

单词 新的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-going〕a new range of road-going bicycles. 一系列全新的山地自行车柯林斯高阶〔FIND〕to find something new and important 发现新的、重要的东西朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕an idea for a new TV game show 有关一个新的电视游戏节目的主意朗文写作活用〔blur〕a new commercial that blurs the line between art and advertising 模糊了艺术和广告之间界限的一种新的商业广告麦克米伦高阶〔bulletproof〕a new bulletproof computer operating system 新的防破坏计算机操作系统麦克米伦高阶〔cheat〕the latest game cheats 最新的游戏秘技剑桥高阶〔colour〕our new range of eyeshadows and lip colours 我们新的眼影和唇彩系列朗文当代〔condominium〕a new condominium complex in Long Beach 长滩一栋新的综合公寓大楼牛津搭配〔constitute〕to constitute new traffic regulations制定新的交通规则21世纪英汉〔creation〕the creation of 2000 new jobs 创造 2000 个新的就业机会朗文当代〔delicate〕a delicate fragrance/flavour 清新的芳香;鲜美的味道牛津高阶〔extension〕a new extension number 新的分机号麦克米伦高阶〔family〕a new family of ballistic missiles 新的一类弹道导弹英汉大词典〔fashionable〕a fashionable hat 式样时新的帽子英汉大词典〔fashion〕the latest fashion trend 最新的时尚趋势牛津搭配〔flock〕a flock of new ideas 大量新的思想英汉大词典〔format〕reissue a book in a new format 以新的版式再版一书英汉大词典〔infuse〕infused new vigor into the movement. 给这个运动注入新的生命力美国传统〔innovate〕the need for large businesses to innovate 大公司有革新的需要朗文当代〔innovation〕companies that reward creativity and innovation 鼓励创造与革新的公司麦克米伦高阶〔latest〕learn the latest in computing technology 学会最新的计算机技术英汉大词典〔latest〕the latest in electronic gadgetry. 最新的电器发明美国传统〔mall〕a huge new shopping mall 一家新的大型购物中心朗文当代〔multilingual〕a new multilingual radio station 新的多语种广播电台麦克米伦高阶〔newly〕a reception room newly decorated 装饰一新的接待室英汉大词典〔original〕a truly original approach.See Synonyms at new 全新的方法 参见 new美国传统〔page〕a new page in the country's political history. 该国政治史上崭新的一页柯林斯高阶〔pristine〕pristine new offices 崭新的办公室剑桥高阶〔raise〕raise new hopes for peace 唤起新的和平希望 英汉大词典〔reduction〕a new strategic arms reduction agreement. 新的战略武器削减协议柯林斯高阶〔reform〕a reformed character 改过自新的人牛津高阶〔regroup〕regroup for fresh assaults 为发动新的突击重编部队英汉大词典〔spec〕the specs for the company's new video games console 这家公司新的电子游戏控制板的规格说明朗文当代〔strike out〕a desire to make changes and to strike out in new directions. 想要有所改变并朝新的方向开拓的渴望柯林斯高阶〔suit〕a completely revolutionary atmospheric diving suit. 令人耳目一新的大气压潜水服柯林斯高阶〔throw〕threw all their resources into the new endeavor; threw the blame onto the others. 他们集中全部力量进行新的尝试;怪罪别人美国传统〔trend〕the latest trend in clothes.最新的衣服时尚。牛津同义词〔tunnel〕two new railway tunnels through the Alps. 穿过阿尔卑斯山的两条新的铁路隧道柯林斯高阶〔wear〕a new line of evening wear 新的晚礼服系列韦氏高阶keeping up-to-date with the changes 紧贴最新的变化牛津商务




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