

单词 所涉
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ethic〕the ethics of filming people without their permission 在未征得同意的情况下拍摄他人所涉及的伦理问题麦克米伦高阶〔finger〕the fashion designer who has a finger in every pie from perfume to lingerie从香水到女式内衣的每个领域都有所涉猎的时装设计师外研社新世纪〔insignificance〕the insignificance of the sum involved 所涉及数量的微不足道文馨英汉〔insignificance〕the insignificance of the sum involved 所涉数额的微不足道英汉大词典〔logistics〕the day-to-day logistics involved with mining 采矿所涉及的日常后勤工作朗文当代〔multifaceted〕the multifaceted problems of foreign policy 外交政策所涉及的多方面问题英汉大词典〔overview〕an overview of the issues involved 对所涉及问题的概述朗文当代〔scope〕the scope of a novel. 小说所涉及的范围柯林斯高阶〔understanding〕an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved 对所涉机制的更多了解牛津搭配the processes involved in taking and fulfilling orders over the Web 网上接受和执行订单所涉及的工序牛津商务




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