

单词 打碎了
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕A few of the cups got broken while we were moving house. 我们搬家时有几只杯子被打碎了。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕I broke one of her platters once, and I swear she's never forgiven me. 我有一次打碎了她的一个大浅盘,我敢说她到现在还没有原谅我。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕I cracked one of the wine glasses when I was washing it. 我在洗酒杯时打碎了一只。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕If you break it you'll have to pay for it out of your allowance. 如果你打碎了它,你得用你的津贴来赔偿。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕She dropped a plate and it broke. 她不小心把盘子掉到地上打碎了。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The ball hit him in the face and bust his glasses. 球击到他脸上,打碎了他的眼镜。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The bullet shattered a bone in her left forearm. 子弹将她左前臂的一根骨头打碎了。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The glass had shattered, but the photograph itself was undamaged. 玻璃被打碎了,但照片没被损坏。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕His jaw was broken while he tried to wrestle with a drunken bus driver. 他和一个喝醉酒的公共汽车司机扭打纠缠时,下巴骨被打碎了。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The whole stack fell over, and half the plates got broken. 整叠盘子都倒在地上,有一半被打碎了。朗文写作活用〔Things could be worse〕He broke the vase but what is worse, he lied to me about it.他打碎了花瓶,但更糟的是这事他还跟我撒了谎。韦氏高阶〔apologetic〕I hope he was suitably apologetic for breaking your glasses.他打碎了你的眼镜,我希望他适当地道过歉了。剑桥高阶〔argument〕I broke the vase during an argument with my husband.我在和丈夫的一次争吵中打碎了花瓶。朗文当代〔bang〕She banged the vase and broke it.她粗手笨脚地摆弄花瓶,结果把它打碎了。21世纪英汉〔bang〕The movers banged the mirror and broke it.搬运工粗手重脚地搬镜子,结果把它打碎了。英汉大词典〔batter to〕She battered the vase to pieces.她把花瓶打碎了。21世纪英汉〔bit〕The ball hit the window and smashed it to bits.球击中窗户,把窗玻璃打碎了。韦氏高阶〔blame〕My brother broke the window, but I got the blame.哥哥打碎了窗玻璃,挨骂的人却是我。牛津搭配〔break〕She broke the cup when she dropped it on the floor.她把杯子掉在地上打碎了。韦氏高阶〔break〕She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.她把盘子掉在地上打碎了。牛津高阶〔break〕Vandals had smashed two windows.故意破坏公物者打碎了两扇窗户。牛津高阶〔carry〕Thieves broke the shop window and carried off (= removed) jewellery worth thousands of pounds.小偷打碎了商店的橱窗,拿走了价值几千英镑的珠宝。剑桥高阶〔chaotically〕Everything breakable had been broken and scattered chaotically about the room.房间里一切能打碎的东西都被打碎了, 一片狼藉。外研社新世纪〔chaotic〕Everything breakable had been broken and scattered chaotically about the room.房间里能打碎的东西都打碎了,一片狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕After breaking the window the children cut and ran.孩子们打碎了窗玻璃后撒腿就跑。英汉大词典〔dang〕Dang, I broke the glass! 该死,我把玻璃打碎了!剑桥高阶〔dear〕Oh dear, I've broken the lamp.天啊,我把灯打碎了。朗文当代〔dust〕I broke the vase while I was dusting.我擦灰尘时将花瓶打碎了。牛津高阶〔fall〕Some of the older boys fell on him and broke his glasses.一些大一点的男孩子突然向他袭来,打碎了他的眼镜。朗文当代〔forget〕A: I'm sorry I broke your teapot. B: Forget it.甲:对不起,我打碎了你的茶壶。乙:不必在意。英汉大词典〔get〕The vase got broken.花瓶打碎了。外研社新世纪〔glance〕The bullet had crushed his helmet and glanced off.子弹打碎了他的头盔,弹了开去。朗文当代〔glass〕He broke the glass.他打碎了玻璃。韦氏高阶〔go and...〕Mike's really gone and done it now - he'll be in terrible trouble for breaking that window.迈克居然把窗户玻璃给打碎了——他得吃不了兜着走了。剑桥高阶〔guess〕So it was Rob who broke the window? I might have guessed! 这么说是罗布打碎了窗玻璃?我早就应该猜到的!牛津搭配〔heart〕I didn't have the heart to tell her that her beautiful vase was broken.我不忍心告诉她那只漂亮的花瓶打碎了。朗文当代〔horse around〕He was horsing around in the kitchen and broke my favourite bowl.他在厨房里胡闹,打碎了我最喜欢的碗。剑桥高阶〔horseplay〕The lamp got broken when the kids were engaging in a little horseplay.孩子们在玩闹时打碎了那盏灯。韦氏高阶〔in the doghouse〕I'm in the doghouse - I broke Sara's favourite vase this morning.我惹麻烦了——今天早晨我把萨拉最喜爱的花瓶给打碎了。剑桥高阶〔kerfuffle〕Her glasses were broken in the kerfuffle.混乱之中她的眼镜打碎了。剑桥高阶〔kneecap〕He was kneecapped by a terrorist group.他被一个恐怖组织打碎了膝盖骨。外研社新世纪〔knock against〕I knocked the cup against the table and broke it.我把杯子碰到桌子上打碎了。21世纪英汉〔knock〕I carelessly knocked the vase against the wall and broke it.我不小心把花瓶碰在墙上打碎了。英汉大词典〔lay〕She laid me out for breaking the vase.因为打碎了花瓶,她痛骂我一顿美国传统〔lick up〕I broke an egg on the floor but the cat licked it up.我掉了一个鸡蛋在地板上, 打碎了, 不过猫把它舔干净了。外研社新世纪〔mind〕Have you broken it? Never mind, we can buy another one.你把它打碎了?没关系,我们可以再买一个。牛津高阶〔misalign〕I had broken the glass of my watch and misaligned the hands.我打碎了手表的玻璃面,弄得长短针都错位了。英汉大词典〔mob〕The angry mob smashed store windows and attacked people on the streets.愤怒的暴民打碎了商店的橱窗并攻击街上的行人。韦氏高阶〔move〕I broke a vase on my last move.我上次搬家时打碎了一个花瓶。英汉大词典〔nail ... down〕The police broke up the window nailed down and rescued the boy from the fire.警察打碎了用钉子钉死的窗子,救出了大火中的男孩。21世纪英汉〔neutralization〕The intruder smashed a window to get in and then neutralized the alarm system.闯入者打碎了一扇窗户进来,然后破坏了警报系统。柯林斯高阶〔nick〕He dropped a bottle in the kitchen and nicked himself on broken glass.他在厨房不小心打碎了一个瓶子,被碎玻璃片划伤了。柯林斯高阶〔oaf〕You clumsy oaf! You broke it! 你这个笨手笨脚的蠢货!你把它打碎了!剑桥高阶〔oh〕Oh no, I've broken it! 哎哟,我把它给打碎了!牛津高阶〔own〕I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.我还在等着有人承认把东西打碎了。牛津高阶〔pane〕The burglars got in by breaking a pane of glass in a door.窃贼是打碎了门上的一块玻璃进了屋的。牛津搭配〔put〕The vase broke, but I managed to put it together again.花瓶打碎了,但我想办法把它重新拼了起来。英汉大词典〔remaining〕Today's defeat has killed any remaining hopes of them reaching the final.今天比赛的失利打碎了他们进入决赛的残存希望。麦克米伦高阶〔retreat〕The boys beat a hasty retreat after breaking the window panes.那些男孩打碎了窗玻璃就赶紧溜之大吉。英汉大词典〔scold〕His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase.母亲因为他打碎了她最心爱的花瓶而责骂他。剑桥高阶〔shatter〕One bullet shattered his skull.一颗子弹打碎了他的头颅。外研社新世纪〔shatter〕One of his knees had been shattered by a bullet.他的一个膝盖被子弹打碎了。麦克米伦高阶〔shit〕Shit - the damn thing's broken! 妈的——这该死的东西打碎了!剑桥高阶〔shout〕Dad really shouted at me when I broke the window.我打碎了窗户后,父亲冲我大吼大叫。剑桥高阶〔shrug〕When asked about who had broken the old vase,he only shrugged his shoulders.当别人问起谁打碎了那只古花瓶,他只是耸了耸肩。21世纪英汉〔smash〕Several windows had been smashed.几扇窗户劈里啪啦打碎了。牛津高阶〔smash〕Someone smashed a bottle.有人打碎了一个瓶子。外研社新世纪〔smash〕The ball smashed a window.球打碎了一扇窗。英汉大词典〔smash〕The egg smashed.蛋啪地打碎了。英汉大词典〔smash〕The plate hit the floor with a smash.盘子哗啦一声掉在地板上打碎了。牛津搭配〔smash〕Vandals had smashed all the windows.破坏分子打碎了所有的窗子。朗文当代〔splinter〕I don't know who has splintered the plates?我不知道是谁把盘子都给打碎了?21世纪英汉〔spur on〕He was spurred on to break my window.他受人唆使打碎了我的窗子。21世纪英汉〔squelch〕The door was squelched by him.屋门被他打碎了。21世纪英汉〔stop〕He broke two plates before I could stop him.我还没来得及阻止他, 他已经打碎了两个盘子。外研社新世纪〔that〕It was Tom that broke the window.是汤姆把玻璃打碎了。21世纪英汉〔there〕There, you've gone and broken it! 瞧,你一去就把它打碎了!韦氏高阶〔thug〕Some thugs smashed his windows.几个恶棍打碎了他的窗户。剑桥高阶〔to〕He broke it, greatly to my annoyance.他把它打碎了,使我十分恼火。英汉大词典〔trash〕The thugs trashed many store windows.暴徒们打碎了许多商店的橱窗。21世纪英汉〔turkey〕When the son broke the window, the father talked turkey to him.儿子把窗子打碎了,父亲板起脸跟他谈话。英汉大词典〔window〕He accidentally broke a window.他不小心打碎了一扇窗玻璃。韦氏高阶A statue fell, and shivered on the stones. 一尊塑像倒下,砸在石头上打碎了。译典通Dad really shouted at me when I broke the window.当我打碎了窗户,父亲真的冲我吼了。剑桥国际Don't do it that way! Shit, now you've broken it! 别那么干!该死,现在你把它打碎了!剑桥国际Everyone rushed outside and in the kerfuffle her glasses were broken.大家都往外冲,混乱中她的眼镜打碎了。剑桥国际His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase.他母亲因为他打碎了她那只心爱的花瓶而骂他。剑桥国际I'm sorry I broke the glass -- I didn't do it on purpose.我很抱歉打碎了玻璃杯----我不是故意的。剑桥国际I've broken the wife's favourite vase, and now I'm really in the doghouse.我把妻子最喜欢的花瓶打碎了,现在我真是要看她的白眼了。剑桥国际My son smashed the dining-room window with a cricket ball.我儿子用板球打碎了餐厅的窗户。剑桥国际One of the windowpanes in the dining-room is broken.餐厅里的一块窗玻璃打碎了。剑桥国际Some thugs smashed his windows.几个恶棍打碎了他的窗子。剑桥国际That rascal broke the window of my car. 那个无赖把我的车窗玻璃打碎了。译典通That wretch has broken my car window. 那个坏蛋把我的车窗打碎了。译典通The car window was smashed by the thief with a baseball bat.汽车窗户被小偷用一根棒球球棒打碎了。剑桥国际The impact of the stone against the windowpane shattered the glass. 石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。译典通The marauders burst into the camp, shooting into houses, hurling stones and smashing car windows.强盗闯入营地,向屋内开枪射击,投掷石块,并打碎了汽车玻璃。剑桥国际Thieves broke the shop window and carried off (=removed) jewellery worth thousands of pounds.小偷们打碎了橱窗玻璃,拿走了价值几千英镑的珠宝。剑桥国际Which of you broke the window--cough up (=say who it was).你们谁打碎了玻璃----说出来。剑桥国际You clumsy oaf! You've broken it! 你这个笨手笨脚的蠢货!你把它打碎了!剑桥国际




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