

单词 拉斯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Admiralty Island〕A mountainous, heavily forested island of southeast Alaska in the Alexander Archipelago southwest of Juneau.阿德米勒尔蒂岛:亚历山大群岛中一多山且林木茂盛的岛屿,位于美国阿拉斯加州的东南部,朱诺西南部美国传统〔Adrastea〕The satellite of Jupiter that is third in distance from the planet.木卫十四,阿德拉斯蒂尔星:距离木星第三远的木星卫星美国传统〔Alaska Peninsula〕A peninsula of south-central to southwest Alaska. It is a continuation of the Aleutian Range between the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean.阿拉斯加半岛:从阿拉斯加中部偏南至西南部的半岛。该半岛是阿留申群岛在白令海和太平洋之间的延续美国传统〔Alaska〕An inlet of the Pacific Ocean between the Alaska Peninsula and Alexander Archipelago.阿拉斯加湾:阿拉斯加半岛和亚历山大群岛之间的太平洋入海口美国传统〔Atlantean〕Of, relating to, or like Atlas, especially in having a fundamental role or great strength.阿特拉斯的:阿特拉斯的,与阿特拉斯有关的,象阿特拉斯的,尤指有重要作用或巨大力量的美国传统〔BEHAVE〕Douglas was treated with much more respect after his promotion. 道格拉斯升职后更受人尊重。朗文写作活用〔CALM〕Everyone praised Douglas for the calm way in which he handled the situation. 道格拉斯冷静地处理这局面,得到了每个人的称赞。朗文写作活用〔CLAP〕Three cheers for the next Governor of Nebraska! 为内布拉斯加州下任州长欢呼三声!朗文写作活用〔FOREIGN〕Douglas often travelled overseas when he was in the army. 道格拉斯当兵时经常出国。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕His office looked out on the other skyscrapers of downtown Dallas. 从他的办公室向外望可看到达拉斯市中心的其他摩天大楼。朗文写作活用〔Hudibrastic〕Of or relating to a style of satirical or mock-heroic verse composed in rhymed iambic pentameter couplets.休迪布拉斯风格的:用五音步抑扬格压韵对句写成的讽刺诗或嘲弄英雄诗体风格的、或与这种风格有关的美国传统〔Iowa〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Iowa and southwest Minnesota, with present-day descendants in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.艾奥瓦人:美洲土著居民的一支,过去居住在衣阿华州的部分地区和明尼苏达州的西南,其后裔今天居住在内布拉斯加州,堪萨斯州,和俄克拉荷马州美国传统〔MISTAKE〕Sampras was playing badly, making a lot of mistakes. 桑普拉斯打得很糟,出现了大量失误。朗文写作活用〔Nebraskan〕Of or relating to Nebraska.内布拉斯加的:属于或关于内布拉斯加的美国传统〔POOR〕His photographs show vividly the lives of poverty-stricken families in the Gorbals area of Glasgow. 他的照片生动地表现了格拉斯哥的戈贝尔地区贫困家庭的生活。朗文写作活用〔Rastafarian〕An adherent of Rastafarianism.拉斯特法里主义的信仰者美国传统〔Rasta〕Rasta singer Pablo Moses.拉斯塔法里教的歌手巴勃罗·摩西柯林斯高阶〔Rasta〕The LP was called Rastas Never Die.这张大碟的名字是“拉斯塔法里永生”。柯林斯高阶〔Sr〕Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.老道格拉斯‧费尔班克斯朗文当代〔Tsimshian〕A Native American people inhabiting a coastal area of western British Columbia and extreme southeast Alaska.茨姆锡安人:一支美洲印第安人,居住在不列颠哥伦比亚省(加拿大)西部沿海地区和阿拉斯加东南端美国传统〔WITH/TOGETHER〕We called a meeting with Russco, our partners in the construction project. 我们和拉斯科公司召开了一次会议,他们是我们建筑项目的合伙人。朗文写作活用〔Willow〕A town of southern Alaska north of Anchorage. It has been proposed as a new state capital because of its central location.威洛:阿拉斯加州南部、安克雷奇以北的城镇。因位于中心位置曾被申请做新的州府美国传统〔Winnebago〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the Green Bay area of Wisconsin, with present-day populations in Wisconsin and Nebraska.温内贝戈人:原本居住在美国威斯康星州格林贝地区的美洲土著人,现在人口聚集在威斯康星州和内布拉斯加州美国传统〔Wollaston Lake〕A lake of northeast Saskatchewan, Canada, draining into the Churchill and Mackenzie river systems.沃拉斯顿湖:加拿大萨斯喀彻温省东北部湖泊,流入邱吉尔河和马更些河水系美国传统〔Yukon Time〕Alaska Standard Time.阿拉斯加标准时美国传统〔autopsy〕The body arrived for autopsy at the Dallas hospital.尸体被运到达拉斯医院进行解剖。剑桥高阶〔become〕In 1823 Honduras became a part of the United Provinces of Central America.1823年,洪都拉斯成为了中美洲联邦的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔bidarka〕A one- or two-hole kayak used by the Aleut and various Alaskan Eskimo groups.皮筏子,海豹皮小艇:一种阿留申人和阿拉斯加斯基摩人用的单穴或两穴的木舟美国传统〔big money〕Carter won big money in Vegas last year.卡特去年在拉斯韦加斯赢了大笔的钱。朗文当代〔branch〕Here the road branched, going one way east to Edoras, and the other north to the Fords of Isen.道路在这里分岔, 一条朝东通往伊多拉斯, 另一条向北通往伊森渡口。外研社新世纪〔c/o〕Sylvia Mendez, c/o Ann Smith, 12 Glastonbury Lane, Bickerton 比克顿格拉斯顿伯里巷12号安‧史密斯收,转交西尔维娅‧门德斯剑桥高阶〔cedar〕Any of several other evergreen coniferous trees or shrubs, such as the Alaska cedar, incense cedar, or red cedar.雪松科植物:一种常绿松柏科树木或灌木,如阿拉斯加雪松、香雪松或红雪松美国传统〔change〕At Glasgow I changed trains for Greenock.我在格拉斯哥改乘去格里诺克的火车。柯林斯高阶〔cheerleader〕She was a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys.她是达拉斯牛仔队的拉拉队队员。剑桥高阶〔chew out〕When Tom got back to Dallas, Perot called him over and chewed him out.汤姆回到达拉斯时,佩罗把他叫过去,骂了他一顿。柯林斯高阶〔collect〕She received a collect phone call from Alaska.她接到了一个从阿拉斯加打来的被叫方付费电话。外研社新世纪〔contiguous〕She's visited each of the 48 contiguous states in the U.S., but she hasn't been to Alaska or Hawaii yet.美国相互接壤的48个州她都去过,但还没有去过阿拉斯加和夏威夷。韦氏高阶〔control〕Our complaints were useless. The trust was in control.我们的诉苦是无用的,那家托拉斯操纵着一切。英汉大词典〔counter〕Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit.于是西尔斯提起反托拉斯诉讼进行反击。柯林斯高阶〔county seat〕Glasgow, the county seat of Barren County, Kentucky.格拉斯哥,肯塔基州巴伦县首府柯林斯高阶〔cousin〕The Alaskan brown bear is a close cousin of the grizzly bear.阿拉斯加棕熊是这种灰熊的近亲。朗文当代〔creature〕Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.阿拉斯加的爱斯基摩人相信每个生灵都拥有灵魂。外研社新世纪〔cue〕That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie.那表示尼古拉斯还想要一块巧克力曲奇。外研社新世纪〔defy〕Alaska's scenic grandeur almost defies description.阿拉斯加景色之壮丽几乎无法描绘。英汉大词典〔depute〕Glasgow's depute director of education格拉斯哥市教育局副局长外研社新世纪〔dreadlocks〕Long, thin braids or natural locks of hair densely radiating from the scalp, in a style popularized by Rastafarians.“骇人”长绺:长而细的发辫或天然发绺,从头顶密密披下来,是牙买加黑人拉斯特法里派成员流行的发式美国传统〔endear〕Their taste for gambling has endeared them to Las Vegas casino owners.他们因好赌而深受拉斯维加斯赌场老板的欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔end〕The famous Las Vegas Strip is about three miles from end to end.著名的拉斯维加斯大道全长约 3 英里。牛津搭配〔fetch〕I fell asleep on the train and fetched up in Glasgow.我在火车上睡着了,竟然到了格拉斯哥。朗文当代〔filibuster〕A group of senators plans to filibuster a measure that would permit drilling in Alaska.一群参议员计划通过发表长篇大论来阻挠一项允许在阿拉斯加州钻探石油的议案获得通过。柯林斯高阶〔flagship〕The firm has just opened a flagship store in Las Vegas.该公司刚在拉斯维加斯开了一家旗舰店。朗文当代〔fly〕We flew to Dallas.我们乘飞机去达拉斯美国传统〔graduate〕The boy graduated in crime from the slums of Glasgow.这男孩在格拉斯哥的贫民窟里逐渐堕落为罪犯。英汉大词典〔hail〕The band hail from Glasgow.乐团来自格拉斯哥。柯林斯高阶〔hell〕I got the hell out of Glasgow and I can honestly say I will never go back.我飞快地逃离了格拉斯哥,而且老实说我再也不会回去了。柯林斯高阶〔horde〕This attracts hordes of tourists to Las Vegas.这吸引了成群结队的游客到拉斯韦加斯来。柯林斯高阶〔horde〕This attracts hordes of tourists to Las Vegas.这把一大批游客吸引到了拉斯维加斯。外研社新世纪〔ice〕Nebraska iced Kentucky 55 to 16.内布拉斯加队以55比16的比分大胜肯塔基队。英汉大词典〔journeyman〕Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter, erratic in his previous fights.道格拉斯29岁,是个技术不错的拳击手,在以前的比赛中发挥不太稳定。柯林斯高阶〔jump〕Douglas made his first 10,000 foot parachute jump yesterday.昨天道格拉斯进行了他的首次一万英尺跳伞。朗文当代〔kill〕J.F.Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.1963 年 J‧F‧肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺身亡。朗文当代〔last〕Sampras reached the last four at Wimbledon.桑普拉斯杀入了温布尔登四强。柯林斯高阶〔lob〕Sampras lobbed the ball high over Chang's head.桑普拉斯将球挑过张的头顶。朗文当代〔luck〕She was going to try her luck at the Las Vegas casinos.她打算去拉斯韦加斯的赌场碰碰运气。柯林斯高阶〔mantle〕Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990.自从1990年荣获“欧洲文化之都”的光荣称号以来,格拉斯哥的魅力大增。柯林斯高阶〔medicine〕Giving Nicholas a taste of his own medicine, Johnson accused him of being ignorant.约翰逊对尼古拉斯以其人之道还治其人之身, 说他很无知。外研社新世纪〔meet〕This year's meet was held in Anchorage, Alaska.今年的运动会在阿拉斯加州的安克雷奇举行。牛津搭配〔mingle〕Alison mingled for a while and then went to where Douglas stood with John.艾莉森跟别人应酬了一会儿, 然后来到站在一起的道格拉斯和约翰身边。外研社新世纪〔misdirect〕Gallas misdirected his header goalwards.加拉斯错把头球顶向了球门。外研社新世纪〔monochrome〕Some Glasgow bands adorned their record sleeves with misty-eyed monochromes of the Finnieston crane.几个格拉斯哥乐队用菲尼斯顿起重机的朦胧黑白照片来装饰他们唱片的封套。外研社新世纪〔one-man〕He does a one-man show in Las Vegas.他在拉斯韦加斯表演独角戏。朗文当代〔paint〕He paints a vivid picture of what it was like to be a teenager in Glasgow at that time.他生动地描述了那个时期格拉斯哥青少年的生活。外研社新世纪〔pardon〕You could be pardoned for thinking that the sun never shines in Glasgow.你认为格拉斯哥从不出太阳, 这情有可原。外研社新世纪〔plea〕Mr Nicholas made his emotional plea for help in solving the killing.尼古拉斯先生恳请帮助以解决这起凶杀案。柯林斯高阶〔position〕Agassi and Sampras resumed their battle for the world's No. 1 position, both winning their opening matches.阿加西和桑普拉斯继续他们对世界第一宝座的争夺,两人在首场比赛中均获得胜利。柯林斯高阶〔project〕His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city.他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。外研社新世纪〔prospect〕The company is prospecting for gold in Alaska.那家公司正在阿拉斯加勘探金矿。朗文当代〔punt〕The Redskins punted. Dallas then marched 79 yards to seal the victory.红人队选择了弃踢,达拉斯队随即跑出79码从而锁定胜局。柯林斯高阶〔puzzled〕Harry was puzzled that Nicholas didn't seem to recognize him.尼古拉斯似乎没有认出自己,哈里感到不解。朗文当代〔reign〕Sampras reigned as the number one tennis player in the country.桑普拉斯作为头号网球选手一直称霸国内网坛。麦克米伦高阶〔save〕Casillas made some spectacular saves.卡西拉斯漂亮地救下了几个险球。牛津搭配〔scout〕He asked her to scout out job opportunities for him while she was in Dallas.他要她在达拉斯的时候替他找工作。麦克米伦高阶〔sign〕The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys.明尼苏达维京人队签下了来自达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。柯林斯高阶〔silently〕Douglas was noticeably silent about his feelings for his father.道格拉斯明显不愿提及自己对父亲的感情。柯林斯高阶〔siren〕Unable to resist the siren call of the cards, he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas.他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便提取了他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。柯林斯高阶〔switch off〕Glass parked the car and switched the engine off.格拉斯停好车, 熄了火。外研社新世纪〔transport〕The pipeline was constructed to transport oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.建设这条输油管道是为了使石油能够穿越阿拉斯加输送到沿海各港口。剑桥高阶〔tug-of-war〕Rustie Lee is caught in a tug-of-war between two television companies.拉斯蒂•李被卷入了两家电视公司的夺人大战中。外研社新世纪〔unimpeded〕We drove, unimpeded by anyone, to Arras.我们一路畅行至阿拉斯。柯林斯高阶〔way〕They flew from Los Angeles to Toronto by way of Chicago.他们途径芝加哥从拉斯维加斯飞到多伦多。剑桥高阶Eventually I put the map away, but the notion of going to Alaska lingered on. 我终于放下了地图,但是到阿拉斯加去的念头却挥之不去。译典通He was posing as a wealthy Las Vegas gambler who wanted lawmakers to legalize casinos in Arizona.他假装成一个富有的拉斯维加斯赌徒,要求立法者使亚利桑那州的赌场合法化。剑桥国际President Kennedy was shot as his motorcade drove through the streets of Dallas.肯尼迪总统在他的车队驶过达拉斯的街道时遇刺。剑桥国际Sampras broke Ivanisevic's serve in the second set.桑普拉斯在第二盘中破了伊凡尼塞维奇的发球得分。剑桥国际Strasbourg is on the border of France and Germany.斯特拉斯堡在法德边界上。剑桥国际The company has set up remote data centers in Dallas and Orlando.这家公司在达拉斯和奥兰多设立了远程数据中心。牛津商务The delicate goose-liver pǎté, pǎté de foie gras, was invented by Jean Pierre Clause in Strasbourg, France around 1778.美味的鹅肝酱馅饼,是让·皮埃尔·克劳斯1778年左右在法国的斯特拉斯泊格发明的。剑桥国际The opening ceremony had all the glitz and tackiness of a Las Vegas floor show.开幕式极尽拉斯维加斯夜总会娱乐表演的浮华俗套之能事。剑桥国际The town is/lies about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas.这个小镇位于拉斯维加斯西北方大约100英里处。剑桥国际When he was a young man he farmed 2500 acres of Nebraska prairie.他年轻的时候耕种了2 500英亩的内布拉斯加州大草原。剑桥国际




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