

单词 南北
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔antebellum〕antebellum society/houses 南北战争之前的社会/房子韦氏高阶〔antebellum〕the antebellum South 南北战争之前的美国南方韦氏高阶〔area〕mountainous areas of Europe, Asia, North and South America. 欧洲、亚洲、南北美洲的山区柯林斯高阶〔butternut〕butternuts Clothing dyed with butternut extract, especially the uniforms of Confederate soldiers in the Civil War. butternuts 一种制服:用灰胡桃提炼物染制的衣服,特别指南北战争时南联邦军队的制服美国传统〔chronicle〕a chronicle of the American Civil War 美国南北战争编年史韦氏高阶〔civil war〕the Spanish/American/Greek Civil War 西班牙内战;美国南北战争;希腊内战韦氏高阶〔confederate〕the Confederate army (南北战争时的)南部联军英汉大词典〔continent〕the New Continent 新大陆(南北美洲)文馨英汉〔demarcation〕the exact demarcation of the north-south boundary 南北分界线的精确界定朗文当代〔disposition〕a cheerful disposition of colors and textures; a convoy oriented into a north-south disposition. 颜色与纹理赏心悦目的配置;排列成南北向的护送部队美国传统〔divide〕the North-South divide(=political and economic differences between areas in the north and south) 南北分歧麦克米伦高阶〔divide〕the North/South divide 南北分歧牛津高阶〔elevation〕the addition of two-storey wings on the north and south elevations. 在南北向的立视图上各增加两层配楼柯林斯高阶〔hemispheric〕a sense of hemispheric identity南北半球同一感外研社新世纪〔lower〕in the lower and higher latitudes 在南北纬度地区韦氏高阶〔lower〕the lower and upper peninsulas 南北半岛韦氏高阶〔meridional〕a meridional flow of air 南北方向的气流英汉大词典〔north〕the streets running north and south 南北向的街道英汉大词典〔orient〕orient the swimming pool north and south. 标定游泳池的南北方向美国传统〔paper〕a paper on the Civil War 一篇关于南北战争的文章朗文当代〔period〕the period of the Civil War (美国)南北战争时期英汉大词典〔polar〕the two polar regions 南北极[两极]地区文馨英汉〔pole〕the Earth's poles地球的南北两极外研社新世纪〔postbellum〕the postbellum reforms 南北战争后的改革英汉大词典〔rupture〕the risk of rupturing North-South relations 使南北关系破裂的危险牛津高阶〔trend〕mountain ranges trending north and south 南北走向的山脉英汉大词典〔uneasy〕an uneasy truce between the rival north and south敌对的南北双方之间暂时的停战外研社新世纪〔unholy〕an unholy coalition between North and South南北方之间勉强结成的联盟外研社新世纪




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