔bind〕To tie or secure, as with a rope or cord.捆:用绳或线等捆绑或弄牢美国传统〔bind〕To tie up or fasten something.捆绑,拉紧美国传统〔blindfold〕The hostages were tied up and blindfolded.人质被捆绑起来并蒙上了眼睛。牛津高阶〔bondage〕They were into (= they liked) bondage.他们有捆绑式性交的癖好。剑桥高阶〔bonder〕One that bonds.捆绑物,捆扎物美国传统〔bond〕Something, such as a fetter, cord, or band, that binds, ties, or fastens things together.捆绑物:用来把东西拴、捆、紧固在一起的物件,如脚镣、绳索或带子美国传统〔bundle〕It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately.电脑和软件捆绑购买比分别购买便宜。外研社新世纪〔bundle〕It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately.购买和个人电脑一起捆绑销售的软件要比单买便宜。柯林斯高阶〔bundle〕Microsoft can bundle Windows NT at discounted prices with its popular desktop application programs.微软公司以优惠价格将视窗 NT 和畅销的桌面应用程序捆绑销售。朗文当代〔bundle〕The company offered customers a single computer solution, bundling together hardware and software.公司捆绑销售软件和硬件,为客户提供一套完整的计算机解决方案。朗文当代〔bundle〕The software is bundled with the computer.软件和电脑捆绑在一起销售。韦氏高阶〔bundle〕They've increased sales by bundling their most popular programs.他们通过捆绑销售最受欢迎的程序提高了销量。韦氏高阶〔chafe〕His wrists began to chafe against the cloth strips binding them.他的手腕开始被捆绑的布带磨得很痛。柯林斯高阶〔clench〕Nautical To fasten with a clinch.【航海】 系紧:用绳结捆绑美国传统〔clinch〕Nautical To fasten with a clinch.【航海】 用绳结捆绑美国传统〔constrict〕To make smaller or narrower by binding or squeezing.紧缩:通过捆绑或挤压使…变得更小或更窄美国传统〔cord〕To fasten or bind with a cord.捆绑:用绳子固定或联结美国传统〔cut〕He managed to reach the knife and cut himself loose.他设法拿到刀子割断了捆绑自己的绳索。外研社新世纪〔direct marketing〕The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers.直销业在特惠品捆绑销售方面已经相当娴熟。外研社新世纪〔ferret〕A narrow piece of tape used to bind or edge fabric.细带:用于捆绑的或给织物镶边的细带子美国传统〔lasher〕One who lashes so as to secure or bind, as with a rope.捆绑者:比如说用绳子固定或绑紧的人美国传统〔lashing〕Something used for securing or binding.绳,绳索:固定或捆绑用的东西美国传统〔lash〕The prisoner lashed about, but could not break his bond.囚犯拼命挣扎,但无法挣脱他的捆绑。文馨英汉〔lash〕They lashed his hands with a cord.他们用绳子捆绑他的双手。文馨英汉〔packthread〕A strong two-ply or three-ply twine for sewing or tying packages or bundles.捆包绳,捆扎线:一种结实的两股或三股的绳,用来缝或捆绑包裹或包装物美国传统〔pinion〕To bind fast or hold down; shackle.缚住:紧紧缚住;捆绑美国传统〔propel〕The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.小火箭捆绑在宇宙飞船上,用于推动飞船飞向火星。柯林斯高阶〔puttee〕A strip of cloth wound spirally around the leg from ankle to knee. Often used in the plural.绑腿:从脚踝到膝盖间螺旋捆绑的布条常用于复数美国传统〔raft〕We lashed together anything that would float to make a raft.我们把所有能漂浮的东西都捆绑在一起来做一个筏子。剑桥高阶〔rope〕The hostages were tied up with rope.人质被绳子捆绑着。韦氏高阶〔seize〕Robbers tied up security guards and seized the money.强盗们把保安捆绑住,并抢走了钱。麦克米伦高阶〔service〕The material, such as cord, used in binding or wrapping rope.捆绑物:用来捆绑或包装物体,如绳美国传统〔spancel〕A rope used to hobble an animal, as a sheep.栓马绳,栓畜绳:用以将动物的两脚捆绑的绳子,例如羊等美国传统〔spancel〕To hobble with a spancel.以栓畜绳栓套:以栓畜绳将动物的两脚捆绑美国传统〔strap〕Brian pulled the straps through the buckles of his suitcase.布赖恩把带子穿过手提箱的搭扣进行捆绑。外研社新世纪〔tape〕To fasten, secure, strengthen, or wrap with a tape.用绳子捆绑:用一条带子缚牢、系住、加强或包绕美国传统〔tie〕The gang tied up a security guard.那群歹徒把一名保安人员捆绑起来。牛津高阶〔tie〕The intruders tied Kurt up and left him.闯入者把库尔特捆绑起来,然后丢下他走了。朗文当代〔truss〕Police said the couple had been trussed up and robbed before being shot.警方说夫妇俩先遭到捆绑和抢劫,最后才被枪杀。剑桥高阶〔truss〕They trussed up their victim and left him for dead.他们把受害人捆绑起来,丢下他不管死活。朗文当代〔work〕He was tied up but he managed to work himself free.他被捆绑,但他设法挣脱。文馨英汉〔work〕I was tied up, but managed to work myself free.我被捆绑起来,但设法挣脱了绳索。牛津高阶Both the victims were tied up and no threat to the accused, but he killed them anyway, in cold blood.两个受害者都被捆绑起来而且已对被告没有威胁了,但他还是无情地杀害了他们。剑桥国际He described masochism as involving activities such as being insulted, tied up and whipped.他描述了(喜欢)被侮辱,捆绑及鞭打之类的受虐狂行为。剑桥国际I arrived home to discover him gagged and trussed on the bath room floor.我回家后发现他嘴被塞住捆绑着躺在浴室的地板上。剑桥国际Once caught and tied up, the alligators are then clubbed to death.一旦短吻鳄被抓住并被捆绑起来后,它们就会被棍棒打死。剑桥国际Police said the couple had been trussed up and robbed before being shot.警方说那对夫妇在被射杀之前曾被捆绑和抢劫。剑桥国际She bound the parcel with a cord. 她用细绳捆绑包裹。译典通The films featured scenes of men in bondage or subjected to beatings by women.这些电影用男人被女人捆绑或殴打的场面来招徕观众。剑桥国际




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