

单词 分销
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕It is our intention to become the number one distributor of health products in the UK. 我们计划成为英国最大的保健产品分销商。朗文写作活用〔PART〕A high percentage of the coffee they produce goes to the US. 他们生产的咖啡大部分销往美国。朗文写作活用〔challenge〕The next major challenge for the company is to improve its distribution capabilities.公司的下一个重大挑战就是提高其分销能力。韦氏高阶〔channel〕All the company's sales are channelled through outside distributors.公司的所有产品都是通过外部的分销商销售出去的。麦克米伦高阶〔distribute over〕The company distributed their goods throughout the world.公司把他们的商品分销到全世界。21世纪英汉〔distribute〕One million copies of the CD were distributed to stores.一百万张CD已经分销到各店面了。韦氏高阶〔distribute〕We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.我们不了解分销一份全国发行的报纸有多难。柯林斯高阶〔distribution〕He was arrested on drug distribution charges.他被指犯分销毒品罪而遭逮捕。牛津高阶〔distribution〕She was responsible for product distribution.她负责产品分销。韦氏高阶〔distribution〕The Internet is our distribution platform now.现在因特网是我们的分销平台。牛津搭配〔distribution〕The company acquired U.S. distribution rights.这家公司取得了美国分销权。韦氏高阶〔distribution〕The company has decided to use Chennai as its distribution base.公司决定把金奈作为分销基地。牛津搭配〔distribution〕The company has distribution operations in 33 countries worldwide.公司在全世界 33 个国家有分销业务。牛津搭配〔distribution〕The company wants to invest in new distribution facilities.公司想要在新的分销设施上投资。牛津搭配〔distribution〕There are savings to be made by bypassing retailers in the chain of distribution.在分销链中绕过零售商可以省钱。牛津搭配〔distributor〕Bulmer is the UK distributor for Perrier and the Jamaican lager Red Stripe.布尔默公司是巴黎水和牙买加红带拉格啤酒的英国分销商。柯林斯高阶〔distributor〕Japan's largest software distributor 日本最大的软件分销公司牛津高阶〔distributor〕Spain's largest distributor of petroleum products.西班牙最大的石油产品分销商柯林斯高阶〔distributor〕Spain's largest distributor of petroleum products西班牙最大的石油产品分销商外研社新世纪〔inefficiency〕The inefficiency of the distribution system has led to the loss of millions of tons of food.分销系统的低效已经造成数百万吨食品的损失。外研社新世纪〔information〕The Internet allows us to share information with our distributors.因特网使我们能够与分销商共享信息。牛津搭配〔jury〕He was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of distributing illegal steroids.他被指分销非法类固醇药品,被联邦大陪审团起诉。牛津搭配〔mom-and-pop〕So we know that there will be fewer distributors. Many moms-and-pops will die.由此我们知道分销商的数量将会减少,许多夫妻老婆店将随之消失。英汉大词典〔monopoly〕Newsagents currently have a monopoly over the distribution system.当前, 报刊经销商拥有分销体系的垄断权。外研社新世纪〔network〕The newspapers are sent out via a national distribution network.报纸由全国分销网发送出去。牛津搭配〔network〕We could reduce our costs by developing a more efficient distribution network.我们可以通过发展更为高效的分销系统来降低成本。剑桥高阶〔ready〕The cocaine was ready for distribution.那些可卡因已经准备好进行分销了。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕Reducing or missing a distribution payment can sink the price of fund units.降低或取消分销费用会导致基金单价下跌。外研社新世纪〔vice ring〕It's thought that the pornographic films are being distributed by an international vice ring.据认为那些色情电影是由一个国际犯罪团伙分销出去的。剑桥高阶Barges ferry the gas and heating oil to regional distributors.驳船将天然气和燃油运送到地区分销商手中。牛津商务By supplying direct we cut out an entire level of the distribution chain.通过直接供应我们取消了整个的分销链。牛津商务European distribution is handled from our centre in the Netherlands.在欧洲的分销是由我们设在荷兰的中心进行的。牛津商务Improvements to our distribution network allow us to maintain a better balance between supply and demand.分销网络的改进使我们能更好地保持供求平衡。牛津商务Manufacturing and distribution is our largest cost centre.制造及分销是我们最大的成本中心。牛津商务Networked companies manage a network of contract suppliers, manufacturers and distributors in order to deliver their products.网络化的公司管理着一个由合约供应商、制造商和分销商组成的网络,以便交付其产品。牛津商务Our distribution system is in need of a major overhaul.我们的分销系统需要重大改革。牛津商务Supply chain management has four main subdivisions—logistics, purchasing, manufacturing and distribution.供应链管理有四个主要部分 ── 物流、采购、制造和分销。牛津商务The Internet is a new distribution channel for us.互联网对我们来讲是一种新的分销渠道。牛津商务The company is shifting its focus from manufacturing to distribution.公司正将其重心从制造转向分销。牛津商务The company moved one step closer to vertical integration after acquiring its distributors.在收购其分销商之后,这家公司向垂直整合更近了一步。牛津商务The company multiplied its outlets from 20 to 120.这家公司将其分销店的数量从 20 家增至 120 家。牛津商务The distributor is not obliged to pay for the goods if they don't sell them.分销商不必为未出售的货物支付货款。牛津商务The physical distribution of products has two primary aspects: transportation and storage.产品分销包含两个基本方面:运输和仓贮。牛津商务The product doesn't have general retail distribution.这一产品没有全面的零售分销渠道。牛津商务They tried to expand beyond their distribution capabilities and ran into problems.他们试图超越本身分销的能力进行扩张,结果陷入了困境。牛津商务We distribute worldwide.我们在全球进行分销。牛津商务We established excellent distribution networks in our home state of North Carolina. 我们在设立本部的北卡罗来纳州建立了优秀的分销网路。牛津商务We have been experiencing frequent stock-outs in our distribution network.我们的分销网络经常出现商品脱销的情况。牛津商务We have implemented the software across our distribution network.我们已在分销网络内使用这种软件。牛津商务We have secured exclusive distribution rights for the product in the UK.我们取得了这个产品在英国的独家分销权。牛津商务




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