

单词 接见
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Royal Highness〕Her/His Royal Highness will receive you now.殿下现在要接见你。韦氏高阶〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕The senator met with a group of elementary school students learning about how government works. 参议员接见了一群正在学习政府运作方式的小学生。朗文写作活用〔abbreviate〕Once the list is abbreviated to a few candidates, they will all be seen by the board.一旦名单缩减到几位候选人, 理事会便将接见他们。外研社新世纪〔allow〕He was allowed a few visitors.他可以接见几位来访者。外研社新世纪〔allow〕I'm not allowed visitors.我不可以接见来访者。牛津高阶〔arrange〕Would you like to arrange for a personal interview? 你希望安排一次个别接见吗?英汉大词典〔audience〕A formal hearing, as with a religious or state dignitary.正式会见或接见:一种由宗教或由国家要人做出的正式听取会美国传统〔audience〕The French Ambassador was received in audience by the Queen.法国大使为女王所接见。英汉大词典〔audience〕The Pope granted him an audience.教皇接见了他。牛津搭配〔available〕The manager is (not) available now.现在经理可以 (不能) 接见你。英汉大词典〔ceremonial〕The president received his guests in a ceremonial way.总统正式接见来宾。英汉大词典〔chamber〕A room where a person of authority, rank, or importance receives visitors.会客室:高级官员或权威显要人物的接见室美国传统〔civic〕The prime minister met many civic leaders, including the mayor and the leaders of the immigrant communities.首相接见了许多市政领导,包括市长和移民社团的领导人。剑桥高阶〔council〕The president also meets ministers at inter-ministerial councils held at the Elysée Palace.总统还在爱丽舍宫接见了参加部长级会议的各部长。柯林斯高阶〔court〕She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I.她来到英国访问, 在詹姆士一世的王宫受到了接见。外研社新世纪〔delegation〕The Prime Minister met with an all-party delegation from the city council.首相接见了来自市政委员会的各党派联合代表团。牛津搭配〔deputation〕The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.总经理同意接见工厂的代表团。牛津搭配〔desk〕At the foreign office, I was interviewed by a representative of the Asian Desk.在外交部,一位亚洲司的代表接见了我。英汉大词典〔drawing room〕A ceremonial reception.正式接见美国传统〔durbar〕A state reception formerly given by Indian princes for a British sovereign or one given for an Indian prince by his subjects.正式接见:英国总督对印度藩王的正式接见或印度藩王对其臣民的正式接见美国传统〔holiness〕The President received His Holiness at the White House.总统在白宫接见了教皇陛下。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕John told me that the President would honour me by meeting me in the White House.约翰告诉我,总统要在白宫接见我。21世纪英汉〔in person〕They met in person after speaking on the phone.他们通过电话后直接见面了。韦氏高阶〔interview〕The Pope granted her a private audience.教宗同意私下接见她。牛津高阶〔levee〕A reception held, as by royalty, upon arising from bed.早晨接见:如君主或显贵,刚起床就进行的接见美国传统〔mockery〕The interview was a mockery from start to finish.接见自始至终令人捧腹。英汉大词典〔precedence〕They were received by the king in order of precedence.他们按地位高低顺序受到国王的接见。麦克米伦高阶〔push〕The author pushed her latest book by making appearances in bookstores.作者通过在书店与读者直接见面的方式来推销他的最新作品美国传统〔queen〕She met the Queen last week.上周她受到了女王的接见。柯林斯高阶〔queen〕The Queen is meeting the prime minister today.今天女王要接见首相。剑桥高阶〔receive〕He received us in the drawing-room.他在客厅里接见了我们。21世纪英汉〔receive〕The chief manager is not receiving callers today.总经理今天不接见客人。21世纪英汉〔saw〕Finally he was seen by the ambassador.最后,大使接见了他。21世纪英汉〔see〕The President will see you this afternoon.今天下午总统将接见你。英汉大词典〔worthy〕We were met by a group of local worthies.一批当地的知名人士接见了我们。朗文当代Dr Jones is very busy but I'm sure she'll be able to fit you in tomorrow.琼斯博士很忙,不过我肯定明天她能安排时间接见你。剑桥国际His Grace will see you now.公爵大人/大主教将接见您。剑桥国际I was met by someone who seemed to be the group leader.我被一位组长模样的人接见了。剑桥国际Mr. Reed receives on Thursday afternoons. 里得先生星期四下午接见客人。译典通The President met local political leaders last week.总统上周接见了本地的政治领袖。剑桥国际The Prime Minister met many civic leaders, including the mayor and the leaders of the immigrant communities.首相接见了许多市民领袖,包括市长和移民社团的领导人。剑桥国际The Queen is meeting the Prime Minister today.今天女王要接见首相。剑桥国际The last interview that she gave was recorded the day before she died.她的最后一次接见是在她去世的前一天录下的。剑桥国际The minister has agreed to receive a deputation of local government officials.部长已经同意接见由当地政府官员组成的代表团。剑桥国际The principal is available now. 现在校长可以接见你。译典通




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