

单词 新来的人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HELLO〕Texans tend to welcome newcomers and go out of their way to be friendly. 得克萨斯人总是热情接待新来的人,特意表示友好。朗文写作活用〔Johnny-come-lately〕A newcomer or latecomer, especially a recent adherent to a cause or fashion.新来者,后来者:新来的人或最近来的人,尤指最近追随某一事业或时尚的人美国传统〔NEW〕Our team will include some familiar faces as well as a few newcomers. 我们的队里将有一些是熟悉的面孔,也有一些新来的人。朗文写作活用〔agree〕We all agree in liking the newcomer.我们大家都喜欢那位新来的人。英汉大词典〔arrival〕A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals.新来的人中很大一部分是技术熟练的专业人士。外研社新世纪〔arrival〕A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals.新来的人中很大一部分是技术熟练的专业人士。柯林斯高阶〔arrival〕Have you met the new arrivals yet?你可曾碰到新来的人?牛津同义词〔arrival〕New arrivals were greeted with suspicion.新来的人都受到怀疑。朗文当代〔arrival〕The new arrival was an old friend of mine.新来的人是我的一个老朋友。外研社新世纪〔arrive on〕The new-comer arrived on the scene.新来的人第一次露了面。21世纪英汉〔chorus〕The newcomers added their voices to the chorus expressing delight at the result.新来的人和大家一起为这个结果欢呼雀跃。剑桥高阶〔consign〕He consigned the task to the new comer.他把这项任务交给了新来的人。21世纪英汉〔fidget〕There were two new arrivals, fidgeting around, waiting to ask questions.有两个新来的人坐立不安地等着提问。外研社新世纪〔fidget〕There were two new arrivals, fidgeting around, waiting to ask questions.有两个新来的人坐立不安地等着提问。柯林斯高阶〔finish〕He finished off by welcoming the new arrivals.他迎接完新来的人就没事了。牛津搭配〔game〕The older children teased and made game of the newcomer.比较年长的孩子嘲笑并奚落新来的人美国传统〔greenhorn〕A newcomer, especially one who is unfamiliar with the ways of a place or group.新来者:新来的人,尤指对一地或一群人还不了解的人美国传统〔hunt〕Some new arrivals lose hope even before they start hunting for a job.一些新来的人还没开始找工作就失去了希望。外研社新世纪〔hunt〕Some new arrivals lose hope even before they start hunting for a job.有些新来的人甚至还没开始找工作就感到绝望了。柯林斯高阶〔immunity〕The newcomers lacked immunity against local strains of the disease.新来的人对这一疾病在当地的几种类型缺乏免疫力。牛津搭配〔newcomer〕Get to know the newcomers.去认识新来的人。牛津同义词〔newcomer〕Victoria came down the steps to greet the newcomers.维多利亚走下台阶与新来的人打招呼。麦克米伦高阶〔occupy〕The newcomers were occupied in writing letters home.新来的人忙于给家里写信。英汉大词典〔setup〕He is new to the office and doesn't know the setup yet.他是这个办公室新来的人,还不了解这里的组织情况。英汉大词典〔stride〕They were joined by a newcomer who came striding across a field.一个新来的人大步穿过一片田地,加入到他们的行列。柯林斯高阶〔themselves〕Newcomers themselves, they knew few people at the party.新来的人,他们在舞会上几乎不认识什么人美国传统〔threw〕We threw a party for the newcomers.我们为新来的人举行了一个聚会。21世纪英汉〔tight〕It was a tight community and newcomers were not welcome.这个社区很团结,不欢迎新来的人。牛津高阶〔view〕The local people viewed newcomers with suspicion.当地人以戒备的心理看待新来的人。朗文当代〔welcome〕Browning stood at the door, welcoming newcomers with a large smile and a pat on the arm.布朗宁站在门口,面带灿烂的笑容迎接新来的人,还会拍拍他们的胳膊。剑桥高阶〔wrong〕I was wrong about the new guy – he's not Belgian, he's French.我把新来的人的情况搞错了 — 他不是比利时人,而是法国人。朗文当代Browning stood at the door, welcoming newcomers with a large smile and a pat on the arm.布朗宁站在门口欢迎新来的人。他开朗地笑着,并轻拍每个人的胳膊。剑桥国际He rested his eyes on the new comer for an instant. 他瞧了一下那个新来的人。译典通He turned his gaze to the new comer. 他把目光移到新来的人身上。译典通New arrivals face an uncertain future.新来的人面对着无法预料的前景。剑桥国际The newcomers added their voices to the chorus expressing delight at the result.新来的人加入了大家的行列,一起表达对此结果的喜悦之情。剑桥国际They made no stranger of the new comer. 他们亲热地对待那新来的人。译典通They seemed rather cool towards the new comer. 对这位新来的人,他们似乎很冷淡。译典通They went out to welcome the new arrivals. 他们走出去欢迎新来的人。译典通




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