

单词 挥手
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GOODBYE〕to say or wave goodbye to someone 和某人道别或挥手道别朗文写作活用〔airy〕dismissed us with an airy wave of the hand. 高傲地一挥手就把我们打发了美国传统〔careless〕a careless grin; a careless wave of the hand. 快活地咧着嘴笑;愉快的一挥手美国传统〔cheery〕a cheery remark/smile/wave 开心的话╱微笑╱挥手牛津高阶〔dapper〕a dapper wave of the hand 洒脱的一挥手英汉大词典〔dismissive〕a dismissive wave of the hand 轻蔑的挥手韦氏高阶〔dismissive〕to shrug/wave dismissively 轻蔑地耸耸肩╱挥挥手牛津高阶〔expansive〕an expansive mood/wave/gesture/smile 开朗的心情/友好的挥手/友善的姿态/爽朗的笑容麦克米伦高阶〔farewell〕wave one's last farewell to sb. 向某人挥手告别英汉大词典〔flag〕flag down a driver 挥手要驾驶员停下英汉大词典〔goodbye〕wave goodbye to one's friends 向朋友们挥手告别英汉大词典〔grand〕a majestic wave of the hand. 庄重地挥手。美国传统〔hello〕wave a cheery hello 高兴地挥手致意 英汉大词典〔indolent〕an indolent wave of the hand 懒懒的挥手剑桥高阶〔languid〕a languid wave of the hand 懒洋洋一挥手牛津高阶〔languid〕a languid wave of the hand 懒洋洋的一挥手英汉大词典〔languid〕a languid wave of the hand. 无精打采的挥手美国传统〔outline〕saw the dark silhouette of the family waving farewell. 看见挥手道别的那一家人的黑色剪影 美国传统〔sweeping〕a sweeping gesture; a sweeping glance. 做大幅度挥手动作;环视美国传统〔wag〕a farewell wag of the hand. 告别时挥手美国传统〔wave on〕to wave the traffic on挥手叫车辆继续往前开21世纪英汉〔wave〕a wave of the hand.挥手。牛津同义词〔wave〕give sb. a farewell wave 向某人挥手告别英汉大词典〔wave〕people waving goodbye to their friends and relatives 向亲朋好友挥手告别的人牛津搭配〔wave〕to wave farewell挥手告别21世纪英汉〔wave〕waved as she drove by. 她开车而过时挥手示意美国传统〔whisk〕whisked crumbs off the table; whisked the children away. 掸去桌子上的碎屑;挥手赶孩子们走开美国传统




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