

单词 政敌
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HATE〕the president's political enemies were quick to denounce him. 总统的政敌很快就谴责了他。朗文写作活用〔abominate〕a politician who is revered by his supporters and abominated by his enemies 受支持者拥戴而遭政敌憎恨的政治人物韦氏高阶〔arbitrary〕the arbitrary arrests of political opponents 对政敌的任意逮捕朗文当代〔banish〕political foes banished by the dictator 被独裁者放逐的政敌英汉大词典〔battle〕political opponents who have been doing battle with each other for years 多年一直相互争斗的政敌韦氏高阶〔chief〕one of the President's chief rivals 总统的主要政敌之一牛津高阶〔chivvy〕political opponents who chivvied the senator. 不断骚扰参议员的政敌们美国传统〔deepen〕a deepening conflict between the political rivals 政敌间日益严重的冲突麦克米伦高阶〔denounce〕denouncing their political enemies 指责他们的政敌韦氏高阶〔enemy〕political enemies 政敌剑桥高阶〔enemy〕political enemies 政敌朗文当代〔foe〕political foes 政敌韦氏高阶〔implacable〕be implacable in pursuing one's political foes 无情地追逼政敌英汉大词典〔jealousy〕petty jealousies among political rivals 政敌之间狭隘的妒忌之心韦氏高阶〔maroon〕a 'Devil's Island' on which to maroon convicts and political opponents一座放逐罪犯和政敌的“魔鬼之岛”外研社新世纪〔mass〕the massed ranks of his political opponents 他的大批政敌牛津高阶〔me-too〕a me-too candidate 仿效政敌做法的候选人英汉大词典〔me-too〕conduct a me-too election campaign 进行仿效政敌的竞选运动英汉大词典〔opponent〕a political opponent 政敌剑桥高阶〔opponent〕a political opponent 政敌牛津高阶〔opponent〕a political opponent 政敌英汉大词典〔opponent〕his political opponents他的政敌外研社新世纪〔overt〕an overt attempt to silence their political opponents 想让他们的政敌闭嘴的明显企图朗文当代〔savage〕a savage attack on a political rival.See Synonyms at cruel 冷酷无情地攻击政敌 参见 cruel美国传统〔scrape〕get into a scrape with a political opponent 与政敌发生冲突英汉大词典〔screw〕screw one's political enemies 伤害政敌英汉大词典〔smear〕political enemies who smeared his name. 污蔑他名声的政敌们美国传统〔snuff〕to snuff out all political enemies消灭一切政敌21世纪英汉〔strong-arm〕to use strong-arm tactics against your political opponents 用强制手段对付政敌牛津高阶〔tit for tat〕rival politicians playing a game of tit for tat 针锋相对的两个政敌韦氏高阶〔top〕the top political rival 头号政敌 英汉大词典〔triumph〕triumph over one's political enemies 战胜政敌英汉大词典




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