

单词 新手
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cycle〕cycled the heavily soiled laundry twice; cycling the recruits through eight weeks of basic training. 把那个肮脏无比的衣物洗两遍;通过八星期的基本训练使新手上岗美国传统〔flat-footed〕a clumsy, flat-footed new recruit 笨手笨脚的新手韦氏高阶〔fledg(e)ling〕a fledg(e)ling diplomat 外交新手英汉大词典〔fledgling〕a fledgling enterprise; a fledgling skier. 新学徒;滑雪新手美国传统〔freshman〕a freshman football player 足球新手剑桥高阶〔fresh〕a fresh hand 新手英汉大词典〔in-between〕be good for the novice, the expert or the in-between 对新手,对专家,或对介于两者之间的人都适合英汉大词典〔inexperienced〕an inexperienced recruit.没经验的新手。牛津同义词〔neophyte〕a neophyte journalist 新手记者韦氏高阶〔neophyte〕a neophyte on computers 电脑新手韦氏高阶〔newbie〕one of the hardest aspects of the Internet for users, especially the so-called 'newbies'因特网用户, 特别是网上新手遇到的最困难的问题之一外研社新世纪〔new〕new at the job; new to the trials of parenthood. 新手;初为人父母美国传统〔new〕new kid on the block informal (=the newest person in a job, school etc) 新手; 新生朗文当代〔novice〕a novice carpenter 木工新手英汉大词典〔novice〕a novice in cooking who had never prepared a meal 没有烧过一顿饭的烹饪新手英汉大词典〔platoon〕platoon two rookies in right field 在右外场轮换使用两名新手英汉大词典〔port〕how to port your number to a new mobile phone 如何携号使用新手机牛津高阶〔promising〕a promising newcomer.有指望的新手。牛津同义词〔proverbial〕the proverbial beginner's luck 人们常说的新手的好运韦氏高阶〔rank〕a rank beginner 差劲的新手文馨英汉〔raw〕a raw beginner 没有经验的新手牛津高阶〔raw〕a raw recruit.没有经验的新手。牛津同义词〔raw〕replacing experienced men with raw recruits. 用新手替代有经验的人柯林斯高阶〔rookie〕a police rookie 警察新手 英汉大词典〔rookie〕a rookie police officer 警察新手麦克米伦高阶〔rookie〕an experienced policeman whose partner is a rookie 与新手搭档的老练的警察韦氏高阶〔rookie〕rookie cops 警察新手朗文当代〔take〕a wrestler who took on all comers. 一个接受所有新手挑战的摔跤运动员美国传统〔tell〕could easily tell that she was a newcomer. 能容易地辨别出她是一名新手美国传统〔tenderfoot〕a political tenderfoot 政坛新手韦氏高阶〔trailblazing〕trailblazing research; a trailblazing new technique. 开拓性研究;一种开创性新手法美国传统〔tyro〕a tyro in foreign affairs 外交事务上的新手英汉大词典〔tyro〕a tyro journalist. 新手记者柯林斯高阶〔upstart〕a young upstart from Harvard who thinks he knows more than the boss 毕业于哈佛自认为比老板还见多识广的年轻新手韦氏高阶〔useful〕information which will be useful to new mothers 会对新手妈妈有帮助的信息牛津搭配〔virgin〕a political virgin 政坛新手韦氏高阶〔virgin〕an Internet virgin 网络新手牛津高阶〔young〕a young hand at angling 钓鱼的新手英汉大词典〔young〕a young hand at plowing. 犁田的新手美国传统〔youthful〕a youthful dancer 舞蹈新手英汉大词典




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